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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
WIN1Minecraft 1.16.4+ (online speelbaar) 1Actioncopyitright4 years, 1 month8.95 MBNZB
WINMinecraft 1.16.4 (ook online speelbaar) 0Actioncopyitright4 years, 3 months6.8 MBNZB
WINMinecraft (geen demo, alle versies, online speelbaar) + handig Windows Context Menu tooltje 0Actioncopyitright4 years, 10 months14.63 MBNZB
AndroidAlle PathPix SpellPix en LOOPical puzzels van kpixgames 0Puzzlecopyitright5 years, 3 days166.63 MBNZB
WIN-FIX- Minecraft (geen demo, alle versies, online speelbaar) -FIX- 0Actioncopyitright5 years, 4 months13.09 MBNZB
WINNieuwste Minecraft (geen demo, online speelbaar, incl. uitleg) 0Actioncopyitright5 years, 4 months13.04 MBNZB
WINMinecraft (geen demo, online speelbaar, incl. NL uitleg) 0Actioncopyitright5 years, 6 months13.35 MBNZB
WINSpeel alle Minecraft versies (geen demo, online speelbaar, incl. NL uitleg) 0Actioncopyitright5 years, 8 months10.41 MBNZB
WINUpdatable Minecraft Launcher (geen demo, online speelbaar, incl. NL uitleg) 0Actioncopyitright6 years, 1 month9.54 MBNZB
WINUpdatable Minecraft Launcher (geen demo, online en via lan speelbaar) 0Actioncopyitright6 years, 4 months9.51 MBNZB
WIN©opyit®ight's Updatable Minecraft Launcher (speel alle Minecraft versies, ook online - geen demo) 0Actioncopyitright6 years, 6 months5.35 MBNZB
WINThe Forest v1.0 (2018) - CODEX 0Actioncopyitright6 years, 10 months2.47 GBNZB
FLACThe Top 100 Masterpieces Of Classical Music (1685-1928) 0Classicalcopyitright7 years, 3 months2.67 GBNZB
MP3The Top 100 Masterpieces Of Classical Music (1685-1928) 0Classicalcopyitright7 years, 3 months1.54 GBNZB
WINAmong the Sleep - Enhanced Edition 3.0.1 [GOG] 0Actioncopyitright7 years, 3 months1.93 GBNZB
WINHello Neighbor (final release) - 64-bit 0Adventurecopyitright7 years, 3 months2.39 GBNZB
WINZelf samengestelde Windows 10 Pro NL 64-bit (versie 1709 - Fall Creators Update) 0System softwarecopyitright7 years, 3 months4.46 GBNZB
WINCopyítright's Updatable Minecraft Launcher (geen demo / online speelbaar, incl. NL instructies) 0Adventurecopyitright7 years, 5 months6.41 MBNZB
WIN©opyítright's Updatable Minecraft Launcher (geen demo / Offline, via LAN en online speelbaar), Incl. NL instructies en Discor 0Adventurecopyitright7 years, 8 months6.4 MBNZB
WINDameWare Remote Support and Mini Remote Control 0Security softwarecopyitright7 years, 8 months235.65 MBNZB
WINWinHex 19.3 [x86 x64] - Hex Editor & Disk Editor (Specialist licentie) 1System softwarecopyitright7 years, 8 months7.87 MBNZB
WINIcoFX 3.0.3 Icon Editor (inclusief Portable versie) 0Graphicscopyitright7 years, 8 months35.91 MBNZB
WIN©opyit®ight's Updatable Minecraft Launcher - Geen DEMO en ONLINE speelbaar (instructies zijn bijgesloten) 0Adventurecopyitright7 years, 9 months6.44 MBNZB
WINCopy[it]right's Updatable Minecraft Launcher (geen DEMO, lees de instructies!) 0Adventurecopyitright8 years, 1 week8.14 MBNZB
WIN1EaseUS Partition Master 11.5 Technician Edition 0System softwarecopyitright8 years, 7 months51.61 MBNZB
WINNoLimits Roller Coaster Simulation Professional 2 2 5 1 incl Oculus Rift / HTC Vive ondersteuning 0Simulationcopyitright8 years, 7 months906.16 MBNZB
WIN2Portable Updatable Minecraft Launcher (speel alle Minecraft versies, ook online en géén crack nodig) 0Adventurecopyitright8 years, 9 months7.62 MBNZB
NDSTerraria v1.0.0 (EUR MULTI5 3DS LiGHTFORCE) 0Actioncopyitright9 years, 2 weeks176.93 MBNZB
WIN[Tutorial] Gedownloadde Wii U spellen spelen m b v LOADIINE i c m SD geheugenkaart (voor 5 3 2) 0Educationalcopyitright9 years, 1 month381 KBNZB
WIN1[Tutorial] Gedownloadde Wii U spellen spelen m b v LOADIINE i c m SD geheugenkaart (5 3 2) 0Educationalcopyitright9 years, 1 month381 KBNZB
WINHandyAndy - Gratis Android Emulator (BlueStacks alternatief) 0System softwarecopyitright9 years, 5 months1.83 MBNZB
WINUp-to-date Blacklist/Whitelist voor Spotnet 0Spotnetcopyitright9 years, 5 months440 KBNZB
WINO&O ShutUp10 v1.1.1347 (Windows 10 Anti Microsoft Spying) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 5 months505 KBNZB
WIN1O&O ShutUp10 v1.0.1347 (Windows 10 Anti Microsoft Spying) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 5 months505 KBNZB
WINScreenToGif 1.4.2 (maak animated GIF opnames van je bureaublad) 0Educationalcopyitright9 years, 5 months1.21 MBNZB
WINWindows 10 Toggle Tweaker 2.3 (Tweaks, tweaks en nog veel meer tweaks) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 5 months415 KBNZB
WINDestroy Windows 10 Spying Lite 1.5.488 (ook geschikt voor Windows 7/8 en 8.1) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 5 months461 KBNZB
WINDisable Windows 10 Tracking 2.4.4 (Windows 10 Antispy) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 5 months7.46 MBNZB
WINWindows 10 Toggle Tweaker 2.22 0System softwarecopyitright9 years, 5 months412 KBNZB
WINBlacklist/Whitelist Updater voor Spotnet 1.8.x en nieuwer 0Spotnetcopyitright9 years, 5 months682 KBNZB
Android1Table Tennis Touch v1.1.1628.1 0Sportcopyitright9 years, 6 months184.89 MBNZB
WINWindows 10 Tracking Disable Tool 2.4.3 (Anti M$ spy) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 6 months7.45 MBNZB
WIN2Disable Windows 10 Tracking 2.4.3 (Windows 10 antispy) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 6 months7.43 MBNZB
WINUniverse Sandbox 2 (v16 Alpha) - Heers(er) over het universum (Early Access) 0Simulationcopyitright9 years, 6 months596.58 MBNZB
WINO&O ShutUp10 v1.0.1345 (Windows 10 Anti privacy-ellende) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 6 months525 KBNZB
WINUltimate Windows 10 Tweaker 4.0 0System softwarecopyitright9 years, 6 months1.34 MBNZB
WINO&O ShutUp v1.0.1342 (Windows 10 antispy) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 6 months554 KBNZB
WINO&O ShutUp10 v1.0.1341 (Windows 10 AntiSpy) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 6 months585 KBNZB
WINDoNotSpy10 v1.0.0.1 (Anti Micro$choft/Windows 10 Spy) 0Security softwarecopyitright9 years, 6 months731 KBNZB