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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
WINLive darts kijken op BBC2 0Media playersspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINDeskspace (Dutch) 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
360Metal Slug XX (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years205.98 MBNZB
360Carnival Games Monkey See Monkey Do 0AdventureSpanny1 decade, 3 years7.49 GBNZB
WINMedieval Engineers 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 3 weeks1.84 GBNZB
WiiStar Fox Zero (WIIU - Loadiine Ready2Pay) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
360Abgx360.net backup - 2010-09-17 - StealthFiles 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
360Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D''s (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years195.62 MBNZB
360Sonic & Knuckles (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years33.62 MBNZB
WINThe Sims 3 - Pets (Beestenbende) 0RoleplayingSpanny1 decade, 2 years4.45 GBNZB
WIN1Grid 2 - RELOADED 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 1 year6.54 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 15 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
Wii[WiiU] Zen Pinball 2 + All DLC + Loadiine MOD 0SimulationSpanny8 years, 5 months2.66 GBNZB
360Splosion Man (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years388.96 MBNZB
360TNT Racers (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years91.2 MBNZB
360Monkey Island: Special Edition (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years606.73 MBNZB
360Swarm (XBLA Non JTAG) 0PlatformSpanny1 decade, 3 years965.19 MBNZB
WINThe Forest 0.01b (Save Game is nu mogelijk)) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 9 months632.9 MBNZB
WiiNew Super Luigi U (WIIU - Loadiine Ready2Play) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
360Doritos Dash Of Destruction (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years69.89 MBNZB
360Poker Smash (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Puzzlespanny1 decade, 4 years114.85 MBNZB
360A World Of keflings (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Simulationspanny1 decade, 4 years183.07 MBNZB
WINThe Walking Dead Full (Episode 1-5 + DLC 400 Days) 0AdventureSpanny1 decade, 1 year1.99 GBNZB
WINCall Of Juarez: The Cartel BlackBox REPACK (Precracked) 0ShooterSpanny1 decade, 3 years3.02 GBNZB
360Assassin''s Creed (GOD Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years7.15 GBNZB
WINWRC Powerslide 0RaceSpanny1 decade, 1 year2.15 GBNZB
NDSEtrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight + Etrian Mystery Dungeon (EUR 3DS) 0ActionSpanny9 years, 3 weeks1.64 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 6 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS[3DS] Pokemon Sun (.3DS) RF 0ActionSpanny8 years, 4 weeks3 KBNZB
360NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 years944.92 MBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build.290513 (Base Game) 0SimulationSpanny9 years, 9 months1.24 GBNZB
Wii[WiiU] Mario Party 10 (Loadiine Ready2Play) 0SimulationSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
WINPoker Night At The Inventory 0Strategyspanny1 decade, 4 years248.96 MBNZB
Wii[WiiU] Dr. Luigi (Loadiine-Ready2Play) 0PuzzleSpanny8 years, 3 months120.63 MBNZB
360Stacking (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years1.11 GBNZB
360Breach (XBLA Non JTAG) werkt op elke xbox 0Shooterspanny1 decade, 4 years1.39 GBNZB
iOSTicket To Ride Europe+Pocket (USA) 0BoardgameSpanny1 decade, 1 year44.21 MBNZB
WINPinball Fx2 Build.290513 + Build 281014 (base game + newest update) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 3 months5.38 GBNZB
WiiChild of Light - eShop (WIIU - Loadiine Ready2Play) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Slots pack (24 apps) 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS[3DS] Yo-Kai Watch 2 - Bony Spirits (AUS {werkt op EUR console}) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 4 months2.22 GBNZB
WINPinball FX2 - Star Wars™ Pinball Rogue One + All DLC (Standalone 70 Tafels) 0SimulationSpanny8 years, 1 month5.77 GBNZB
360Guwange (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 years123.15 MBNZB
360Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years33.75 MBNZB
WINAmnesia: The Dark Descent 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 years1.35 GBNZB
WINThe Sims 3 Ultimate Fix (latest update + cracks voor alle uitbreidingen) 0RoleplayingSpanny1 decade, 2 years1.29 GBNZB
360Duke Nukem 3D (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years98.1 MBNZB
360Army of TWO: The 40th Day (GOD Non JTAG) 0ShooterSpanny1 decade, 3 years7.21 GBNZB
Wii[WiiU] Paper Mario Color Splash (Loadiine Ready2Play) [EUR FIX] 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 5 months8.29 GBNZB
