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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
ePubSink""em all - Submarine Warfare in the Pacific (1951) 0Dramasubmarines1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
ePubBattle Submerged - Submarine Fighters of World War II (1951) novel 0submarines1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
ePubThe Diary of U-Boat Commander 0Documentarysubmarines1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
ePubDer Feind im Schatten - Henning Mankell (2010) 0Crimesubmarines1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
ePubReeman, Douglas - The Deep Silence (novel) 0Adventuresubmarines1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
ePubReeman, Douglas - Go in and Sink! (novel) 0Adventuresubmarines1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
ePubReeman, Douglas - Dive in the Sun (novel) 0Adventuresubmarines1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PDFComputer Idee 19-2024 (digitaal menu klik en lees) 28ComputerRobela6 months, 3 weeks29.06 MBNZB
PDF!Computer Idee 19-2024 (digitaal menu klik en lees) 47Computer!Robela6 months, 4 weeks29.06 MBNZB
PDF!Computer Idee 19-2024 (digitaal menu klik en lees) 3Computer!Robela6 months, 4 weeks29.06 MBNZB
PDF1Computer idee 16-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 57ComputerRobela8 months, 1 week54.98 MBNZB
PDF!Computeridee 16-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 2Computer!Robela8 months, 1 week54.98 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 15-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 56ComputerRobela8 months, 3 weeks42.01 MBNZB
PDFComputer Totaal 0708-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 39ComputerRobela9 months, 3 days33.32 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 14-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 56ComputerRobela9 months, 1 week30.03 MBNZB
PDFZOOM,NL 06-07-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 23ComputerRobela9 months, 1 week139.05 MBNZB
PDFTips & Trucs 07-08-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 65ComputerRobela9 months, 1 week43.15 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 13-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 53ComputerRobela9 months, 2 weeks48.6 MBNZB
PDF1Tips & Trucs 06-2024 (gigitaal menu) klik en lees 70ComputerRobela9 months, 3 weeks34.18 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 12-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 50ComputerRobela10 months, 4 days24.02 MBNZB
PDFComputer Totaal 06-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 13ComputerRobela10 months, 6 days38.73 MBNZB
PDFZoom.NL (digitaal menu) klik en lees 39ComputerRobela10 months, 3 weeks99.01 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 11-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 85ComputerRobela10 months, 3 weeks46.09 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee Jaargang 2023 Menu 70ComputerRobela10 months, 4 weeks1.11 GBNZB
PDFTips en Trucs 05 2024 (digitaal menu) 61ComputerRobela11 months, 1 day26.64 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 10-2024 (digitaal menu) klik en lees 60ComputerRobela11 months, 1 day21.78 MBNZB
PDFComputer Totaal 05-2024 (digitaal menu) 52ComputerRobela11 months, 1 week37.45 MBNZB
PDFComputer idee 09-2024 (digitaal menu) 70ComputerRobela11 months, 2 weeks40.22 MBNZB
PDFComputer idee 07-2024 (digitaal index) 45ComputerRobela1 year, 1 week52.39 MBNZB
PDFComputer Totaal 04-2024 (digitaal index) 63ComputerRobela1 year, 2 weeks34.36 MBNZB
PDFComputer idee 06-2024 (digitaal index) 66ComputerRobela1 year, 3 weeks29.42 MBNZB
PDFZoom.NL 03-2024 (digitaal Index) 30ComputerRobela1 year, 1 month102.31 MBNZB
PDFTips & Trucs 03-2024 ( digitaal index ) 55ComputerRobela1 year, 1 month38.79 MBNZB
PDFComputer idee 05-2024 (digitaal index) 72ComputerRobela1 year, 1 month106.97 MBNZB
PDFComputer ToTaal 3-2024 ( Digitaal Index ) 45ComputerRobela1 year, 2 months44.68 MBNZB
PDFComputer idee 4-2024 (digitaal index) 46ComputerRobela1 year, 2 months33.93 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 03-2024 (digitaal Index) 75ComputerRobela1 year, 2 months52.43 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 03-2024 (digitaal Index) 28ComputerRobela1 year, 2 months52.43 MBNZB
PDF1ComputerIdee 2-2024 (digitaal index) 68ComputerRobela1 year, 3 months39.24 MBNZB
PDFComputerbladen.nl 1-2024 (digitaal index) 104ComputerRobela1 year, 3 months587.1 MBNZB
PDFFaqman Jaargang 2023 - Computeridee 1-2024 (digitaal index) 53ComputerRobela1 year, 3 months71.39 MBNZB
