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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
NDSSonic Generations v1.1 EUR MULTi5 3DS-PUSSYCAT 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month785.84 MBNZB
WINFortified-RELOADED 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month1.83 GBNZB
WINDying Light The Following Enhanced Edition MULTi9-PLAZA 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month26.51 GBNZB
WINZHEROS-CoDEX 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 4 weeks1.95 GBNZB
WINThe.Witness-HI2U 0Puzzleallergaartje9 years, 1 month4.14 GBNZB
PS3Motorbike.Racing.Pack.PS3-RESPAWN 0Raceallergaartje9 years, 1 month11.14 GBNZB
WINCodex-xcom.2 0Strategyallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks28.35 GBNZB
WINLEGO® MARVEL's Avengers + DLC PACK 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month14.94 GBNZB
WINGrey.Goo.Definitive.Edition-PLAZA 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month13.53 GBNZB
WINBanzai Escape-PLAZA 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks363.42 MBNZB
WiiGreen Lantern Rise Of The Manhunters PAL WII-ProCiSiON 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month4.93 GBNZB
WINSebastien Loeb Rally EVO DLC Pack-CODEX 0Raceallergaartje9 years, 1 month23.35 MBNZB
WINDying Light The Following Enhanced Edition-RELOADED 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month20.53 GBNZB
WINMonumental-SKIDROW 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month2.28 GBNZB
NDSThe Legend Of Legacy EUR 3DS-PUSSYCAT 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month1.02 GBNZB
PS3Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition EUR PS3-HR 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month10.34 GBNZB
WiiBeyblade Metal Fusion Counter Leone PAL WII-iCON 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks4.97 GBNZB
NDSMario Tennis Open v1.1 EUR MULTi8 3DS-PUSSYCAT 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month336.54 MBNZB
WINCrusader Kings II Conclave PROPER-CODEX 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month1.71 GBNZB
WINAmerican Truck Simulator-CODEX 0Simulationallergaartje9 years, 1 month1.19 GBNZB
NDSProject X Zone 2 EUR MULTI5 3DS-LiGHTFORCE 0Roleplayingallergaartje9 years, 1 month1.08 GBNZB
WINStreet.Fighter.V-RELOADED 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 4 weeks7.25 GBNZB
WINBombshell-CODEX 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month8.5 GBNZB
PS3Star Trek The Game EUR PS3-ANTiDOTE 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month3.26 GBNZB
WINPitstop Challenge-PLAZA 0Raceallergaartje9 years, 1 month709.27 MBNZB
WINFallout.4-CODEX 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month27.42 GBNZB
WINXCoM 2-CoDEX 0Strategyallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks30.48 GBNZB
WINMortal Kombat X Complete-RELOADED 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks38.53 GBNZB
WINThe Gate of Firmament-FLT 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks19.57 GBNZB
WiiDewy's Adventure (2007) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month4.73 GBNZB
360Green Lantern-Rise of the Manhunters PAL-XBOX360-RRoD 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month7.78 GBNZB
WINHorror In The Asylum-SKIDROW 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month681.15 MBNZB
WINAssassins Creed Chronicles Russia-RELOADED 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month4.98 GBNZB
WINDiRT Rally MULTi5-PROPHET 0Raceallergaartje9 years, 1 month34.72 GBNZB
PS3Battlefield Hardline EUR MULTi7 PS3-ABSTRAKT 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month15.11 GBNZB
WiiCrash Mind Over Mutant PAL PROPER Wii-WiiERD 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks4.94 GBNZB
WINHitman GO Definitive Edition-CODEX 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks1.2 GBNZB
NDSSuper Smash Bros v1.5 EUR MULTi8 3DS-PUSSYCAT 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month2 GBNZB
WIN1Fallout 4 Update v1 3 PROPER-CODEX 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month711.77 MBNZB
WINDiRT Rally Update v1 03-BAT 0Raceallergaartje9 years, 1 month956.75 MBNZB
NDSEtrian Odyssey 2 Untold-The Fafnir Knight EUR 3DS-LiGHTFORCE 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month1.05 GBNZB
PS3Lego Marvels Avengers PS3-PROTOCOL 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month7.18 GBNZB
WINAgatha Christie The ABC Murders-CODEX 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month1 GBNZB
360Left 4 Dead 2 (2009) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month6.92 GBNZB
360Lollipop.Chainsaw.XBOX360-SPARE 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month9.25 GBNZB
WINPillars of Eternity The White March Part II-CODEX 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 4 weeks12.96 GBNZB
WINFirewatch-CODEX 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month1.9 GBNZB
PS3Atelier Shallie Alchemists of the Dusk Sea PS3-DUPLEX 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month8.49 GBNZB
WiiCrash Of The Titans PAL MULTi5 Wii-iNCiDENT 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks4.75 GBNZB
