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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
DivXRaising Dion Season 1 en 2 0TelevisionSpeedy3 years, 1 month8.2 GBNZB
WiiWii U Sonic Lost World 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 1 month6.2 GBNZB
WiiWii U Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 1 month7.32 GBNZB
WiiWii U Mario Party 10 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 2 months2.84 GBNZB
WiiWii U Nintendo Land 0Child/youthSpeedy3 years, 2 months2.64 GBNZB
WiiInazuma Eleven Go! Strikers 2013 0SportSpeedy3 years, 2 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiWii U Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed 0RaceSpeedy3 years, 2 months3.24 GBNZB
WiiWii U Super Mario 3D World 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 2 months1.44 GBNZB
WiiInazuma Eleven Strikers 0SportSpeedy3 years, 2 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiWii U Super Smash Bros For 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 2 months15.4 GBNZB
WiiJust Dance 2017 0MusicSpeedy3 years, 2 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiJust Dance 2016 0Child/youthSpeedy3 years, 2 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiWii U Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 2 months1.27 GBNZB
WiiWii U Mario Tennis Ultra Smash 0SportSpeedy3 years, 2 months845.65 MBNZB
WiiWii U Star Fox Zero 0SimulationSpeedy3 years, 2 months4.56 GBNZB
WiiWii U Rayman Legends 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 2 months6.78 GBNZB
WiiWii U Donkey kong country 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 2 months11.5 MBNZB
WiiWii U Loadiine opzet herpost 0RaceSpeedy3 years, 2 months441.27 MBNZB
WiiWii U Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 2 months9.24 GBNZB
WiiWii U PIKMIN 3 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 2 months3.55 GBNZB
WiiWii U Mario Kart 8 0RaceSpeedy3 years, 2 months2.89 GBNZB
DivXKung Fu [2021] 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 8 months18.43 GBNZB
PDF2Tips & Trucs - Juli & Augustus 2021 0ComputerSpeedy3 years, 8 months37.77 MBNZB
PDF3Tips & Trucs Juni 2021 0ComputerSpeedy3 years, 8 months26.1 MBNZB
DivXMade For Love 2021 0TelevisionSpeedy3 years, 10 months8.89 GBNZB
WiiWorld Of Zoo Pal 1AdventureSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiResident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiYoga Pal 0SportSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
DivXKung Fu 2021 4 x 0TelevisionSpeedy3 years, 10 months6.61 GBNZB
WiiScrabble pal 0BoardgameSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiPony Friends 2 Pal 0RoleplayingSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiMy Baby 2 my baby Pal 0Child/youthSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiHet Gouden Kompas Pal 0AdventureSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiMahjongg Party [PAL] 0PuzzleSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiSonic & Sega All-Stars Racing 0RaceSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiMario Kart Black 0RaceSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiCall of Duty 3 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 10 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiMedal of Honor Heroes 2 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiMetroid PrimeTrilogy 0ShooterSpeedy3 years, 11 months8.55 GBNZB
WiiMetroid: Other M 0AdventureSpeedy3 years, 11 months8.56 GBNZB
WiiSpiderwick 0AdventureSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiMario Power Tennis 0SportSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiTornado Outbreak 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiSmurf 2 0AdventureSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiMario Galaxy 2 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiSuper Mario Galaxy 0PlatformSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiGodzilla: Unleashed 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiWii Fit 0SportSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiWii Fit Plus 0SimulationSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiHappy Feet 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiNamco Museum Megamix 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiPokemon Battle Revolution 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
MPGPokémon 16 - Genesect En De Ontwaakte Legende 0AdventureSpeedy3 years, 11 months758.15 MBNZB
Wii1Super Smash Bros Brawl [PAL] 0ActionSpeedy3 years, 11 months8.56 GBNZB
WiiFifa 15 0SportSpeedy3 years, 11 months4.73 GBNZB
WiiMario Party 9 0AdventureSpeedy4 years, 12 hours4.73 GBNZB
WiiMario Sports Mix 0SportSpeedy4 years, 17 hours4.73 GBNZB
WiiMario Party 8 0PlatformSpeedy4 years, 1 day4.73 GBNZB
DivXPokemon 11 Giratina en de Krijger van de Lucht NL 0AnimationSpeedy4 years, 1 day1.55 GBNZB
DivXPokemon 10 De Opkomst van Darkrai NL 0AnimationSpeedy4 years, 2 days2.03 GBNZB
WiiDonkey Kong Country Returns 0PlatformSpeedy4 years, 3 days4.73 GBNZB
WiiBatle Rage - Mech Conflicts 0ActionSpeedy4 years, 4 days4.73 GBNZB
WiiPacman Party 0AdventureSpeedy4 years, 5 days4.73 GBNZB
WiiWii Games 5X 1AdventureSpeedy4 years, 1 week5.97 GBNZB
WiiWii Games 5X 0ActionSpeedy4 years, 1 week5.43 GBNZB
WiiWii Games 6 X repost 0ActionSpeedy4 years, 1 week15.54 GBNZB
WiiWii Games 4X 1PlatformSpeedy4 years, 2 weeks1.46 GBNZB
WiiWii games 3x 0StrategySpeedy4 years, 1 month3.8 GBNZB
WiiWii 3 x mario 0PlatformSpeedy4 years, 1 month8.25 GBNZB
WiiWii Fit en Wii Fit plus 0SportSpeedy4 years, 1 month3.3 GBNZB