360PAC-MAN Championship Edition (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 years57.85 MBNZB
360Limbo (XBLA Non JTAG) (deze werkt zeker) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years134.39 MBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build.290513+Build.251013 (Basis Spel + Laatste Update) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year2.34 GBNZB
WINYesterday - SKIDROW 0AdventureSpanny1 decade, 2 years3.74 GBNZB
360Deadliest Warrior (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years977.11 MBNZB
360Beyond Good & Evil HD (XBLA Non JTAG) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 years1.85 GBNZB
WINResident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - SKIDROW 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 2 years7.46 GBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build.290513+Build.230414.DLC (BASIS SPEL + LAATSTE UPDATE) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 10 months3.24 GBNZB
NDSFire Emblem Fates - Special Edition (EUR MULTI5) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 9 months1.98 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 11 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
360Ilomilo (XBLA Non JTAG) werkt op elke xbox 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years285.51 MBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build 290513 + 210613 (inc DLC) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year1.47 GBNZB
WINFrom Dust + Crack (working) 0AdventureSpanny1 decade, 3 years1.58 GBNZB
360MX vs ATV Reflex (GOD Non JTAG) 0Racespanny1 decade, 4 years6.55 GBNZB
NDSBravely Default + Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) 0ActionSpanny9 years, 1 month4.83 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 2 0Puzzlespanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS[3DS] 7th Dragon III - Code VFD - Pussycat 0ActionSpanny8 years, 3 months2.2 GBNZB
360Dead Rising 2: Case West (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years1.3 GBNZB
360Marathon: Durandal (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years161.29 MBNZB
WINDrawn - The Painted Tower 0Adventurespanny1 decade, 4 years216.49 MBNZB
360Alien Breed 3: Descent (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years642.74 MBNZB
3601Dance Central All DLC (songs) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 3 years163.33 MBNZB
WINBesiege v0.03 -Early Access 0StrategySpanny1 decade, 3 weeks112.14 MBNZB
WiiStar Fox Guard (WIIU - Loadiine Ready2Play) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
360FIFA 11 0Sportspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
360Shank(XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years2.26 GBNZB
360Penny Arcade Episode 2 (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years290.8 MBNZB
WINThe Sims 3 - Generations (Levensweg) 0RoleplayingSpanny1 decade, 2 years1.78 GBNZB
WINMs. Splosion Man 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 1 year4 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 16 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
Wii[WiiU] Minecraft Story Mode - WiiU (Loadiine Ready2Play only in SSB Mode) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 5 months722.04 MBNZB
360Toy Soldiers (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years783.25 MBNZB
360Pinball FX2 + All Tables (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years928.89 MBNZB
360Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years191.11 MBNZB
360Battle: Los Angeles (XBLA Non JTAG) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 years1.13 GBNZB
WINArcadeCraft - Beta 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 9 months172.15 MBNZB
WiiLEGO The Hobbit (WIIU - Loadiine Ready2Play) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
360Doritos Crash Course (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years68.07 MBNZB
360Happy Tree Friends (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Puzzlespanny1 decade, 4 years171.23 MBNZB
360Castle Crashers (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years161.64 MBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build.050713 (Update, Captain America Table) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year409.37 MBNZB
360Dance Central 2 (IMARS) RF 0FamilySpanny1 decade, 3 years7.71 GBNZB
360DeathSpank (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years1.14 GBNZB
360Assassin''s Creed 2 (GOD Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years5.65 GBNZB
WINBanished 0StrategySpanny1 decade, 1 year97.51 MBNZB
NDSSenran Kagura Burst + Senran Kagura Deep Crimson (EUR) 3DS 0SimulationSpanny9 years, 3 weeks4.29 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 7 0Racespanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS1Super Mario Maker 3DS (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Ru) 0RoleplayingSpanny8 years, 4 weeks3 KBNZB
360Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years53.47 MBNZB
WINCar Mechanic Simulator 2015 Gold Edition - PLAZA 0spanny9 years, 6 months1.42 GBNZB
Wii[WiiU] Zombie U (Loadiine Ready2Play) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
WINPinball Fx2 Bethesda Pinball + All DLC (Standalone 69 Tafels) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 3 months5.68 GBNZB
360Call Of Duty Classic (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years1.41 GBNZB
360Bionic Commando Rearmed (XBLA Non JTAG) werkt op elke xbox 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years243.73 MBNZB
WINPrivate Infiltrator 0AdventureSpanny1 decade, 1 year626.2 MBNZB
WINThis War of Mine - Reloaded 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 months824.95 MBNZB
WiiRunbow eShop (WIIU - Loadiine Ready2Play) 0RaceSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
360Dead Rising 2 0spanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS[3DS] Yo-Kai Watch 2 - Fleshy Souls (AUS {werkt op EUR console}) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 4 months2.22 GBNZB
360Haunted House (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years322.38 MBNZB
360Sonic The Hedgehog (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years33.84 MBNZB
WINBack to the Future: Episode 1 - It''s About Time (2010) 0Adventurespanny1 decade, 4 years426.15 MBNZB
WIN1The Sims 3 - Hidden Springs 0RoleplayingSpanny1 decade, 2 years1.4 GBNZB
360Duke Nukem Manhattan Project (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years282.49 MBNZB
360Islands of Wakfu (XBLA Non JTAG) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 years904.44 MBNZB
NDSDragon Quest VII - Fragments of the Forgotten Past (EUR) (REPOST) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 5 months2.2 GBNZB
360PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 years255.78 MBNZB
360Costume Quest (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years467.64 MBNZB
WINBattlefield 4 Crack Fixed Only-3DM 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 1 year11.37 MBNZB
WINRidge Racer Unbounded _ Multi7_Cracked 0RaceSpanny1 decade, 2 years1.65 GBNZB
360Hydro Thunder (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years526.14 MBNZB
360Torchlight (XBLA Non JTAG) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 years207.49 MBNZB
WINWater Park Tycoon 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 9 months242.21 MBNZB
WiiLoadiine GX2 (WiiU Backups spelen) 0Spanny8 years, 9 months230.72 MBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 12 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINDrawn 2 - Dark Flight 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 years603.52 MBNZB
360Trials HD (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years239.12 MBNZB
WINDeadpool (English) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 1 year6.4 GBNZB
WINBastion THETA (working) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 years790.4 MBNZB
360Bioshock (GOD Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years5.36 GBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build.181213 (1 Nieuwe Tafel) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year1.4 GBNZB
NDSPokemon X & Pokemon Y (Eur) 0AdventureSpanny9 years, 1 month3.78 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 3 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
360Bomberman LIVE (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years52.8 MBNZB
360Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years565.46 MBNZB
360Alien Breed 2: Assault (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years632.85 MBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build 250215 DLC (+ 3 nieuwe tafels) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 2 weeks4.22 GBNZB
Wii[WiiU] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Loadiine Ready2Play) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
WINNeed For Speed World 0Racespanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
360Marble Blast Ultra (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years36.78 MBNZB
360Penny Arcade Episode 1 (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years190.39 MBNZB
WINBad Piggies (from makers of Angry Birds) 0AdventureSpanny1 decade, 2 years34.13 MBNZB
WINPinball FX2 - Skidrow 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year1.12 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 17 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
Wii[WiiU] Jotun: Valhalla Edition (eShop - Loadiine Ready2Play) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 5 months1.1 GBNZB
3603D Ultra Minigolf (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Sportspanny1 decade, 4 years51.52 MBNZB
360Just Cause 2 + All DLC (GOD Non JTAG) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 4 years4.5 GBNZB
