PS3 | L.A. Noire The Complete Edition PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 36.78 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Lair ASiA JB PS3-CLARE | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 23.03 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 JB PS3-ATAX | | | Sport | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 4.73 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | UFC Undisputed 2009 EUR JB PS3-PSIIIJB | | | Sport | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 8.5 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | NCAA Football 10 USA PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Sport | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 6.25 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Dante's Inferno | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 5.9 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Dark Void USA JB PS3-GSXR | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 5.38 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | LittleBigPlanet 2 Special Edition | | | Platform | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 18.64 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Need For Speed - The Run ASiA JB PS3-NRP | | | Simulation | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.12 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | God of War: HD Collection 2 | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 18.92 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning PS3-DUPLEX | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 13.99 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | UFC Undisputed 3 PS3-RiOT | | | Sport | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 23.86 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition PS3-RiOT | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 11.96 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Grand Slam Tennis 2 PS3-RiOT | | | Sport | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 2.64 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Janes Advanced Strike Fighters PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.15 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Just Dance Kids 2 PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Music | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 8.44 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Air Conflicts Secret Wars USA PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.45 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Twisted Metal PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 12.99 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Battlefield 3 JAP PS3-STORMAN | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 10.85 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Shadows of the Damned JPN PS3-HR | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.05 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Tekken Hybrid TB PS3-PARADOX | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 2.78 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | The Adventures Of Tintin USA PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.79 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Winter Stars USA PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Sport | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 3.46 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Heavy Fire Afghanistan USA PS3-APATHY | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 2.55 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | MLB 08 The Show PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Sport | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 12.72 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Final.Fantasy.XIII-2.PS3-DUPLEX | | | Adventure | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 15.22 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow HD PS3 PSN-DUPLEX | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 3.19 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Call of Duty 3 EUR JB PS3-NRP | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 6.45 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Singstar.Latino.PS3-dumpTruck | | | Music | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 9.68 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Dark.Mist.PSN.PS3-DUPLEX | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.59 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Splinter Cell HD PS3 PSN-DUPLEX | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 2.77 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Super Star Kartz EUR PS3-ABSTRAKT | | | Race | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.66 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 EUR PS3-ANTiDOTE | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 3.12 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | MLB 09 The Show | | | Sport | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 16.08 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Start The Party 2 Save the World | | | Music | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 991.76 MB | NZB | |
WIN | 1The Adventures Of Tintin USA PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Adventure | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 8.17 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Motorhead-SVWG | | | Race | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 793.48 MB | NZB | |
WIN | Victoria II: A House Divide - tinyiso | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 618.42 MB | NZB | |
WIN | Pineapple Smash Crew RIP | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 42.38 MB | NZB | |
WIN | Dead Island Ryder White DLC-RELOADED | | | Action | samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.06 GB | NZB | |
360 | Unreal Tournament 3 PAL XBOX360-REV0 [RF] | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.39 GB | NZB | |
360 | Warhammer Battle March USA XBOX360-APATHY | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.41 GB | NZB | |
360 | Bioshock Uncut PAL XBOX360-SWAG | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.48 GB | NZB | |
PSP | The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky USA PSP-BAHAMUT | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 956.68 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Undead Knights USA UMD PSP-Googlecus | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 360.7 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Prinny 2 Dawn of Operation Panties Dood USA UMD PSP-HR | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 344.91 MB | NZB | |