PDFComputer bladen jaargang 2023 (digitaal index) 24ComputerRobela1 year, 3 months2.53 GBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 26 2023 (digitaal menu) 2ComputerRobela1 year, 3 months26.75 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 25-2023 (digitaal menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 4 months54.73 MBNZB
PDFTips - Trucks 12-2023 (digitaal menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 4 months38.51 MBNZB
PDF3Computer Totaal 12-2023 (digitaal menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 4 months28.6 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 24-2023 (digitaal menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 4 months26.22 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 23-2023 (digitaal menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 5 months46.69 MBNZB
PDFTips Trucs 11-2023 0ComputerRobela1 year, 5 months32.8 MBNZB
PDFComputer Totaal 11-2023 (digitaal menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 5 months37.96 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 22-2023 (digitaal menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 5 months27.18 MBNZB
PDFZOOM.NL (Digitaal menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 5 months118.57 MBNZB
PDFComputer Idee 21-2023 (digitaal menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 5 months44.62 MBNZB
PDFComputer Totaal 10-2023 (digitaal menu) 1ComputerRobela1 year, 6 months30.87 MBNZB
PDFTips&Trucs 10-2023 (Digitaal Menu) 1ComputerRobela1 year, 6 months44.69 MBNZB
PDFComputeridee 20-2023 (Digitaal Menu) 2ComputerRobela1 year, 6 months24.99 MBNZB
PDFZOOM.nl 08-2023 ( Digitaal Menu ) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 7 months61.19 MBNZB
PDFComputerIdee 19-2023 (digitaal menu) 1ComputerRobela1 year, 7 months49.37 MBNZB
PDFPowerUnlimited Juni 2019 tm 2022 0ComputerRobela1 year, 7 months3.26 GBNZB
PDFPowerUnlimited 0809-2023 Augustus & September 0ComputerRobela1 year, 7 months89.26 MBNZB
PDF1Computer Idee 18-2023 (Digitaal Menu) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 7 months27.91 MBNZB
PDFComputerTotaal 09 - 2023 ( Digitaal Menu ) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 8 months31.6 MBNZB
PDFComputeridee 17-2023 ( Digitaalmenu ) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 8 months52.05 MBNZB
PDFTips&Trucs 9 - 2023 ( gedigitaliseerd menu ) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 8 months35 MBNZB
PDFPowerUnlimited 7-2023 ( Digitaal Menu ) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 8 months59.94 MBNZB
PDFComputeridee 16-2023 ( Gedigitaliseerd Menu ) 0ComputerRobela1 year, 8 months25.61 MBNZB
ePub2De Nedergrim Collectie Alle 3 boeken van de Scrijver van Grijze Jager en broederband 0Adventurenoobees20204 years, 5 months2.88 MBNZB
ePubBroederband Alle 8 Boeken *REPOST 0Adventurenoobees20204 years, 5 months14.49 MBNZB
ePubGrijze jager Complete Collectie 0Adventurenoobees20204 years, 5 months18.24 MBNZB
ePubBroederband 8, Brief voor de koning (netflix Boek) 0Adventurenoobees20204 years, 5 months15.72 MBNZB
PDFWHO THE FUCK IS Frans van Es (Marineduiker, ongecensureerd) 0Adventureroli5 years, 9 months742 KBNZB
ePubJames A. Michener - Verhalen van de Stille Zuidzee 0WarBooker8 years, 8 months437 KBNZB
ePubJames Corey - Engelstalig (The Expanse Series zonder 0.5) 0FantasyHowdy9 years, 1 month8.91 MBNZB
ePubLian Hearn - Engelstalig 0FantasyHowdy9 years, 1 month2.17 MBNZB
ePubChris d'Lacey diversen- Engelstalig 0FantasyHowdy9 years, 1 month21.59 MBNZB
ePubSteven Savile 0FantasyHowdy9 years, 1 month12.37 MBNZB
ePubFranklin W. Dixon - Hardy Boys series 0CrimeHowdy9 years, 1 month60.54 MBNZB
ePubDavid Gemmel Nederlands 0FantasyHowdy9 years, 1 month7.07 MBNZB
ePubDavid Gemmell 0FantasyHowdy9 years, 1 month18.06 MBNZB
ePub5Vince Flynn 0AdventureHowdy9 years, 1 month8.54 MBNZB
ePubCarol Berg 0FantasyHowdy9 years, 1 month8.25 MBNZB
ePubHobbydols nr 1 t/m 159 in PDF-formaat 0HobbyKoeterwaals9 years, 2 months2.93 GBNZB
ePubBeau Monde - 2014 - 05 0Magazineboeken1 decade, 10 months112.22 MBNZB
ePubCosmopolitan Nederland - 2014 - 04 0Magazineboeken1 decade, 10 months125.91 MBNZB
ePubHitkrant - 2014 - 17 0Magazineboeken1 decade, 10 months316.24 MBNZB
ePubAutoWeek - 2014 - 15 0Magazineboeken1 decade, 10 months55.96 MBNZB
ePubViva week 16 0Magazineboeken1 decade, 10 months57.37 MBNZB
ePubQuote - 2014 - 04 0Magazineboeken1 decade, 10 months143.12 MBNZB
ePub2Bert Wagendorp - Ventoux 0RomanUniversalSpots1 decade, 1 year121 BytesNZB
ePubJohn Gordon-Davis - De Jagers 0AdventureKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years1.27 MBNZB
ePubMark Haddon - Het Rode Huis 0RomanKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years520 KBNZB