360Space Invaders: Infinity Gene (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years197.02 MBNZB
360Battle: Los Angeles (XBLA Non JTAG) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 years1.13 GBNZB
WINValiant Hearts The Great War-RELOADED 0AdventureSpanny1 decade, 8 months1.36 GBNZB
WiiThe Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess HD (WIIU - Loadiine Ready2Play) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
NDS[3DS] Pokemon Moon 4GB (.3DS) RF (werkt op sky3ds+) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 4 weeks3 KBNZB
360Unbound Saga (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years658.84 MBNZB
360Catan (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 years38.56 MBNZB
360X-MEN (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years50.69 MBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build.260713 (2 Nieuwe Tafels) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year1.02 GBNZB
360Kinect Sports: Season Two (SPARE) - RF 0SportSpanny1 decade, 3 years6.58 GBNZB
360Blade Kitten (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years592.66 MBNZB
360Darksiders (GOD Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years7.2 GBNZB
WINPinball FX2 (20305 - Standalone) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year2.19 GBNZB
WINPinball FX2 - Star Wars Pinball The Force Awakens (standalone skidrow) 0SimulationSpanny9 years, 3 weeks5.11 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 8 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
360Turtles In Time Re-Shelled (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years303.96 MBNZB
WINPinball FX2 - Antman Table DLC 0Simulationspanny9 years, 5 months267.44 MBNZB
NDS3DS - Metroid Prime Federation Force (EUR MULTI5) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 6 months1.43 GBNZB
WIN1Pinball Fx2 Bethesda Pinball + All DLC (Standalone 69 Tafels) 0SimulationSpanny8 years, 3 months5.68 GBNZB
360Quake Arena Arcade (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years417.32 MBNZB
360Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years413.52 MBNZB
360Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (XBLA Non JTAG) werkt op elke xbox 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years1.62 GBNZB
WINTorchLight + Level Editor + Extra's 0RoleplayingSpanny1 decade, 1 year893.63 MBNZB
WiiLEGO Jurassic World (WIIU - Loadiine Ready2Play) 0PlatformSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
PSPPatapon Duo Pack 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS[3DS] Shantae and the Pirates Curse (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 4 months563.79 MBNZB
360Plants Vs. Zombies (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years95.84 MBNZB
360Sonic Adventure (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years1.72 GBNZB
WINThe Sims 3 - Katy Perry's Sweet Treats 0RoleplayingSpanny1 decade, 2 years1.27 GBNZB
WIN1Game Dev Tycoon 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year121.6 MBNZB
WINPirates Of Black Cove - Skidrow 0StrategySpanny1 decade, 3 years1.61 GBNZB
360Earthworm Jim HD (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years498.44 MBNZB
360Rush'N Attack: Ex-Patriot (XBLA Non JTAG) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 years790.91 MBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 13 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
Wii[WiiU] Paper Mario Color Splash (Loadiine Ready2Play) [EUR FIX+Meta] - REPOST 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 5 months8.33 GBNZB
360Alien Hominid HD (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years57.21 MBNZB
360Dead Space Ignition (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years1.87 GBNZB
WINBF4.Eng.Files 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 1 year769.66 MBNZB
WIN1Ridge Racer Unbounded_THEGFWUPDATE_v1.03-Editor Fix 0RaceSpanny1 decade, 2 years8.1 MBNZB
360Monday Night Combat (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years840.41 MBNZB
360Torchlight (XBLA Non JTAG) 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 years207.49 MBNZB
WINThe Sims 3 - Razor1911 0RoleplayingSpanny1 decade, 2 years6.12 GBNZB
WINThe Forest 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 9 months697.09 MBNZB
WiiSuper Mario Maker (WIIU - Loadiine Ready2Play) 0SimulationSpanny8 years, 9 months808.43 MBNZB
360Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years945.31 MBNZB
360Limbo (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years134.46 MBNZB
WINJoe Danger Bundle - Skidrow 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 1 year1.62 GBNZB
360Bioshock 2 + DLC (GOD Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years10.58 GBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build.290513+Build.181213 (Bisis Spel + Laatste Update) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year2.64 GBNZB
