MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.12 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 177.24 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Höhner – Mach Laut! | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 123.37 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Graziano - Romantica | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 97.47 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Hit-Giganten - Cover-Hits | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 404.6 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 122 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 366.79 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Hit-Giganten - Cabrio Hits | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 382.98 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.11 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 169.75 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 1Freddy Breck - Star Edition | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 115.83 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Ella Endlich - Meilenweit | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 191.35 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 450 Country Hits 121 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 370.31 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.10 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 173.98 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Stockhiatla - A Busserl Made In Austria | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 79.33 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Jungen Thierseer - Seid Ihr Bereit | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 95.37 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Hit Giganten - Apres Ski Hits | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 362.74 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 250 Country Hits 120 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 380.09 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Bobby Setter Band - The Best Of The Bobby Setter Band | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 188.02 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.09 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 171.61 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Flippers - Freunde Fürs Leben | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 124.52 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Bayrische Sieben - Stimmung Hits und Evergreens | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 89.08 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 849 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 417.32 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 350 Country Hits 119 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 386.37 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Cuba Tropical muziek | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 289.77 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.08 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 165.8 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | D' Neuneralm Musi spuit auf - Nr. 2 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 103.56 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Calimeros - Ich Fühl Wie Du | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 91.73 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 118 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 373.07 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Bobby Setter Band - 35 Years International Hits | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 163.13 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.07 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 176.78 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Bella Amigos - Feuert los - Berühmte Märsche im Popsound | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 87.95 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Andreas Martin - Kein Problem | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 114.76 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 117 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 6 months | 375.13 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.06 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 174.74 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Amigos - Durchs Feuer | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 135.16 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Alberts Trompetenexpress - 40 Jahre Trompetenspieler Aus Tirol | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 135.46 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 116 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 406.39 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.05 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 178.79 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Wilde Herzen - Absolut Liebe | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 133.68 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tiroler Sunnwend Musig - Allerhand Volksmusik | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 103.63 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 115 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 386.08 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.04 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 160.43 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Schürzenjäger - Die Schönsten Balladen | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 188.41 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Ramona - Alles was wir wolln auf Erden | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 107.44 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 114 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 372.78 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.03 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 191.95 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Oesch's die Dritten - Wurzeln und Flügel | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 138.64 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Michael Klostermann & seine Musikanten - So viele schöne Mädchen | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 99.01 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 848 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 422.6 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 113 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 413.93 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.02 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 184 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Ludwig Hirsch - Glanzlichter | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 113.66 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Jürgen Drews - Wieder alles im Griff | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 123.15 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 847 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 413.47 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 112 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 374.84 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tollhaus.Joker.Vol.01 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 185.37 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Helene Fischer - So nah wie du | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 105.01 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Geschwister Hofmann - Der Junge Von San Angelo | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 89.46 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1989 (alweer de laatste van deze serie) | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 140.21 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 111 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 371.12 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Edith Prock - Meine Melodien | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 93.7 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Mayrhofner - Mutter Thereza | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 87.19 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1988 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 148.89 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 846 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 396.55 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 110 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 378.87 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Draufgänger - Meiner Heimat bleib ich treu | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 95 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | D' Neuneralm Musi spuit auf - Ein Stück Heimat | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 89.78 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1987 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 162.02 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 109 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 386.44 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Bianca - Traumen meiner Kindheit | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 171.13 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Atlantis - Die ersten grossen Erfolge | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 157.89 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1986 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 155.2 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 108 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 390.76 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Amigos - Unvergessene Schlager | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 178.95 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Almprinzen aus Suedtirol - Das Leben ist ein Traum | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 106.08 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 10 Rock me slow (alweer de laatste van deze serie) | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 148.39 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1985 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 150.07 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 107 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 378.23 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Wetterstoa Musikanten - Aufdraht | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 132.3 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tina York - Meine Schönsten Lieder | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 113.78 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 09 Careless whisper | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 140.53 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1984 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 155.61 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 845 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 416.41 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 106 