WINInfinitesimal Point-CODEX 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month1.81 GBNZB
WINThe Walking Dead Michonne Episode 1-CODEX 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks2.28 GBNZB
PS3Toy Story 3 PS3 EUR MULTi-PS3FR 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month6.11 GBNZB
WINAutomobilista-RELOADED 0Raceallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks13.55 GBNZB
WINBombshell Update v1 0 1-CODEX 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month342.75 MBNZB
WINLayers of Fear-RELOADED 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 4 weeks2.1 GBNZB
360Lego Marvels Avengers XBOX360-PROTOCOL 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month8.35 GBNZB
WiiSkylanders SWAP Force PAL MULTi2 Wii-PUSSYCAT 0Platformallergaartje9 years, 1 month4.94 GBNZB
WINCrash Landing-CODEX 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month2.16 GBNZB
360The Amazing Spider-Man 2 XBOX360-COMPLEX 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 4 weeks8.72 GBNZB
PS3Lollipop.Chainsaw.PS3-STRiKE 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month5.62 GBNZB
WINArslan The Warriors of Legend-CODEX 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month11.62 GBNZB
PS3Metro.Last.Light.PS3-DUPLEX 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month6.85 GBNZB
WINCities Skylines Snowfall-CODEX 0Simulationallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks3.36 GBNZB
WINAlone KW-PLAZA 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks572.8 MBNZB
WINDragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Edition-CPY 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 4 weeks49.84 GBNZB
WINSebastien Loeb Rally EVO-CODEX 0Raceallergaartje9 years, 1 month30.46 GBNZB
NDSLEGO Marvels Avengers EUR MULTi7 3DS-PUSSYCAT 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 month564.53 MBNZB
WINCobalt-HI2U 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month849.25 MBNZB
WINNARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4-CODEX 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month36.45 GBNZB
PS3MLB 15 The Show PS3-iMARS 0Sportallergaartje9 years, 1 month19.45 GBNZB
DVD5FAMiLIEWEEKEND (2016) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.72 GBNZB
DVD5Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks4.62 GBNZB
DVD5Rokjesdag (2016) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 7 months4.89 GBNZB
DVD5Glassland (2014) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks4.15 GBNZB
DVD51Hail, Caesar! (2016) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.89 GBNZB
DVD9Room (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months8.58 GBNZB
DVD5Freaks of Nature (2016) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 1 day4.94 GBNZB
DVD5Wyrmwood (2014) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week5.01 GBNZB
DVD5Mannenharten 2 (2015) 0allergaartje8 years, 10 months4.51 GBNZB
DVD5By the Sea (2015) 0allergaartje8 years, 9 months4.97 GBNZB
Blu-rayBrasserie Valentijn (2016) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 9 months23.28 GBNZB
DVD51Point Break (2015) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 8 months5 GBNZB
Blu-rayMaze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week49.04 GBNZB
DVD9Dit is K3 (2015) 0Familyallergaartje8 years, 11 months7.64 GBNZB
DVD9Bloed, Zweet & Tranen (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks7.01 GBNZB
DVD5Black Mass (2015) 0allergaartje8 years, 11 months4.98 GBNZB
Blu-rayThe Peanuts Movie (2015) 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 week52.07 GBNZB
DVD9Creed (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 9 months8 GBNZB
Blu-ray2Jarhead 3: The Siege (2016) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month41.86 GBNZB
DVD9Cirkeln (2015) 0Fantasyallergaartje8 years, 8 months7.97 GBNZB
DVD9Forsaken (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 7 months6.79 GBNZB
DVD5De Sneeuwkoningin 2 (2014) 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks4.71 GBNZB
DVD5The Paradise Suite (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 15 hours4.44 GBNZB
DVD9The Visit (2015) 0Horrorallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks8.55 GBNZB
DVD5Solace (2015) 0Mysteryallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.97 GBNZB
DVD5Dope (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 1 week5 GBNZB
DVD9Race naar de Maan (2015) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 10 months7.5 GBNZB
DVD51The Intern (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 1 month5 GBNZB
DVD9Risen (2016) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 8 months7.63 GBNZB
DVD92The Driftless Area (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 9 months6.06 GBNZB
Blu-ray1Gods of Egypt (2016) [3D] 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 8 months38.74 GBNZB
DVD5Youth (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 week4.99 GBNZB
DVD5Pawn Sacrifice (2014) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.96 GBNZB
Blu-raySpectre 2015 MULTI COMPLETE BluRay-PiNKPANTERS 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks49.74 GBNZB