ePubDolnick, Edward - De Vervalser (verbeterd) 0True storyVanMeegeren1 decade, 2 years710 KBNZB
ePubE.W. Hornung - Raffles, De Amateur-Inbreker 0CrimeKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years654 KBNZB
ePubSpiritueel pakketje van internet 0MysteryOpoe1 decade, 2 years1.87 MBNZB
ePubSpiritueel pakketje 0MysteryOpoe1 decade, 2 years1.14 GBNZB
ePub1Oorlogsbrieven generzijds 0ReligionOpoe1 decade, 2 years32.8 MBNZB
ePubBrieven van generzijds 0ReligionOpoe1 decade, 2 years32.1 MBNZB
ePubDonald Duck - In Fleurich Frysk Blêd 0ComicbookKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years19.97 MBNZB
ePubMax Tailleur - Met Een Mop De Wereld Rond 0FantasyKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years4.26 MBNZB
ePubMax Tailleur - Met Een Mop De Wereld Rond 0Koeterwaals1 decade, 2 years4.26 MBNZB
ePubPeter Simons - Op safari 0AdventureKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years1.18 MBNZB
ePubJ.T. Gorman - In De Oerwouden Van Birma 0AdventureKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years1.36 MBNZB
ePubDefoe, Daniel & Hoorn, Henri Van - Robinson Crusoë 0AdventureKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years599 KBNZB
ePubLeon Benedikt - Lancelot (Topaas-reeks) 0AdventureKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years1.27 MBNZB
ePubJoop Termos - Interpol: misdaad kent geen grenzen 0AdventureKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years603 KBNZB
ePubJoop Termos - Robin Hood 0AdventureKoeterwaals1 decade, 2 years1.26 MBNZB
ePubEbook Collectie 18000+ English 0Adventurebethazor1 decade, 3 years14.93 GBNZB
MP3Haar Naam Was Sarah ( Luisterboek. nl ) 0DutchRobela1 decade, 3 years371.48 MBNZB
ePubOude TV schema boek van de muiderkring 0DocumentaryRonRadar1 decade, 3 years1.68 GBNZB
ePub1Vrijheid Jonathan Franzen 0Dramaboekenwurm1 decade, 4 years868 KBNZB
ePubDe Vertaalster 0boekenwurm1 decade, 4 years182 KBNZB
DVD5U-Boat 864 - The Last Hope (2011/2013) Am ende die hoffnung (NL.subs) 0DramadeNordics1 decade, 1 year4.4 GBNZB
ePubGwendoline And The Submarine Complot (2000) 0Comicbookslavinnetje1 decade, 3 years17.65 MBNZB
ePubFächer Loos! U 172 im Einsatz (1994) 0Warsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years28.89 MBNZB
ePubB-396, Project 641B Diesel-Electric Submarine (NATO - Tango Class) Walk Around (2011) 0Historysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years76.49 MBNZB
ePubShips, Aircraft, and Weapons of the United States Navy (1984) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years45.35 MBNZB
x264HDNational Geographic Secret Weapon of the Confederacy (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years2.57 GBNZB
DivXNational Geographic Secret Weapon of the Confederacy (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years794.25 MBNZB
DivXRoyal Navy Submarine Mission S01E03 (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years396.49 MBNZB
MP3The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) - Soundtrack 0Soundtrackssubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years296.06 MBNZB
DivXRoyal Navy Submarine Mission S01E02 (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years405.25 MBNZB
MP3Victory And Honor- W.E.B. Griffin (2011 audiobook & 3 ebook formats) 0Diversesubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years611.53 MBNZB
WINSub Culture (A.K.A. Dive) (1997) (Working 3DFX Glide) WinAll 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years493.29 MBNZB
DivXThe Abyss (1989) Theatrical Cut 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.54 GBNZB
DivXRoyal Navy Submarine Mission S01E01 (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years397.16 MBNZB
ePub1100 Years of Royal Australian Navy 1911-2011 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years146.95 MBNZB
ePubB-427 Project 641 Walk Around (submarine pics 2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years207.59 MBNZB
DivXZDF-History - Tödliche Rache?- Atom-U-Boote im Gefecht (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years392.48 MBNZB
DivXTitanic - Antworten aus der Tiefe (2006) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.3 GBNZB
DivXHistory Channel - The Secrets of the Kursk (2000) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years372.71 MBNZB*
MP3All Hands Down: The True Story of the Soviet Attack on the USS Scorpion (2004) 0Diversesubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years152 KBNZB
ePubShadow Divers: The True Adventure of Two Americans Who Risked Everything to Solve One of the Last Mysteries of World War II (20 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years5 KBNZB
