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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
WINImaginando BAM DRC en VS updates VST en standalone 12AudioSuperbit1 month, 4 weeks1.39 GBNZB
WINNative Instruments Battery v4 3 1 WIN en Battery 4 Factory Library v1 1 0 update 14AudioSuperbit1 month, 4 weeks3.07 GBNZB
WIN1Update en fullinstall Wavesequencer Hyperion 1 56 en Theia v1 13-TCD standalone en VSTplugin 7AudioSuperbit8 months, 3 weeks157.22 MBNZB
WIN1Update en fullinstall iZotope Ozone Advanced 11.0.1 (x64) 10AudioSuperbit10 months, 17 hours171.91 MBNZB
WIN1Update en fullinstall iZotope Neutron 4.6 (x64) 7AudioSuperbit10 months, 18 hours132.93 MBNZB
WIN1Update en fullinstall Wavesequencer Hyperion v1.53 Incl Content VST en Standalone en Portable 13AudioSuperbit10 months, 1 day697.51 MBNZB
WIN1Update en fullinstall Native Instruments Kontakt 7.10.2 13AudioSuperbit10 months, 5 days708.4 MBNZB
WIN1Futurephonic Rhythmizer Ultra v1.1 WIN 7AudioSuperbit10 months, 6 days28.58 MBNZB
WIN1Update en fullinstall reFX Nexus v4.5.17 20AudioSuperbit10 months, 1 week38.46 MBNZB
WIN1@coldy Nomad Factory Retro EQs Bundle 2.1.0 8AudioSuperbit10 months, 2 weeks47.38 MBNZB
WIN1Nomad Factory Magnetics Bundle v3.0.0 WIN 12AudioSuperbit10 months, 2 weeks48.94 MBNZB
WIN1Glitchmachines Palindrome 2 v2.0.0 6AudioSuperbit10 months, 2 weeks1.07 GBNZB
WIN1Orb Plugins Orb Producer Suite v3.0.5 vstplugin 11AudioSuperbit10 months, 3 weeks300.23 MBNZB
WINDawesome Abyss v1.3.1 WIN 6AudioSuperbit11 months, 4 days40.41 MBNZB
WIN1Update en full install Wavesequencer Theia v1.08 WIN-TCD + factory database 14AudioSuperbit11 months, 1 week128.48 MBNZB
WIN1Mixland STEAMDRIVER v1.0.8 vstplugin 9AudioSuperbit11 months, 2 weeks120.43 MBNZB
WIN1Update en fullinstall kiloHearts Toolbox Ultimate & Slate Digital bundle v2.2.0 14AudioSuperbit11 months, 2 weeks2.5 GBNZB
WIN1DADA LIFE bundle 2024 WIN 10AudioSuperbit11 months, 2 weeks172.76 MBNZB
WIN1PSPaudioware PSP MasterComp v1.10.0 WIN 6AudioSuperbit11 months, 2 weeks120.64 MBNZB
WIN2Imaginando VS v1.5.0 WIN standalone en vst 13AudioSuperbit11 months, 4 weeks709.27 MBNZB
WIN1Cradle State Machine Slow Drift v1.0.4 7AudioSuperbit1 year, 22 hours1.91 GBNZB
WIN1Cradle State Machine Faded Keys v1.0.4b28aa06dc WIN-TCD 7AudioSuperbit1 year, 1 day2.71 GBNZB
WIN1Update Wavesequencer Hyperion 1.50 en Theia 1.07 vst en standalone 10AudioSuperbit1 year, 3 days162.68 MBNZB
WIN1NovoNotes 3DX v1.8.0 WIN-TCD 15AudioSuperbit1 year, 4 days26.11 MBNZB
WIN1Roland ZENOLOGY Pro 2.0.2 (x64) 13AudioSuperbit1 year, 4 days1.36 GBNZB
WIN1UJAM Finisher Bundle v2023 4 en Beatmaker Bundle update 2024 3 2 3 1 (x64) 10AudioSuperbit1 year, 1 week1.57 GBNZB
WIN1IZotope Insight Pro 2.5 (x64) 8AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 weeks56.3 MBNZB
WINMusicLab RealGuitar 6 v6.1.0.7549 WIN vst en Standalone 9AudioSuperbit1 year, 1 month1.93 GBNZB
WINMusicLab RealEight 6 v6.1.0.7549 WIN VST en Standalone 7AudioSuperbit1 year, 1 month1001.81 MBNZB
WINMinimal Audio Current v1.1.3 WIN 9AudioSuperbit1 year, 1 month1.86 GBNZB
WIN1Sound Particles 6FX Bundle v02.2024 5System softwareSuperbit1 year, 1 month80.25 MBNZB
WINAntares Auto-Tune Unlimited 2023.12 (x64) 11AudioSuperbit1 year, 1 month1.04 GBNZB
WINSound Particles Space Controller Studio Version 1.1.4 2AudioSuperbit1 year, 1 month43.08 MBNZB
WINVoor de verzamelaar oldi Cakewalk Pentagon I v1.5.0 3AudioSuperbit1 year, 1 month25.94 MBNZB
WINSonalksis All Plugs Bundle v3.2.2 WIN 3AudioSuperbit1 year, 1 month58.32 MBNZB
WIN1Update Wavesequencer Hyperion v1.47 17AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months191.23 MBNZB
WINWavesequencer Theia v1.04 WIN-TCD 10AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months118.98 MBNZB