DVD5The Boxtrolls (2014) 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks5.01 GBNZB
DVD9A Perfect Day (2015) 1Dramaallergaartje8 years, 9 months6.32 GBNZB
DVD9Code of Honor (2016) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 8 months6.37 GBNZB
Blu-rayGame of Thrones: Season 5 STANDARD EDITION *DISC 4 VAN 4* 0Televisionallergaartje9 years, 1 week52.32 GBNZB
DVD9Home Invasion (2016) 0Thrillerallergaartje9 years, 1 day5.11 GBNZB
DVD9The Man from U N C L E (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks7.9 GBNZB
DVD51The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.99 GBNZB
DVD5Ant-Man (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week5 GBNZB
DVD5Trash (2014) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 10 months4.96 GBNZB
DVD5Our Brand Is Crisis (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.94 GBNZB
DVD91The Revenant (2015) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 8 months8.72 GBNZB
Blu-rayBridge of Spies (2015) 1Dramaallergaartje9 years, 3 days52.6 GBNZB
DVD5I Am Soldier (2014) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.61 GBNZB
DVD9Game Of Thrones - Seizoen 4 ( 5 DVD'S ) 0Televisionallergaartje8 years, 11 months43 GBNZB
DVD5Where Hope Grows (2014) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 week4.73 GBNZB
DVD9Steve Jobs (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 9 months8.79 GBNZB
DVD9Lego Scooby-Doo!: Haunted Hollywood (2016) 0Animationallergaartje8 years, 8 months7.02 GBNZB
DVD5The Fault in Our Stars (2014) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 4 weeks4.96 GBNZB
DVD5Krigen (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 7 months4.97 GBNZB
DVD5Lolo (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks5.02 GBNZB
DVD9The Maze Runner (2014) 0Mysteryallergaartje9 years, 1 week8.13 GBNZB
DVD547 Ronin (2013) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.97 GBNZB
DVD9Ushi Must Marry (2013) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks8.5 GBNZB
DVD5Saat Po Long 2 (2015) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.99 GBNZB
DVD9Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week7.7 GBNZB
DVD5Hartenstraat (2014) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.99 GBNZB
DVD9Ja, Ik Wil! (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 1 month5.44 GBNZB
DVD9Concussion (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 7 months7.43 GBNZB
DVD5Extraction (2015) 0Thrillerallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks5.01 GBNZB
DVD5Creed (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.98 GBNZB
DVD5The Visit (2015) 0Horrorallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks4.68 GBNZB
DVD5Regression (2015) 0Thrillerallergaartje8 years, 11 months5 GBNZB
DVD5Heist (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week5 GBNZB
DVD5A Walk in the Woods (2015) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 10 months4.69 GBNZB
DVD5Zoolander 2 (2016) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.98 GBNZB
Blu-ray2Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) 1Actionallergaartje8 years, 9 months48.24 GBNZB
DVD9The Choice (2016) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months5.84 GBNZB
DVD5Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) 0Horrorallergaartje9 years, 1 week4.84 GBNZB
x264HD1The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 day13.01 GBNZB
DVD9199 Homes (2014) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months5.93 GBNZB
DVD91Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks6.76 GBNZB
DVD5Buurman & Buurman – Al 40 Jaar Beste Vrienden! (De Film) 0Animationallergaartje8 years, 9 months3.52 GBNZB
DVD5De Ontsnapping (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks5.01 GBNZB
DVD51The Lady in the Van (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.83 GBNZB
DVD5Room (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.95 GBNZB
DVD5The Water Diviner (2014) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 week5 GBNZB
DVD9Freaks of Nature (2016) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 1 day6.15 GBNZB
DVD9The Boxtrolls (2014) 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks6.85 GBNZB
DVD9Wyrmwood (2014) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week5.13 GBNZB
DVD5Fashion Chicks (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 10 months4.14 GBNZB
DVD5Brasserie Valentijn (2016) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 9 months5 GBNZB
Blu-rayDeadpool (2016) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 9 months52.69 GBNZB
DVD9Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 8 months8.21 GBNZB
Blu-rayMeru (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week25.24 GBNZB
DVD5Dit is K3 (2015) 0Familyallergaartje8 years, 11 months5.01 GBNZB
DVD5Smoorverliefd (2013) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks4.91 GBNZB
DVD5Game Of Thrones - Seizoen 2 ( 5 DVD'S ) 0Televisionallergaartje8 years, 11 months24.95 GBNZB
Blu-ray2The Peanuts Movie (2015) *3D* 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 1 week46.01 GBNZB