ePubHobby Boss 2010-2011 Catalogue (modelbouw) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years65.78 MBNZB
DivXDiscovery Channel - Submarines: Sharks of Steel, 4 parts (1992) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years3.18 GBNZB
HD OthNational Geographic - Situation Critical: Russian Sub Rescue (2007) 720p 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.09 GBNZB
DivXDiscovery Channel - Submarine: Hidden Hunter (2005) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years857.88 MBNZB
DVD9Gray Lady Down (1978) 0Dramasubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years4.6 GBNZB
DVD9Midway (1976) aka The Battle of Midway 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years8.12 GBNZB
DVD9The Cruel Sea (1953) 0submarinesspot1 decade, 3 years5.49 GBNZB
x264HDDas Boot (1981) Director's Cut 720p Bluray x264 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years14.44 GBNZB
ePubTechnikmuseum U-Boot Wilhelm Bauer (1994) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years27.9 MBNZB
WINDive to the Titanic (2010-2011) 0Simulationsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.06 GBNZB
DivXSubmarine X-1 (1969) 0Dramasubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years808.36 MBNZB
DVD9Crash Dive (1943) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years7.79 GBNZB
DivXBelow (2002) 0Horrorsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.66 GBNZB*
ePubSubmarinos Modernos II (1987) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years39.36 MBNZB
ePubLe Schtroumpf sous-marin (1996) 0Comicbooksubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years9.75 MBNZB
ePubDie Geschichte der Russischen Marine bis 1917: Dienst unter der Andreas-Flagge (1993) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years120.04 MBNZB
ePubAustro-Hungarian Naval Policy, 1904-1914 (1996) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.53 MBNZB
ePubNaval Warfare, 1815-1914 (2001) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years2.12 MBNZB
x264HDDas Boot 1981 The Directors Cut 1080p BluRay x264 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years17.39 GBNZB
DivXUnter Wasser rund um die Welt (1966) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.34 GBNZB
MP3DJ Livano - Submarines (2011) 0Dancesubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years33.26 MBNZB
MP3Jürgen Müller - Science of the Sea (2011) 0Soundtrackssubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years65.38 MBNZB
DivXSubmarine School S01E04 (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years398.31 MBNZB
DivXSubmarine School S01E03 (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years411.39 MBNZB
ePubThe Submarine Pioneers (1999) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years54.53 MBNZB
x264HDDas Boot (1981) 720p 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years9.28 GBNZB
ePubSeapower 2011 No 07 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years19.11 MBNZB
MP3Lothar-Günther Buchheim Das Boot (gelesen von Dietmar Bär) (Hörbuch) 2010 0Diversesubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years927.91 MBNZB
WINSilent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic (2010) 0Simulationsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years4.54 GBNZB
DivXSubmarine School S01E01 & S01E02 (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years793.02 MBNZB
MP3Herbert Grönemeyer erzählt: Das Boot (2011) audiobook 0Diversesubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years234.04 MBNZB
ePubGPN proekt 908 Triton-2 Walk Around (2011) pictures 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years32.36 MBNZB
ePubB-515 proekta 641B Som NATO Tango Walk Around (2011) pictures 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years39.39 MBNZB
HD OthDiscovery Channel Ultimate Air Jaws (2010) 720p HDTV 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.25 GBNZB
DVD9The Master Mystery (1920) - Part 1 & 2 0Mysterysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years16.08 GBNZB
ePubUS Submarines 1900-35 (New Vanguard 175) 2011 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years19.15 MBNZB
ePubGuia ilustrada de Cazasubmarinos (II) 1986 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years39.46 MBNZB
ePubGuia Ilustrada de Cazasubmarinos I (Tecnologia Militar) 1984 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years57.5 MBNZB
ePubHitler's U-Boat War: The Hunters, 1939-1942 (2010) respot 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years114.55 MBNZB
DivXGomer Pyle, U S M C - 2x08 - Gomer Captures a Submarine (1964-1969) 0Comedysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years199.26 MBNZB
