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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
x264HD2Het mogelijke einde van de atoomoorlog dreiging - Karel van Wolferen 103 39TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 5 days438.72 MBNZB
x264HD2Het spel dat OORLOG heet - de andere kant van het verhaal - DIEDERT DE WAGT & GEORGE VAN HOUTS 25TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 5 days691.5 MBNZB
x264HD4!Weekoverzicht #49 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 20Television!MasterMind3 months, 6 days1.85 GBNZB
x264HD4Blckbx today Einde auto in de stad COVID-commissie VS over lab-leak-theory Come-back QR-code 24TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 6 days1.45 GBNZB
x264HD3Wij zijn gebruikt" zegt Marie-Thérèse ter Haar met haar docu, Een Verloren Vrede... 35TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 1 week1.16 GBNZB
x264HD4Weekoverzicht 48 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 10TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 1 week1.88 GBNZB
x264HD4Jensen - Bewust zijn 2025 14TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 1 week3.22 GBNZB
x264HD4Hoe werkt Propaganda & Mindcontrol? 19TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 2 weeks1.4 GBNZB
x264HD3Jodenjacht Arabierenjacht - Column Ad Nuis / Hans Teeuwen - Individuen op jacht 62TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 2 weeks588.58 MBNZB
x264HD2Documentary: Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening -2024- 23TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 2 weeks798.4 MBNZB
x264HD2Weekoverzicht 47 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 16TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 2 weeks1.03 GBNZB
x264HD2Blckbx today OMT-tapes vrijgegeven Boeren Europa vechten terug Oekraïne gebruikt NAVO-raketten 15TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 3 weeks1.86 GBNZB
x264HD2Weekoverzicht 46 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 17TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 3 weeks716.85 MBNZB
x264HD2De omslag nadert Column Ad Nuis 19TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 4 weeks351.64 MBNZB
x264HD1JENSEN SPECIAL deel 2 (repost) 23TelevisionMasterMind3 months, 4 weeks2.96 GBNZB
x264HD!JENSEN SPECIAL deel 2 26Television!MasterMind4 months, 3 hours2.96 GBNZB
x264HD3JENSEN SPECIAL Trump & deep state, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk en transhumanisme 35TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 15 hours832 MBNZB
x264HD3President Trump's Plan to DISMANTLE the Deep State ⭐ His First Term Revealed Them, Second Term They Get Taken Out 30TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 1 day59.47 MBNZB
x264HD4President Trump - The World Health Organization Has Become Nothing More Than a Corrupt Globalist Scam - It’s OVER for the WHO 24TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 1 day24.26 MBNZB
x264HD3Japan Officially Names COVID mRNA Vaccine - Most Deadly Drug in History of Humankind 34TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 2 days1.13 GBNZB
x264HD4Weekoverzicht #45 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 15TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 3 days1.75 GBNZB
x264HD2Weekoverzicht #44 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 16TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 1 week959.23 MBNZB
x264HD3Bonusuitzending Weekoverzicht - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 26TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 1 week879.98 MBNZB
x264HD3WillDoFreedom meets Emile Ratelband in Thailand 17TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 1 week394.61 MBNZB
x264HD3Teloorgang stekkerauto - Nieuw economisch systeem BRICS - Trump bij Joe Rogan 24TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 1 week1.66 GBNZB
x264HD3Weekoverzicht #43 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 37TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 2 weeks977.32 MBNZB
DivX4Prikschade 2024 64TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 2 weeks218.54 MBNZB
x264HD5Lareb verdoezelt vaccinrisico’s - ECB valt crypto aan - Londen onteigent autobezitters 53TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 2 weeks1.91 GBNZB
x264HD2Emile Ratelband! Ondernemers weggepest 9TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 3 weeks1.21 GBNZB
x264HD3Angst voor ongevaccineerde kinderen - Misbruik natuursubsidies - Vooruitblik BRICS-top 41TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 3 weeks2.17 GBNZB
x264HD3Omvolking - Column Ad Nuis 24TelevisionMasterMind4 months, 3 weeks487.75 MBNZB