WINFAW Sublab XL v1.0.0 REPACK-Articstorm VSTplugin en Standalone 7AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months309.78 MBNZB
WINEen oud Synthtje van 2020 maar goed Phonec 2 v2.4 WiN OSX 3AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months11.53 MBNZB
WINVirtual Wavs Kinetic v1.1.0 5AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months1.57 GBNZB
WINSonic Charge Microtonic v3.3.4 WIN 5AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months8.6 MBNZB
WINVerzoek @ Bergvoetje een paar Saxofons van LinPlug SaxLab 2 v2.2.1 VST 64 5AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months344.28 MBNZB
WINSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4 17AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months272.76 MBNZB
WINSonic Charge Synplant 2 v2.0.1 unattendant 8AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months39.58 MBNZB
WINUpdate en fullinstall KiloHearts Toolbox Ultimate & Slate Digital bundle v2.1.4 12AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months2.12 GBNZB
WINUpdate en full install FabFilter Total Bundle 2023.12.20 16AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months86.47 MBNZB
WINUpdate en full install Update Arturia Augmented STRINGS 1.6.0 (x64) 4AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months3.55 GBNZB
WINDrumforge Classic v2.1.1 R2R met library 16GB 25AudioSuperbit1 year, 2 months1.43 MBNZB
WINRepost Moog Music Mariana v1.0.1 10AudioSuperbit1 year, 3 months109.77 MBNZB
WINMoog Music Moogerfooger Effects Plugin Bundle v1.2.0 5AudioSuperbit1 year, 3 months597.53 MBNZB
WINArturia Acid V 1.0.0 Vst en Standalone 3AudioSuperbit1 year, 6 months338.29 MBNZB
WIN2Toontrack EZkeys v2 0 2 WIN VST and standalone, Update en full install 3AudioSuperbit1 year, 6 months668.16 MBNZB
WIN1Phil Speiser The Instrument v1.41 WIN 1AudioSuperbit1 year, 6 months4.13 GBNZB
WIN1Audified MixChecker Pro v1.3.0 WIN 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 6 months120.66 MBNZB
WINBogren Digital MLC Subzero 100 v1 0 823 en Standalone Repost n a v error 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months209.91 MBNZB
WINBLEASS Samplewiz 2 & MPE Endeavors & Very Sick Beat 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months210.48 MBNZB
WINTone2 Electra3.2.1 update en full install vst en standalone 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months244.4 MBNZB
WINPlugin Alliance WEDGE FORCE Hydro v1.0.1 vst en Standalone 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months4 GBNZB
WIN1AIR Music Technology AIR Sprite v1.0.0.3 WIN 1AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months49.77 MBNZB
WINGenuine Soundware Drum-80 v1.0.0 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months41.84 MBNZB
WINGenuine Soundware GS-201 Mk2 v1.0.1 en Standalone 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months7.6 MBNZB
WINReFX Vanguard 2 v2.0.7 WIN 1AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months196.65 MBNZB
WINTip van Dirk, Vengeance Avenger v1 4 10 Windows 1AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months4.81 GBNZB
WINReFX Nexus 4 Soundbank (Factory + ROM Extension 3 & 4)+reFX Nexus v4.5.12 WIN 6AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months5.23 GBNZB
WINW A Production Instacomposer 2 v2 0 0 230721 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months10.72 MBNZB
WINToontrack EZbass v1.1.5 WIN VST en Standalone verzoek @premwah 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months1.6 GBNZB
WINUpdate en Fullinstall Native Instruments Kontakt 7.5.1 -+*( Bob Dule )*+- 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months647.89 MBNZB
