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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
WINLemmings handleiding C64 0StrategyAl Capino1 decade, 1 year11.1 MBNZB
MP3Welcome to Dreamland 0DiverseAl Capino1 decade, 3 years187.63 MBNZB
MP3Maniacs of Noise (Jeroen Tel) 0DiverseAl Capino1 decade, 3 years97 MBNZB
MP3Synthesizer top 100 (4 CD) 0DiverseAl Capino1 decade, 3 years448.35 MBNZB
ePubFoto''s landschap Sardinie (Italie) 0Al Capino1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINMailwasher (Pro) backup programma 0OtherAl Capino1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINGarfield, Gek van katten! 0OtherAl Capino1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINLeren leren 0OtherAl Capino1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINSoundblaster SB16 Driver (WIN 3.1/WIN95) 0OtherAl Capino1 decade, 4 yearsn/a