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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
Blu-rayThe Butterfly Effect 2004 Director's Cut Hybrid REPACK 1080p BluRay DTS-ES x264-DON 2Dramah4d3z5 years, 9 months18.1 GBNZB
WINTime Commanda 1996 GOG v2 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 7 months631.05 MBNZB
WINWasteland 1988 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 7 months421.17 MBNZB
WINConstructor 2 aka Mob Rule aka Street Wars: Constructor Underworld GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 11 months531.62 MBNZB
WINSimon the Sorcerer 3D 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 11 months502.52 MBNZB
WINSimon the Sorcerer 2 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 11 months104.94 MBNZB
WINSimon the Sorcerer GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 11 months107.42 MBNZB
WINWing Commander 4 - The Price of Freedom GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 11 months7.61 GBNZB
WINWing Commander 3 Heart of the Tiger GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 11 months2.84 GBNZB
WINWing Commander 1+2 GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 11 months138.86 MBNZB
WINSniper Elite : Berlin 1945 GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months4.28 GBNZB
WINThe Feeble Files GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 11 months2.56 GBNZB
WINHitman 2 - Silent Assassin GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months617.18 MBNZB
WINHitman - Codename 47 GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months338.79 MBNZB
WINSerious Sam The Second Encounter GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months689.06 MBNZB
WINSerious Sam - The First Encounter GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months531.16 MBNZB
WINThe Settlers 4 : Gold Edition GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 11 months698.49 MBNZB
WINThe Settlers 2 : Gold edition 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 11 months334.43 MBNZB
WINSettlers : Heritage of Kings GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.17 GBNZB
WINEarth 2150 Trilogy GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.82 GBNZB
WINUnreal Tournament GOTY (2000) GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months367.66 MBNZB
WINUnreal Tournament 2004 ECE edition GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months2.25 GBNZB
WINUnreal 2 : The Awakening SE GOG 1Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.41 GBNZB
WINUnreal : Gold GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months289.07 MBNZB
WINSacred : Gold GOG 0Roleplayingh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.97 GBNZB
WINDesperados - Wanted Dead or Alive GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 11 months759.79 MBNZB
WINAge of Wonders - Shadow Magic GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months630.84 MBNZB
WINAge of Wonders II - The Wizards Throne GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 11 months543.91 MBNZB
WINAge of Wonders GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 11 months360.1 MBNZB
WINCrusader - No Regret GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months474.54 MBNZB
WINThief 3 - Deadly Shadows GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months2.14 GBNZB
WINAlone in the Dark - The New Nightmare GOG v2.0 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.71 GBNZB
WINCrusaders of Might and Magic GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 11 months326.27 MBNZB
WINLegacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.42 GBNZB
WINLegacy of Kain - Defiance GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.65 GBNZB
WINLegacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months820.9 MBNZB
WINLegacy of Kain - Soul Reaver GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months633.87 MBNZB
WINCreatures Village GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 11 months203.21 MBNZB
WINCreatures : The Albian Years GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 11 months169.05 MBNZB
WINCreatures Exodus GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 11 months191.75 MBNZB
WINSepterra Core - Legacy of the Creator GOG 0Roleplayingh4d3z1 decade, 11 months821.19 MBNZB
WIN2Tomb Raider 1+2+3 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months912.55 MBNZB
WINSanitarium GOG 0Roleplayingh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.37 GBNZB
WINThief 2 - The Metal Age with NewDark GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.05 GBNZB
WINThief Gold with NewDark GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1004.02 MBNZB
WINVampire The Masquerade - Redemption GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months945.39 MBNZB
WIN1SimCity 2000 Special Edition GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 11 months140.96 MBNZB
WINRaptor Call of the Shadows GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months47.37 MBNZB
WINLands of Lore 1+2 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 11 months2.11 GBNZB
WINClive Barker's Undying GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months558.78 MBNZB
WINTotal Annihilation : Commander Pack GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.28 GBNZB
WINOmerta : City of Gangster GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.55 GBNZB
WINArx Fatalis GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 11 months642.58 MBNZB
WINBaldur's Gate 2 Complete GOG 0Roleplayingh4d3z1 decade, 11 months3.07 GBNZB
WINBaldur's Gate : The Original Saga GOG 0Roleplayingh4d3z1 decade, 11 months2.19 GBNZB
WINBattle Chess Special edition GOG 0Boardgameh4d3z1 decade, 11 months85.95 MBNZB
WINCombat Chess GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 11 months643.18 MBNZB
WINDuke Nukem 1 + 2 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months156.32 MBNZB
WINDuke Nukem - Manhattan Project GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months238.65 MBNZB
WINBlood 2 - The Chosen + Expansion GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months486.97 MBNZB
WINMagic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months336.28 MBNZB
WINMagic Carpet Plus GOG 0Flyingh4d3z1 decade, 11 months128.39 MBNZB
WINHeroes of Might & Magic 1 GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 11 months129.56 MBNZB
WINThe Incredible Machine (TIM) Megapack GOG 0Puzzleh4d3z1 decade, 11 months578.88 MBNZB
WINGOG Collection 30-03-2013 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.27 MBNZB
WINKingpin : Life of Crime GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 11 months420.54 MBNZB
