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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
MPGSwitched at birthSo1 compleet nl sub 0TelevisionBaCo1 decade, 3 weeks38.98 GBNZB
x264HDPerson of intrest if then else 0TelevisionBaCo1 decade, 2 months627.14 MBNZB
x264HDScorpion revenge s1 0TelevisionBaCo1 decade, 2 months627.14 MBNZB
MPGPerson ofintrest 0ActionBaCo1 decade, 2 months852.76 MBNZB
MPGElementary s3e5 0ActionBaCo1 decade, 2 months840.08 MBNZB
MPGStalker Se17 0TelevisionBaCo1 decade, 3 months343.16 MBNZB
x264HDStalker - Fanatic s1e3 0TelevisionBaCo1 decade, 4 months1.75 GBNZB
x264HDPerson Of Interest - Honor Among 0TelevisionBaCo1 decade, 4 months1.8 GBNZB