Wii | I Spy Spooky Mansion USA Wii-PLAYME | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 4.95 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Street Cricket Champions EUR PSP-PLAYASiA | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 219.02 MB | NZB | |
WIN | Splinter Cell Chaos Theory-RELOADED | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 4.94 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | The Golden Compass USA JB PS3-NRP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 4.24 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Thor God of Thunder PS3-DUPLEX [RF] | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 4.96 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Close Combat The Longest Day-SKIDROW | | | | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.39 GB | NZB | |
WIN | A Farewell to Dragons-SKIDROW | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 3.96 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Shift 2 Unleashed PS3-DUPLEX | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 5.98 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Rio PS3-DUPLEX | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.89 GB | NZB | |
WIN | 1Dreamkiller-SKIDROW | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 5.99 GB | NZB | |
WIN | 2Driving Simulator 2009-SKIDROW | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 901.44 MB | NZB | |
WIN | 3Hearts of Iron III-SKIDROW | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.4 GB | NZB | |
360 | Civilization Revolution PAL XBOX360-STRANGE | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 6.17 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | NCAA Football 10 USA PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 6.3 GB | NZB | |
x264HD | Wwe superstars 31.03.2011 | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.29 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | WWE All Stars | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 6.15 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Chernobyl Terrorist Attack *2011* | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 972.26 MB | NZB | |
WIN | IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover *2011* | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 4.49 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Warfare: Reloaded | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.27 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Crysis 2 Update 1 | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 64.79 MB | NZB | |
360 | Red Dead Redemption | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.88 GB | NZB | |
360 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.75 GB | NZB | |
360 | Shift 2: Unleashed 2011 | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.03 GB | NZB | |
DivX | Good (2008) | | | Adventure | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 800.65 MB | NZB | |
DivX | Elephant White (2011) | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.65 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Lego Star Wars III The Clone Wars | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 1.42 GB | NZB | |
Wii | 1Country Dance | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 4.93 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Dynasty Warriors 7 | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 21.31 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Crysis 2 | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 7.48 GB | NZB | |
360 | Eragon | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 5 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Nascar 2011 | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 3.27 GB | NZB | |
Wii | Wii Sports | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 4.97 GB | NZB | |
Wii | 1We Sing Down Under | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 3 years | 4.94 GB | NZB | |
Wii | Hello Kitty Seasons | | | Child/youth | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.98 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War II Chaos Rising | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.98 GB | NZB | |
Wii | Princess Lillifees Magic Fairy PAL Wii - LOADER | | | Child/youth | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.98 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Uta no Prince Sama Sweet Serenade JPN PSP-PLAYASiA | | | Child/youth | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.08 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Majin and The Forsaken Kingdom EUR PS3-LiGHTFORCE | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.42 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Dragon Age 2 PS3-ATONEMENT [RF] | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 6.88 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | WALL-E EUR JB PS3-BlaZe | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.11 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 | | | Adventure | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.56 GB | NZB | |
WIN | FTD Database Viewer + 900 dagen spots | | | Database tools | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 422.2 MB | NZB | |
DivX | Tables Ladders And Chairs [2010] | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 797.97 MB | NZB | |
DivX | Elephant White (2011) | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 980.92 MB | NZB | |
HD Oth | Legend of the Guardians (2010) avchd | | | Animation | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 8.2 GB | NZB | |
HD-DVD | Tangled (2010) 1080P NL subs | | | Animation | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 8.52 GB | NZB | |
HD Oth | The Next Three Days (2010) NL subs | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 13.92 GB | NZB | |
DivX | Held Up (2010) | | | Comedy | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 800.34 MB | NZB | |
DivX | Boston Girls (2010) | | | Thriller | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 822.8 MB | NZB | |
PS3 | UFC Undisputed 2010 | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 45.12 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Ford Racing Off Road (2008) | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 525.08 MB | NZB | |
WIN | 3Call of Duty: Black Ops | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.6 GB | NZB | |