x264HD4Weekoverzicht #41 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 27TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 17 hours515.7 MBNZB
x264HD1PACE hearing on Julian Assange's detention and conviction and their chilling effects on human rights 11TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 5 days419.8 MBNZB
x264HD3Avondcollege Noodrecht - Universiteit Utrecht - mr. Jeroen Pols 17TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 6 days1.11 GBNZB
x264HD4Weekoverzicht 40 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 9TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 6 days958.47 MBNZB
x264HD3Chemtrails, nee hoor niets te zien hier (Seizoen 40 E12) 44TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 1 week150.36 MBNZB
x264HD2DWIV # 19 - Begint WOIII in Midden-Oosten - MH17-doofpot & bedrog - Strengste asielbeleid ooit 21TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 1 week2.63 GBNZB
x264HD2Agenda 2030 is al mislukt - Column Ad Nuis - 27 sep 2024 33TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 2 weeks407.18 MBNZB
x264HD2Weekoverzicht #39 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols + De Andere Krant # 39 - 2024 18TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 2 weeks844.13 MBNZB
x264HD4Weekoverzicht 38 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 17TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 3 weeks1.15 GBNZB
x264HD4Weekoverzicht 37 Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 35TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 3 weeks649.25 MBNZB
DivX3Stop de oorlog - Adje voor vrede 33TelevisionMasterMind5 months, 3 weeks257.28 MBNZB
x264HD2De gevaarlijkste man op aarde - deel 02 (2024) 43TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 1 week5.14 GBNZB
x264HD4De gevaarlijkste man op aarde - deel 01 (2024) 52TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 1 week3.48 GBNZB
x264HD!De gevaarlijkste man op aarde - deel 1 (2024) 8Television!MasterMind6 months, 1 week3.19 GBNZB
x264HD4The Reveal; Brian Rose Interviews David Icke About World Events, Covid Killshots, Artificial Intelligence and Much More 34TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks3.28 GBNZB
x264HD5The Mysterious Death of Dr. Fauci’s Most Notable Critic Dr. Kary Mullis, Inventor of the Notorious PCR Test 35TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks64.91 MBNZB
x264HD4Blckbx today: CEO Telegram opgepakt - Kennedy steunt Trump - Dalend geboortecijfer door mRNA vaccin? 55TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks1.24 GBNZB
x264HD4De Jensen Roadshow - Hier kan het nog 15TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks3.38 GBNZB
x264HD4Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropped out of the presidential race on Friday 21AdventureMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks150.16 MBNZB
x264HD3Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at Trump rally 16TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks78.28 MBNZB
x264HD6Telegraaf 'omgang complotdenkers' Stigma op vrede Neoliberalisme ontvluchten? DWIV #14 37TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks894.57 MBNZB
x264HD2Jensen een toevallige ontmoeting 22TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks2.57 GBNZB
x264HD4Blckbx today: VK sluit 'relschoppers' op - Corona documenten gelekt - Einde aan rekken procedures? 24TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks673.6 MBNZB
x264HD2Weekoverzicht 34 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 32TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 2 weeks679.15 MBNZB
x264HD6Unsafe and Ineffective", de grootste leugen die ooit aan het volk is verkocht 53TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 3 weeks1.86 GBNZB
x264HD4Weekoverzicht #33 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 21TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 3 weeks469.24 MBNZB
x264HD2Jensen Roadshow #5 - Een dagje met mijn vader. 15TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 3 weeks2.78 GBNZB
x264HD2Andrew Tate x Candace Owens Candace Ep. 46 16TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 3 weeks842.54 MBNZB
DivX3The Trueman Show #185 Lucas Hollertt 'Ze verkopen hun ziel aan de duivel' 16TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 3 weeks1.14 GBNZB
DivX3Jay Francis Hoe De Overheid Mij In Het Geheim Wilde Cancellen! 21TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 4 weeks2.03 GBNZB
DivX1The Trueman Show #182 Stef Bos - Het antwoord zit in ons- 8TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 4 weeks2.09 GBNZB
DivX4Karel van Wolferen in gesprek met Karel Beckman Conversatie met Gezond Verstand (deel 2) 33TelevisionMasterMind6 months, 4 weeks414.53 MBNZB