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 396.22 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Seelenthron - Heimkehr | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 72.95 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Sarah Lesch - Von Musen . matrosen | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 188.57 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 08 Someone loves you honey | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 158.25 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1983 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 157.72 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 105 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 362.49 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Regenbogen - Was man wirklich liebt | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 85.94 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Orig. Zillertaler Edelweiss Duo - In Tirol bin i Zuhaus | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 92.29 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 07 The diamond orchestra | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 148.32 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1982 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 151.46 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 844 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 406.69 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 104 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 384.28 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1981 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 149.41 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Nico Sanders - Einmal irgendwann | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 147.32 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Mary Roos - Das Beste | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 345.45 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 06 Need yourlove so bad | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 153.88 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 103 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 400.34 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Kreuzjoch Duo - Am stillen Bergsee | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 97.35 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Ingrid Peters - 40 Jahre ZDF Hitparade | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 145.01 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 05 Special lady | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 161.3 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1980 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 167.63 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 102 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 371.01 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Grand Prix der Volksmusik - 25 Jahre - Finale 2010 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 309.79 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Frank Galan - Träume Im Wind | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 96.99 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 04 Baby come to me | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 160.96 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1979 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 163.3 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 101 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 389.88 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 48 (aleer de laatste van deze serie) | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 199.2 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Vaiolets - Du bist das Feuer | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 99.4 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Grubertaler - Oh Oh Baby | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 76.55 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 03 I need you | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 163.91 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1978 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 163.31 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 100 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 374.44 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Edlseer - Echt cool | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 121.04 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dchinghis Kahn - 7 Leben | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 143.15 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 47 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 195.9 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 02 Move closer | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 157.45 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1977 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 154.86 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 843 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 403.26 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 099 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 377.85 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Christian Anders - Es fährt ein Zug | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 122.57 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Bernhard Brink - Wie Weit Willst Du Gehn | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 124.26 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 46 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 199.43 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Golden Love Songs - 01 Lady love | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 151.67 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1976 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 152.83 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 098 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 405.82 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Andrea Berg - Träume lügen nicht | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 107.19 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Alex Reichinger - 10 Jahre | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 141.33 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 45 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 193.77 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1975 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 144.73 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.16 (alweer de laatste van deze serie) | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 193.45 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 842 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 409.29 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 097 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 376.27 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Winfried Stark Und Seine Original Steigerwälder - Goldene Schallplatte | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 93.56 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Silvio Samoni - 20 Goldene Schlager | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 172.72 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 44 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 190.92 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1974 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 137.78 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.15 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 189.6 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 096 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 401.34 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Rene Carol - Bianca Rosa | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 179.92 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Schlagerfrühling | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 477.55 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 43 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 193.63 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1973 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 141.75 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.14 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 154.74 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 095 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 361.85 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Original Oberkrainer Sextett - 25 Jahre | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 96.88 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Nana Mouskouri - Weisse Rosen aus Athen | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 98.01 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 42 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 190.89 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1972 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 144.49 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.13 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 184.26 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 094 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 372.23 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Matthias Reim - Die Ultimative Hit-Collection | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 381.76 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Ludwig Hirsch - In Ewigkeit Damen | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 109.77 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 41 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 191.81 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1971 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 136.44 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.12 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 190 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 093 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 364.01 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Judith & Mel - Best of 25 Jahre | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 302.41 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Chamer Buam - Die grosse Liebe gibt`s nur einmal | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 105.49 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 40 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 204.07 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1970 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 140.75 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.11 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 187.98 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 841 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 426.68 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 092 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 390.12 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Duo Herzklang - Ich Mocht Mit Dir Ein Luftschloss Bauen | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 89.61 