360 | Lost Planet Extreme Condition Colonies Edition PAL XBOX360-SWAG | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.69 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Spiderman Web Of Shadows JB PS3 ANTiDOTE | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.28 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Tony Hawk Proving Ground EUR JB PS3-PEMA | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 8.34 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | The Darkness JB PS3-ANTiDOTE | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 16.92 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions Of WWII EUR JB PS3-PEMA | | | Flying | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 14.7 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Motor Storm USA JB PS3-PSIII | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 14.57 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Soldier of Fortune Payback USA JB PS3-PSIII | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 2.85 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Transformers Revenge of The Fallen JB PS3-ANTiDOTE | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 14.23 GB | NZB | |
360 | Knights Contract PAL XBOX360 LoCAL | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.56 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Viking Battle For Asgard USA JB PS3 - CLANDESTiNE | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.49 GB | NZB | |
360 | Crash Time Autobahn Pursuit USA XBOX360 - VORTEX | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.67 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Virtua Fighter 5 USA JB PS3 - PSIII | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.08 GB | NZB | |
Wii | Pirate Blast USA Wii - APATHY | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.92 GB | NZB | |
Wii | Apathy-boogiesuperstar | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.87 GB | NZB | |
Wii | UDraw Studio PAL WII PLAYME | | | Child/youth | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.97 GB | NZB | |
360 | Sonic Unleashed PAL XBOX360 DAGGER | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.72 GB | NZB | |
PSP | DJ Max Fever USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.61 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Buzz Master Quiz USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Child/youth | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 502.7 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Bounty Hounds USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.18 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Condemned 2 Bloodshot USA JB PS3-PSIII psiii | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.2 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Dantes Inferno USA UMD PSP-PLAYME | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.61 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Saints Row 2 EUR JB PS3-MRN | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 3.02 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Red Faction Guerrilla USA JB PS3 PSIII | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 6.61 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Valkyria Chronicles USA JB PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 13.95 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Golden Axe Beast Rider USA JB PS3 - PSIII | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 6.23 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Ps3 First strike Call of duty black ops map pack | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 638.67 MB | NZB | |
PSP | 1007 From Russia With Love USA UMDRiP PSP-LIGHTFORCE | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 297.28 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Driver 76 USA PSP pSyPSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 698.32 MB | NZB | |
PSP | 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa USA PSN PSP-HR | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.1 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Call Of Duty Roads To Victory USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 485.93 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Assassins Creed Bloodlines USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 620.55 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Loco Roco USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Platform | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 453.32 MB | NZB | |
MPG | Hoe tem je een draak. psp en ipod | | | Adventure | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 725.64 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Hot Shots Tennis Get A Grip USA PSP-BAHAMUT | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.15 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Loco Roco 2 USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.72 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Lord Of The Rings Tactics USA PSP-ARTiSAN | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 630.24 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Need For Speed Most Wanted USA PSP - ARTiSAN | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 168.5 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories USA PSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 542.31 MB | NZB | |
PS3 | Shaun White Skateboarding USA JB PS3 | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.82 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Call Of Duty Black Ops EUR JB PS3-CALLOFDOODY | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 16.18 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Cities.In.Motion-1C | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 638.13 MB | NZB | |
x264HD | Step Up 3D 3DBD 2010 DTSD ML 1080p half SBS x264 Remux GD | | | Drama | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.96 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Rango USA JB PS3 - PSIII | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 3.15 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Tom Clancys EndWar PSP-VENOM | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 174.78 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together USA PSP RobotKillers | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.12 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 465.08 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Ys I And II Chronicles USA PSP-BAHAMUT | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1018.57 MB | NZB | |
PSP | SD Gundam G Generation World JPN PSP-Caravan JAP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.69 GB | NZB | |
x264HD | Just Wright (2010) | | | Comedy | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 9.34 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Gran Turismo 5 READ NFO EUR JB PS3 - ATAX | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 15.41 GB | NZB | |
360 | Rayman Raving Rabbids NTSC XBOX360 APATHY | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 6.44 GB | NZB | |