DivX4Weekoverzicht #32 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 30TelevisionMasterMind7 months, 1 day580.59 MBNZB
PDF2!Gezond Verstand 94 (27 juli) 15Magazine!MasterMind7 months, 6 days2.72 MBNZB
DivX2Schepping vs Evolutie Een gesprek met microbioloog Dr. Pieter Borger 22TelevisionMasterMind7 months, 6 days704.81 MBNZB
DivX6Weekoverzicht 30 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 11DocumentaryMasterMind7 months, 2 weeks296.82 MBNZB
DivX2Weekoverzicht #30 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 4TelevisionMasterMind7 months, 2 weeks296.82 MBNZB
DivX2Weekoverzicht #30 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 6TelevisionMasterMind7 months, 2 weeks296.82 MBNZB
DivX3Weekoverzicht #29 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 26TelevisionMasterMind7 months, 3 weeks425.6 MBNZB
DivX2Karel van Wolferen in gesprek met Karel Beckman Conversatie met Gezond Verstand 21TelevisionMasterMind7 months, 4 weeks1.28 GBNZB
PDF3De andere krant nr. 28 50MagazineMasterMind7 months, 4 weeks5.85 MBNZB
DivX25 jaar de Jensen show 34TelevisionMasterMind8 months, 12 hours373.75 MBNZB
DivX2Weekoverzicht #28 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 20TelevisionMasterMind8 months, 12 hours373.75 MBNZB
DivX3De vogelgriep H5N1 plandemie voor oktober 2024 is in voorbereiding. 44TelevisionMasterMind8 months, 1 day1.95 GBNZB
PDF2De Andere Krant 6-7-2024 35NewspaperMasterMind8 months, 3 days4.95 MBNZB
DivX1AI this is BEYOND your wildest imagination 12TelevisionMasterMind9 months, 6 days250.12 MBNZB
DivX5Karel van Wolferen in gesprek met Ralf Dekker 19TelevisionMasterMind9 months, 1 week459.69 MBNZB
DivX5Geo-engeneering bestaat niet dat zijn allemaal leugens 30TelevisionMasterMind9 months, 1 week1.11 GBNZB
DivX4Robert Jensen in gesprek met Ralf Dekker 18TelevisionMasterMind9 months, 1 week2.86 GBNZB
DivX2Dfacto Weekoverzicht 22 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 23TelevisionMasterMind9 months, 1 week417.92 MBNZB
DivX1Super Humanity - Transhumanism -2024- 34DocumentaryMasterMind9 months, 3 weeks619.92 MBNZB
DivX3Jensen – speciale uitzending. 46TelevisionMasterMind10 months, 2 weeks2.25 GBNZB
DivX5Waar komen al die tumoren toch vandaan -2024- 73DocumentaryMasterMind10 months, 3 weeks177.2 MBNZB
DivX3HET EINDE VAN DE MENSHEID - Zoals gepland door de wereldleiders -2024- 66TelevisionMasterMind10 months, 3 weeks1.21 GBNZB
DivX4What in the world are they spraying - Nederlands ondertiteld 29CrimeMasterMind10 months, 3 weeks381.35 MBNZB
DivX4THE END OF HUMANITY - As Planned By The Global Leaders 59CrimeMasterMind10 months, 3 weeks1.24 GBNZB
DivX2Weekoverzicht #15 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 21TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 4 hours533.14 MBNZB
DivX4Redacted 11 April – Het gefabriceerde Covid 19 virus in Wuhan 17TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 1 day345.7 MBNZB
DivX3Ritueel misbruik: de onderste steen moet boven - Gideon van Meijeren 54TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 1 week1.23 GBNZB
DivX1De Jensen Show #627 - De macht ligt bij ons 26TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 1 week2.83 GBNZB
DivX2Blckbx today 3 april 2024 19TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 1 week825.32 MBNZB
DivX2This is a DEVASTATING blow to the WEF and this is how we beat them 43TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 1 week215.33 MBNZB
DivX7In Duitsland wordt nu openlijk erkend dat COVID-19 bedrog is. 115TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 1 week76.43 MBNZB
x264HD1Jensen in gesprek met Dr. Naomi Wolf 50TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 1 week3.11 GBNZB
DivX1Ongehoord Nederland - Candace Owens 41TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 2 weeks465.95 MBNZB
DivX1Naomi Wolf - If Europe does not wake up, you will all be dead 31TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 2 weeks2.63 GBNZB
DivX1Candace Owens - Het Westen wil oorlog -2024- 33TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 2 weeks647.88 MBNZB
DivX1Redacted 25 Maart - This was the LAST straw for Ukraine, it's over 31TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 2 weeks472.35 MBNZB
DivX1Jensen show #624 - 25 maaart 40TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 2 weeks2.67 GBNZB
DivX1Blckbx today 22 Maart 2024 22TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 3 weeks713.94 MBNZB
DivX2The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) 21DocumentaryMasterMind11 months, 3 weeks912.23 MBNZB
DivX1Willem en Jeroen - Weekoverzicht #12 20TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 3 weeks871.45 MBNZB