WINFeelYourSound Chord Potion 2.3.0 REPOST ivm met dummy.nzb 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 7 months22.27 MBNZB
WINRob Papen eXplorer 8.0.6 verzoek voor DJAlexus 1AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months5.9 GBNZB
WINUrsaDSP Boost v1.5.10 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months10.22 MBNZB
WINDevious Machines Multiband X6 v1.0.29 Windows 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months32.51 MBNZB
WINPulseCode v1.2 en Brutalist Drums Expansion Pack Windows 1AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months188.75 MBNZB
WINPitch Innovations Fluid Pitch v1.5.0 vst en standalone 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months9.27 MBNZB
WINPitch Innovations Fluid Chords v1.4.3 vstplugin en standalone 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months73.35 MBNZB
WINTAQSIM SOLO World Lead Synth v2.0.0 VST en Standalone 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months849.91 MBNZB
WINWavesequencer Hyperion v1.14 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months193.65 MBNZB
WINZynaptiq ORANGE VOCODER v4.0.1 WIN 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months44.73 MBNZB
WINNative Instruments Guitar Rig 6 Pro v6.4.0 1AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months407.58 MBNZB
AndroidElectronics Toolbox Pro v2.4 b34.apk Android 0DevelopmentSuperbit1 year, 8 months11.34 MBNZB
WINSpeedrum-v1.5.2 win (alleen win getest) mac linux 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months40.09 MBNZB
WINAudioThing Effects Bundle 2023.6 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months715.96 MBNZB
WINAudiority Effects Plugin Bundle 2023.6 and Standalone 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months349.32 MBNZB
WINApplied Acoustics Systems STRUM GS-2 v2.4.4 WIN 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 8 months79.05 MBNZB
WINSynapse Audio The Legend v1.5.0 Windows 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 9 months147.99 MBNZB
WINUpdate ( Full install) Native Instruments Kontakt 7.3.1 (x64) 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 9 months648.03 MBNZB
WINSlate Digital ANA2 Ultra Bundle v2.5.1 WIN 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 9 months1.72 GBNZB
WIN1Update (full install) Arturia Pigments v4.1.1 CE-VR 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months1.02 GBNZB
WINSugar Bytes Drum Computer v1.3.0 WIN 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months196.43 MBNZB
WINDigital Pro Sounds Virtual Realm VST-WIN64 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months3.17 GBNZB
WINCCleaner altijd laatste versie 0Security softwareSuperbit1 year, 10 months1.4 MBNZB
WINPulsar Audio Pulsar 8200 v1.0.6 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months62.73 MBNZB
WINArturia Augmented Bundle 2023.4 Full version 1AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months1.99 MBNZB
WINLine6 Helix Native v3.6.0 RETAiL WIN 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months133.11 MBNZB
WINZynaptiq MORPH v2.5.0 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months22.32 MBNZB
WINFeelYourSound Trance Engine Pro v1.1.0 WIN 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months21.06 MBNZB
WINNative Instruments Utopia Kontakt Play Series WiN OSX 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months1.91 GBNZB
WINWave Arts Power Suite 6 v6.1.6 WIN 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 10 months74.04 MBNZB
WIN1IZotopeOzoneAdvanced10.4.x64 (upgrade) 0AudioSuperbit1 year, 11 months353.72 MBNZB
WIN1KiloHearts Toolbox Ultimate v1.8.26 CE 0AudioSuperbit2 years, 1 week1.65 GBNZB