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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
x264HDThe Plot against America (2020) S1 E1 0Televisionxray4 years, 10 months4.3 GBNZB
DivXPerson of Interest S03E08 720p WEB-DL DD5 1 H 264 0Televisionxray1 decade, 1 year1.69 GBNZB
360Mass.Effect.3.Disc2-XPG 0ActionXray1 decade, 3 years8.24 GBNZB
360Mass.Effect.3.Disc1-XPG 0ActionXray1 decade, 3 years7.09 GBNZB
DivXThunderdome '96 - Dance or Die 0Musicxray1 decade, 3 years1.51 GBNZB
DivXDe Gast 0Heteroxray1 decade, 3 years365.32 MBNZB
DivXThe Wave (1981) 0Dramaxray1 decade, 3 years796.11 MBNZB
WIN1Need for Speed underground 2 0Racexray1 decade, 3 years1.7 GBNZB
WINNeed for speed underground 0Racexray1 decade, 3 years1.74 GBNZB
WINStudio Webdesign 5 Pro 0Graphicsxray1 decade, 3 years728.13 MBNZB