DivX1Jensen - Ik heb gefaald 26TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 3 weeks2.52 GBNZB
DivX1Climate The Movie (The Cold Truth) -2024- 36TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 3 weeks1.39 GBNZB
DivX2Waarom ik Willem Engel nooit interviewde 60TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 3 weeks2.37 GBNZB
DivX1Jensen - waarom zijn mensen zo bang #622 46TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 3 weeks2.82 GBNZB
DivX1Pro Privacy Podcast #02 - Wie kan bij je rekening Groen licht Digital ID, Interoperabiliteit CBDC's. 19TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 3 weeks508.86 MBNZB
DivX1Gezond Verstand 16 Maart 2024 - Kabinetsformatie zonder Wilders EU troepen naar Oekraïne 27TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 4 weeks1.44 GBNZB
DivX1Weekoverzicht #11 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 39TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 4 weeks1.99 GBNZB
DivX1Media blijft virus - de Jensen show #621 31TelevisionMasterMind11 months, 4 weeks2.81 GBNZB
DivX1Jensen het echte geluid Aflevering 620 - Blij met Halsema 82TelevisionMasterMind1 year, 1 day2.54 GBNZB
DivX1Mechanismen achter complottheorieën. 24TelevisionMasterMind1 year, 2 days1.73 GBNZB
DivX3Redacted 11-3-2024: Putin just scored a KNOCKOUT blow to NATO and they're getting desperate 25TelevisionMasterMind1 year, 2 days387.19 MBNZB
DivX6Elon Musk Is OFFICIALLY Announced As Donald Trump's Vice President en 13 maart `De slag bij Albert Heijn` 53TelevisionMasterMind1 year, 2 days463.23 MBNZB
DivX5Oh SH*T, something BIG is happening in Germany and Putin demands answers 80TelevisionMasterMind1 year, 1 week317.08 MBNZB
DivX4Wat hebben oorlogszucht, Agenda 2030 en de Green Deal met elkaar te maken? 42TelevisionMasterMind1 year, 1 week479.48 MBNZB
DivX3De Andere Krant van 2 maart 2024 45TelevisionMasterMind1 year, 1 week11.11 MBNZB
DivX8Weekoverzicht #9 2024 - Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols 22TelevisionMasterMind1 year, 1 week945.04 MBNZB
WINMediaHuman YouTube Downloader 0AudioMastermind3 years, 10 months64.37 MBNZB
WINStartIsBack++ 2.9.1 Final 0System softwareMastermind4 years, 9 months1.65 MBNZB
WIN1StartIsBack++ 2.8 Final 0System softwareMastermind6 years, 1 month1.61 MBNZB
MP3Thomas Anders - Ewig Mit Dir (2018) 0PopMastermind6 years, 3 months127.18 MBNZB
MP3Daniël Lohues - Vlier 0WorldMastermind6 years, 10 months161.89 MBNZB
MP3Nighttime Lovers - Volume 27 0CompilationMastermind7 years, 3 months188.03 MBNZB
AndroidTomTom Go Navigation & Traffic 1.17.1 build 2121 fixed 0DevelopmentMastermind7 years, 4 months149.98 MBNZB
AndroidTomTom GO Mobile GPS Traffic 1.17 0DevelopmentMastermind7 years, 7 months61.01 MBNZB
AndroidTT Benelux Android v1.4 Map 990.8306 0DevelopmentMastermind7 years, 9 months507.07 MBNZB
AndroidTT Europe Android v1.4 Map 990.8306 0DevelopmentMastermind7 years, 9 months3.96 GBNZB
MP3Mark Ashley - I Will Not Forget You 0PopMastermind7 years, 10 months146.03 MBNZB
AndroidTomTom Western Europe v1.4 android kaart 985.8155 0DevelopmentMastermind8 years, 3 weeks2.69 GBNZB
AndroidTomTom Benelux v1.4 android kaart 985.8155 0DevelopmentMastermind8 years, 3 weeks506.92 MBNZB
AndroidTomTom Europe v1.4 android kaart 985.8155 0DevelopmentMastermind8 years, 3 weeks3.93 GBNZB
MP3Masterpiece - The Ultimate Disco Funk Collection - Vol. 23 0CompilationMastermind8 years, 3 weeks157.53 MBNZB
x264HD2Safe House REPOST 0Actionmastermind1 decade, 2 years3.79 GBNZB
WINHy2rogen Progressive Tools 5 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years277.44 MBNZB
WIN1Hy2rogen Progressive Tools 1 REPOST 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years617.03 MBNZB
WIN1Vipzone Silver Melodies 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years59.71 MBNZB
WINHy2rogen Progressive Tools 2 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years877.96 MBNZB
WINHy2rogen Progressive Tools 3 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years310.34 MBNZB
WINHy2rogen Progressive Tools 6 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years194.21 MBNZB
WINLoopmasters GU sample series 4 Nic Fanciulli 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years422.58 MBNZB
WINLoopmasters GU Samples Series 3 Sultan 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years224.45 MBNZB
WINLoopmasters Tribal House 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years2 GBNZB
WIN2Loopmasters Deeper House Vol 2 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years845.49 MBNZB
WINLoopmasters Progressive House Melodies 0Audiomastermind1 decade, 2 years767.51 MBNZB
WAVLoopmasters swedish house 0Dancemastermind1 decade, 2 years1.31 GBNZB