360 | Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare RF XBOX360 | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.22 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Little Big Planet 2 EUR JB PS3-FYAH | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 20.84 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Ship Simulator Extremes (2010) | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.83 GB | NZB | |
WIN | 1Flight Simulator X Acceleration | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 2.98 GB | NZB | |
DivX | The Company Men (2010) | | | Drama | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.64 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | 50 Cent Blood on the Sand EUR JB PS3-AGENCY | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 5.51 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Test Drive Unlimited 2 EUR JB PS3-ABSTRAKT | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 8.2 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Need For Speed Carbon Own The City USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 372.53 MB | NZB | |
PS3 | Killzone 3 euro JB PS3 MIRSUPer | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 44.45 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2011 EUR JB PS3 - ATAX | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.53 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Wheelman USA JB PS3-PIII psiii | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 6.17 GB | NZB | |
360 | BulletStorm.XBOX360-COMPLEX | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.81 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Armored Core 4 USA JB PS3 - PSIII | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 14.63 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Fight.Night.Champion.PS3-DUPLEX | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 5.82 GB | NZB | |
DivX | The Fighter 2010 CUSTOM PT SUBS NTSC DVDR CLD | | | Drama | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.51 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe-Razor1911 - DVD2] | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.62 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe-Razor1911 - DVD1 | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.6 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Flight simulator 2004 | | | Simulation | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.99 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Medal of Honor Heroes 2 USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 349.08 MB | NZB | |
PSP | [Medal of Honor Heroes USA PSP-pSyPSP] | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 477.88 MB | NZB | |
WIN | Medal Of Honor RELOADED | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.42 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 979.87 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Cosmic Destruction EUR PSP BAHAMUT | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 730.13 MB | NZB | |
PS3 | Super street fighter 4 | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 28.84 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Splinter Cell Essentials USA PSP-DMU | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.14 GB | NZB | |
360 | Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Legacy Edition-SWAG | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.23 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 724.57 MB | NZB | |
XBX | Fable The Lost Chapters PAL MULTi2 XBOXDVD EnDoR | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 3.17 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Brothers in Arms Earned In Blood-RELOADED | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 3.51 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Rainbow Six Vegas USA PSP-pSyPSP | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 767.51 MB | NZB | |
PS3 | Skate 3 | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.53 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Need for speed shift | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 759.05 MB | NZB | |
DivX | Chain lettter (2010) | | | Horror | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 5.32 GB | NZB | |
DivX | Freeway Killer (2010) | | | Drama | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 5.34 GB | NZB | |
PSP | Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories USA PSP-Start2 | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 855.96 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Race Driver 2006 USA PSP-DMU | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 853.07 MB | NZB | |
Wii | Super Mario Galaxy | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 4.93 GB | NZB | |
DivX | Last Tango in Paris (1972) 1080p datalab | | | Drama | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 11.22 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Fifa 11 | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.21 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 USA JB PS3-HR [RF] | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 8.24 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Mass Effect 2 USA JB PS3 MSDC | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 13.93 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Battlefield Bad.Company 2 PS3-DUPLEX | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 8.56 GB | NZB | |
PS3 | Grand Theft Auto IV Complete Edition USA JB PS3-CLANDESTiNE | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 18 GB | NZB | |
PSP | PSPMidnight Club LA Remix USA PSP | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 621.79 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Need For Speed Undercover USA PSP | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 626.14 MB | NZB | |
PS3 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 EUR | | | Sport | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 8.72 GB | NZB | |
DivX | Cocuklar Duymasin Bölum 34 | | | Television | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 788.01 MB | NZB | |
DivX | Gangsterboys (2010) | | | | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.17 GB | NZB | |
DivX | Kurtlar vadisi filistin (2011) | | | Action | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 744.05 MB | NZB | |
PSP | Gran Turismo EUR PSN PSP ABSTRAKT | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 1.09 GB | NZB | |
WIN | Test Drive Unlimited 2 *PROPER* | | | Race | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 7.35 GB | NZB | |
HD-DVD | Hereafter (2010) 720p | | | Drama | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 2.64 GB | NZB | |
WIN | 45 Handige programma's (portable) | | | Security software | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 134.3 MB | NZB | |
MPG | Up (2009) Psp/Iphone/Ipad | | | Comedy | Samcow | 1 decade, 4 years | 515.07 MB | NZB | |