DivXU-Boote westwaerts (1941) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years201.75 MBNZB
ePubProceedings Magazine June 2011 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years50.56 MBNZB
ePubU-Boote westwärts! Meine Fahrten um England 1914 - 1918 (1943) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.51 MBNZB
WINLighthouse: The Dark Being (1996) 0Adventuresubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1020.49 MBNZB
DivXMonster Moves S05E04 Mammoth Machines HDTV XviD W4F 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years404.01 MBNZB
WINDive to The Titanic (2011) 0Simulationsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.06 GBNZB
DivXTora! Tora! Tora! (1970) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.57 GBNZB
DivXRun Silent Run Deep (1958) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.25 GBNZB
DivXMidway (1976) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.24 GBNZB
DivXU-571 (2000) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.55 GBNZB
DivXU-boote Am Feind (1943) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years212.91 MBNZB
ePubU-Boote am Feind. 45 deutsche U-Boot-Fahrer erzählen (1937) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.93 MBNZB
ePubDie deutschen Kriegsschiffe 1815-1945 (Band 1-8) 1982 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years662.75 MBNZB
DivXDuell im Atlantik (1957) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years834.52 MBNZB
ePubThe US Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide incl. Boot Camp Workout Training Manuals (2009) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years16.19 MBNZB
ePubHerbert, Frank - Atom-U-Boot S 1881 (1955) German 0Science Fictionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years948 KBNZB
WINNaval Warfare (2011) Just A Game 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years574.27 MBNZB
WINHearts of Iron III Sprite Packs (addon - 2009) 0Strategysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years870.81 MBNZB
x264HDBBC Britain's Secret Seas (complete, 4 episodes - 2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years6.65 GBNZB
DivXBBC Britain's Secret Seas (complete, 4 episodes - 2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years3.07 GBNZB
DVD5WO 2 in Woord & Beeld nummer 13 Oorlog ter Zee (2005) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years3.82 GBNZB
ePubMaster Modelers Vol.61 September 2008 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years24.53 MBNZB
DivXThe Battle Of The Atlantic (2007) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years2.31 GBNZB
x264HDNational Geographic - Big Bigger Biggest: Submarine (2010) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.24 GBNZB
DVD5Weapons of World War II (2005) dvd2 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years3.65 GBNZB
DVD5Weapons of World War II (2005) dvd1 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years3.6 GBNZB
DVD9Hitlers Helpers Special Interest 2DVD (DVD2) 2002 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years5.51 GBNZB
DVD9Hitlers Helpers Special Interest 2DVD (DVD1) 2002 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years5.53 GBNZB
DVD5Down Periscope (1996) 0Comedysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years5.21 GBNZB
ePubSeaPower Magazine - June 2011 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years13.69 MBNZB
DivXStarblazers - 3x14 - Subspace Submarine Captain - Galman Wolf (1980) 0Animesubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years224.82 MBNZB
WINBattlestations: Midway (2007) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years5.87 GBNZB
WINSilent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific (2007) 0Simulationsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years4.39 GBNZB
ePubWeyers Taschenbuch der Kriegsflotten (1936) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years124.88 MBNZB
ePubJane's Navy International Vol.111 No.10 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years46.47 MBNZB
ePubThe Bismarck 1941: Hunting Germany's greatest battleship (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years23.45 MBNZB
DivXThe Secret Code (1942) mp4 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years3.08 GBNZB
DivXInnerspace (1987) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.61 GBNZB
DivXDrogen U-Boote auf Tauchstation (2011) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years400.17 MBNZB
DVD5German U-Boot Waffe (2007) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years3.46 GBNZB
DVD5German Kriegsmarine (2006) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years3 GBNZB