NDSFantasy Life + Story Of Seasons 3DS (EUR) 0AdventureSpanny9 years, 4 weeks1.79 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 4 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS[3DS] DRAGON QUEST VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (EUROPE) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 1 month3.33 GBNZB
360Bomberman Battlefest (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years54.79 MBNZB
360Alien Breed 1: Evolution (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years486.71 MBNZB
WINStupid Invaders (2001) 0AdventureSpanny1 decade, 1 week2.76 GBNZB
Wii[WiiU] Pokkén Tournament (Loadiine Ready2Play) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
360SAW II: Flesh & Blood 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS1[3DS] SEGA 3D Classics Collection (Europe) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 4 months282.76 MBNZB
360Super Meat Boy (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years125 MBNZB
360DeathSpank 2: Thongs of Virtue (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years1.43 GBNZB
WINPinball FX2 - Epic Quest DLC - Skidrow 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year83.42 MBNZB
WINThe Sims 4 Language Selector (REPOST) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 6 months34.22 MBNZB
WiiPikmin 3 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 18 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
Wii[WiiU] FAST Racing NEO (Loadiine Ready2Play) 0RaceSpanny8 years, 5 months740.44 MBNZB
3603D Ultra Minigolf 2 (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Sportspanny1 decade, 4 years107.92 MBNZB
360Just Cause 2 + All DLC (GOD Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years4.68 GBNZB
360Hard Corps Uprising (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years1.1 GBNZB
360Swarm (XBLA Non JTAG) 0PlatformSpanny1 decade, 3 years965.19 MBNZB
NDS3DS - Kirby Planet Robobot (EUR) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 6 months786.25 MBNZB
NDS[3DS] Dragon Ball Fusions (RF) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 3 weeks3 KBNZB
360PAC-MAN (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 years18.73 MBNZB
360Battlefield 1943 (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years638.96 MBNZB
360The Path Of Go (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Puzzlespanny1 decade, 4 years215.11 MBNZB
WINPinball FX2 Build.290513+Build.260713 (Basis spel+DLC) 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 1 year2.14 GBNZB
360Disney Universe (SPARE) RF 0ActionSpanny1 decade, 3 years7.05 GBNZB
360Ancients Of Ooga (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years73.53 MBNZB
360Mirror''s Edge (GOD Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years6.02 GBNZB
WINAdventure Park 0SimulationSpanny1 decade, 11 months495.43 MBNZB
NDSFire Emblem Fates - Conquest 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 9 months1.79 GBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 9 0Sportspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
360Red Dead Redemption + All DLC (GOD) [NonJTAG] 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years9.63 GBNZB
WINPinball FX2.Build.151015 (totaal 58 Tafels) 0Simulationspanny9 years, 4 months4.98 GBNZB
NDS[3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Europe) (Nederlands) (REQUEST) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 3 months563.53 MBNZB
360Microbot (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years195.37 MBNZB
360Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years110.5 MBNZB
360Zeit2 (XBLA Non JTAG) werkt op elke xbox 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years263.14 MBNZB
WINIdol Hands - Skidrow 0StrategySpanny1 decade, 3 weeks451.64 MBNZB
WiiLEGO City Undercover (WIIU - Ready2Play) 0PlatformSpanny8 years, 9 months51 BytesNZB
PSPLocoRoco Duo Pack 0Child/youthspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS[3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Europe) (Nederlands) 0AdventureSpanny8 years, 4 months563.53 MBNZB
360The UnderGarden (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years279.05 MBNZB
360Sonic 4 Episode 1 (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Platformspanny1 decade, 4 years221.52 MBNZB
WINThe Sims 3 - Master Suite Stuff (Slaap en Badkamer Accesoires) 0RoleplayingSpanny1 decade, 2 years1.12 GBNZB
WINReus (GoG.com) 0StrategySpanny1 decade, 1 year376.19 MBNZB
360Metal Slug 3 (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years52.85 MBNZB
360Strania (XBLA Non JTAG) 0ShooterSpanny1 decade, 3 years229.06 MBNZB
WinPh(Iphone) Gameloft Gamepack 14 0Otherspanny1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDS[3DS] Sonic BOOM Fire And Ice (EUR) (MULTi5) 0ActionSpanny8 years, 5 months2.2 GBNZB
360SouthPark Let''s Go Tower Defense (XBLA Non JTAG) 0Actionspanny1 decade, 4 years1006.91 MBNZB
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