WINMegarace 3 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months604.51 MBNZB
WINMegarace 1+2 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 11 months1.28 GBNZB
WINPod GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year203.12 MBNZB
WINPopolous GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 1 year17.12 MBNZB
WINReal Myst GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year589.23 MBNZB
WINRollercoaster Tycoon : Deluxe GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 1 year576.21 MBNZB
WINSacrifice GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 1 year923.55 MBNZB
WINGrim Fandango 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.27 GBNZB
WINScreamer 2 GOG 0Raceh4d3z1 decade, 1 year788.55 MBNZB
WINBalls of Steel GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 1 year141.51 MBNZB
WINCrusader No Remorse GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year466.76 MBNZB
WINDuke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year113.54 MBNZB
WINDescent 1 + 2 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year895.66 MBNZB
WINTales of Monkey Island GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year2.76 GBNZB
WINTheme Hospital GOG 0Simulationh4d3z1 decade, 1 year227.08 MBNZB
WINDEFCON GOG versie 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 1 year197.8 MBNZB
WINUplink - Hacker Elite GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 1 year267 MBNZB
WINShadow Warrior Classic Complete GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year384.33 MBNZB
WINEarthworm Jim 3D GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year286.75 MBNZB
WINEarthworm Jim 1+2 GOG 0Platformh4d3z1 decade, 1 year954.38 MBNZB
WINDriver : parallel lines GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year3.16 GBNZB
WINRace Driver : Grid 0Raceh4d3z1 decade, 1 year6.52 GBNZB
WINScreamer GOG 0Raceh4d3z1 decade, 1 year267.93 MBNZB
WINMDK 2 GOG versie 2.0 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year398.73 MBNZB
WINMDK GOG versie 2.0 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year347.68 MBNZB
WINSyndicate Wars GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year270.22 MBNZB
WINKrush Kill and Destroy 2 : Krossfire 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.04 GBNZB
WINKrush Kill and Destroy Xtreme GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 1 year581.08 MBNZB
WINRise of the Triad : Dark War GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year38.68 MBNZB
WINRise of the Triad (2013 remake) GOG 1Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year6.27 GBNZB
WINSyndicate Plus GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year75.29 MBNZB
WINCarmageddon : Max Pack GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year515.59 MBNZB
WINCarmageddon 2 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year267.24 MBNZB
WINJagged Alliance 2: Wildfire GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year616.34 MBNZB
WINJagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year482.04 MBNZB
WINJagged Alliance 2 GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year728.66 MBNZB
WINJagged Alliance GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year282.81 MBNZB
WINJagged Alliance : Deadly games GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year432.02 MBNZB
WINBlakestone : Planetstrike 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year20.53 MBNZB
WINBlakestone : Aliens of gold GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year30.81 MBNZB
WINAlone in the Dark 1+2+3 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.25 GBNZB
WINBeneath a Steel Sky GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year103.44 MBNZB
WINBlood : One unit whole blood GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year399.4 MBNZB
WINCannon Fodder 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 1 year24.33 MBNZB
WINContructor 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 1 year253.62 MBNZB
WINDie by the sword + expansion GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year552.13 MBNZB
WINRiven a sequel to Myst GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.89 GBNZB
WINMyst : The masterpiece edition GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year484.84 MBNZB
WINLittle Big Adventure 2 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year795.75 MBNZB
WINLittle Big Adventure : Relentless 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year622.59 MBNZB
WINMessiah GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year467.46 MBNZB
WINOddworld: Stranger's Wrath GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.74 GBNZB
WINAbe's Exoddus GOG 0Platformh4d3z1 decade, 1 year702.29 MBNZB
WINOddworld: Abe's Oddysee GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year549.98 MBNZB
WINPostal 2 Complete GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1023.8 MBNZB
WINPostal Classic and Uncut GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year309.53 MBNZB
WINRedneck Rampage Collection GOG 0Shooterh4d3z1 decade, 1 year712.75 MBNZB
WINUltima 1+2+3 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year42.13 MBNZB
WINWing Commander : Privateer GOG 0Actionh4d3z1 decade, 1 year91.45 MBNZB
WINGobliiins Pack GOG 1+2+3 0Puzzleh4d3z1 decade, 1 year375.21 MBNZB
WINKing's Quest 7+8 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year906.5 MBNZB
WINKing's Quest 4+5+6 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year359.52 MBNZB
WINKing's Quest 1+2+3 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year25.75 MBNZB
WIN1Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri GOG 0Strategyh4d3z1 decade, 1 year407.91 MBNZB
WINLeisure Suit Larry's Greatest Hits and Misses! GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year663.55 MBNZB
WIN1Dungeon Keeper 2 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year478.78 MBNZB
WINDungeon Keeper Gold GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year333.33 MBNZB
WINPolice Quest Swat 1+2 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year2.12 GBNZB
WINPolice Quest 1+2+3+4 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year452.68 MBNZB
WINThe 7th Guest GOG (poging 2) 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year985.89 MBNZB
WINSpace Quest 4+5+6 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year700.17 MBNZB
WINSpace Quest 1+2+3 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year32.05 MBNZB
WINThe 11th Hour 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.75 GBNZB
WINPhantasmagoria 2 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.95 GBNZB
WINPantasmagoria GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.9 GBNZB