ePubReview of Submarine Escape Action Levels for Selected Chemicals (2002) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years15.81 MBNZB*
DivXStargate SG-1 S04E01 0Televisionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years648.85 MBNZB
WIN6666 in 1 RETRO LEGENDS rom pack 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years5.99 GBNZB
DivXThe Mars Daybreak - 04 - Contact! Gram and Vess and a Submarine 0Animesubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years299.68 MBNZB
DivXSubmarine 707R Mission 1 & 2 0Animesubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.72 GBNZB
ePubSoviet and Russian Nuclear Submarines ( 2001) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years50.79 MBNZB
x264HDLupin III S3 - 50 - Kill the Atomic Submarine Ivanov 0Asiansubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years354.26 MBNZB
DivXDas Boot Directors Cut 1981 (German) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years2.5 GBNZB
DivXDas Boot (1981) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years2.35 GBNZB
DivXFor Your Eyes Only (1981) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.55 GBNZB
DivXThe Hunt for Red October (1990) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years1.58 GBNZB
DivXFranklin S04E01B Franklins Submarine (200-2001) 0Cartoonssubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years111.68 MBNZB
ePubAnatomy of the Ship - The Type VII U-boat (1984) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years21.4 MBNZB
WINHearts Of Iron III (2009) 0Strategysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years879.06 MBNZB
ePubWas jeder vom deutschen U-Boot wissen muss (1940) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years11.37 MBNZB
ePubDoc Savage 64 -The Submarine Mystery (1938) epub 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years182 KBNZB
ePubDoc Davage - The Submarine Mystery - Kenneth Robeson (.epub) 1938 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years182 KBNZB
DivXFlipper - S02E28 - Im U-Boot eingeschlossen / Deep Waters (1966) 0Televisionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years291.57 MBNZB
ePubGeisterjäger John Sinclair - Das U-Boot-Phantom (1987) 0Horrorsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years550 KBNZB
DivXAuf Feindfahrt - U-Boot Krieg im Atlantik (2010) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years2 GBNZB
ePubWolf Pack - The Story of the U-Boat in World War II (2006) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years34.87 MBNZB
ePubGerman U-Boat Type VII: Grey Wolves of the Sea (1992) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years5.23 MBNZB
ePubU-BOOTE 1933-1945 The History of the Kriegsmarine U-Boats (1996) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years39.51 MBNZB
ePubRed Series-5103-Japanese Submarine Aircraft (2002) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years15.47 MBNZB
ePubUS Submarines 1941-45 (New Vanguard 118) 2006 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years13.85 MBNZB
ePubBritish Submarines 1939-45 (New Vanguard 129) 2006 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years23.25 MBNZB
ePubOsprey - New Vanguard 135 - Japanese Navy Submarines 1941-45 (2007) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years27.96 MBNZB
ePubUS Nuclear Submarines: The Fast Attack (New Vanguard 138) 2007 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years14.5 MBNZB
WINSilent Hunter II (2001) 0Simulationsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years643.26 MBNZB
ePubDoc Savage - 063 - The Submarine Mystery (1938) 0Comicbooksubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years94 KBNZB
DVD9Lorelei-The Witch Of The Pacific Ocean (2005) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years8.88 GBNZB
MP3Dom The Bear - Beware of the Submarine (Prog Trance, Electro track) 2011 0Compilationsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years7.75 MBNZB
ePubPatrick Blackett: Sailor, Scientist, Socialist (2002) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years6.86 MBNZB
ePubThe Wolf Pack A Collection Of U-Boat Modelling Articles (2010) 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years4.73 MBNZB
MP3Fuenf Freunde F91, und Der Schatz Aus Dem U-Boot (2011) Audiobook German 0Youthsubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years91.64 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan (2262) Der Submarin-Architekt 0Fantasysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years513 KBNZB
WMVSabordage aux Dardanelles (2008) respot 0Documentarysubmarinesspot1 decade, 3 years358.93 MBNZB