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Frank Schöbel - Unvergesssen (Die Hits unserer Herzen) | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 128.63 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 39 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 201.93 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1969 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 128.99 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.10 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 171.18 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 091 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 384.37 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1968 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 117.23 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Paldauer - Star Edition | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 136.9 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die grosse 3 der Volksmusik | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 158.77 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 38 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 186.09 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.09 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 201.05 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 840 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 431.12 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 090 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 383.3 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1967 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 112 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die 4 Spatzen aus Tirol - Die Botschaft der Berge | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 82.44 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Christian Catin - Weil das leben super ist | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 103.26 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 37 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 186.23 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.08 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 170.99 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 089 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 388.7 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.07 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 171.5 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Belvauer Jonge - Heimat der bergen | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 105.26 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Anna-Maria Zimmermann - Partybox | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 382.8 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 36 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 196.65 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1966 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 115.23 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 088 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 392.4 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Andrea Berg - Gefühle Premiumversion | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 203.61 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Almrauschklang - Mit Musik Durch's Alpenland | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 93.59 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 35 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 191 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1965 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 108.54 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.06 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 171.53 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 087 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 7 months | 383.2 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Zillertaler Haderlumpen - Urig Und Echt | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 95.67 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Vlado Kumpan & Seine Musikanten - Die Goldenen Klassiker | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 126.52 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 34 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 207.43 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1964 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 107.49 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.05 | | | Dance | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 168.61 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 839 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 417.77 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 086 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 389.81 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.04 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 163.44 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tirolerisch Gspielt - Tyrol Project | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 85.5 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Tauern Echo - Im Garten Eden | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 108.37 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 33 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 198.15 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1963 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 106.59 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 838 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 432.65 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 085 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 382.96 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Seer - Grundlsee | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 143.35 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Roland Kaiser - Alles ist möglich | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 132.58 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 32 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 187.87 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1962 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 107.66 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.03 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 171.09 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 084 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 381.69 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 31 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 216.73 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Orig. Bargland Wagges - Wir Machen Ramba Zamba | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 86.8 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Monika Martin - Dafur danke ich dir | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 106.95 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1961 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 111.47 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.02 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 173.05 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 083 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 356.08 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Dance Classics - The Hits Vol.01 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 171.78 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Maintaler Musikanten - Wir Wollen Eure Freunde Sein | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 85.67 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Juliane Werding - Ohne angst | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 87.24 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 30 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 193.71 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Goldene Schlager Archiv 1960 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 113.33 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 082 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 397.96 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Hansi Hinterseer - Danke für Deine Liebe | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 111.5 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Gaby Albrecht - Ich Habe Mich So In Dich Verliebt | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 107.77 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 29 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 209.55 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 081 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 377.07 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Paldauer - Hör auf dein Herz | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 168.66 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Fantasy - Best Of 10 Jahre Fantasy | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 187.39 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 28 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 189.67 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 080 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 370.88 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Flippers - Liebe ist ein rose | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 103.59 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Die Alpenstuermer - Oh Mamma Mamma mia! | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 92.52 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Schlager Am Laufenden Band Vol 14 (alweer de laatste van deze serie) | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 855.02 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 27 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 193.88 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Duitstalige Hits 837 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 428.31 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 079 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 376.29 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Das Beste Aus Der Krone Der Volksmusik (4CD) | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 647.02 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Bernhard Brink - Frei und Abgebrannt | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 97.34 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Schlager Am Laufenden Band Vol 13 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 820.68 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Puur Hollands 26 | | | Dutch | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 197.25 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | 50 Country Hits 078 | | | Country | Oldtimer | 6 years, 8 months | 376.14 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Anna-Maria Zimmermann - Himmelblau | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 9 months | 123.87 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Allgäu Power - Wir Machen Musik Für Euch | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 9 months | 91.47 MB | NZB | |
MP3 | Schlager Am Laufenden Band Vol 12 | | | Diverse | Oldtimer | 6 years, 9 months | 823.79 MB | NZB | |