DVD5Creed (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.99 GBNZB
DVD5Cirkeln (2015) 0Fantasyallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.88 GBNZB
DVD5Forsaken (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 7 months4.96 GBNZB
DVD5Before I Go to Sleep (2014) 0Mysteryallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks4.54 GBNZB
DVD9Youth (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 week7.2 GBNZB
DVD913 Sins (2014) 0Horrorallergaartje8 years, 11 months6.18 GBNZB
Blu-rayThe Visit (2015) 0Horrorallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks36.95 GBNZB
DVD5Er Ist Wieder Da (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.28 GBNZB
DVD5Dragon Blade (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week5 GBNZB
DVD9The Hateful Eight (2015) 0Westernallergaartje8 years, 10 months8.58 GBNZB
DVD92The Intern (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 1 month7.94 GBNZB
DVD5Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.98 GBNZB
DVD5Crimson Peak 2015 PAL DVDR-iGNiTiON 0Fantasyallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks5.07 GBNZB
DVD5Criminal Activities (2015) 0Crimeallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.34 GBNZB
Blu-ray1Gods of Egypt (2016) [2D] 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 8 months38.07 GBNZB
DVD5Brooklyn (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.92 GBNZB
DVD9600 Miles (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 9 months5.03 GBNZB
DVD9Gods of Egypt (2016) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 8 months8.99 GBNZB
DVD5The Green Inferno (2013) 0Horrorallergaartje9 years, 1 week4.83 GBNZB
DVD5War Room (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 day4.76 GBNZB
DVD5Hallo Bungalow (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 11 months3.87 GBNZB
DVD9Ant-Man (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week8.71 GBNZB
DVD5Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie (2015) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 10 months4.99 GBNZB
DVD5Stealing Cars (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.89 GBNZB
DVD51The Revenant (2015) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 8 months5 GBNZB
DVD5Baas in Eigen Bos 4 (2016) 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 2 days4.35 GBNZB
DVD91The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 11 months7.87 GBNZB
DVD51Game Of Thrones - Seizoen 4 ( 5 DVD'S ) 0Televisionallergaartje8 years, 11 months24.98 GBNZB
DVD9The Water Diviner (2014) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 week7.66 GBNZB
DVD5Misconduct (2016) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.97 GBNZB
DVD5Lego Scooby-Doo!: Haunted Hollywood (2016) 0Animationallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.88 GBNZB
DVD9The Fault in Our Stars (2014) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 4 weeks8.51 GBNZB
DVD5Woezel & Pip op Zoek naar de Sloddervos! (2016) 0Animationallergaartje8 years, 7 months4.88 GBNZB
DVD9Lolo (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks5.47 GBNZB
DVD9Kindergarten Cop 2 (2016) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 8 months8.39 GBNZB
DVD51Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week4.97 GBNZB
DVD513 Sins (2014) 0Horrorallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.94 GBNZB
DVD5Ushi Must Marry (2013) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks5.03 GBNZB
DVD5The Lobster (2015) 0Romanceallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.98 GBNZB
DVD52Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week5 GBNZB
DVD9Hartenstraat (2014) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 9 months6.73 GBNZB
DVD5Ja, Ik Wil! (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 1 month4.96 GBNZB
DVD5Concussion (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 7 months4.94 GBNZB
DVD9The Last Witch Hunter (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks8.33 GBNZB
DVD5Spectre (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks4.99 GBNZB
DVD9Dark Places (2015) 0Mysteryallergaartje8 years, 11 months6.39 GBNZB
DVD9De Surprise (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 1 week6.62 GBNZB
Blu-rayThe Danish Girl (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 10 months43.42 GBNZB
Blu-rayPopoz (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 month23.9 GBNZB
DVD9Zoolander 2 (2016) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 8 months6.67 GBNZB
DVD52Sisters (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.98 GBNZB
DVD5Zootopia (2016) >>REPOST<< 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.93 GBNZB
DVD9Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) 0Horrorallergaartje9 years, 1 week6.58 GBNZB
DVD5The Throwaways (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 15 hours4.97 GBNZB
DVD9The Divergent Series: Allegiant (2016) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 8 months8.76 GBNZB
DVD9Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks7.95 GBNZB
DVD9De Ontsnapping (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks7.11 GBNZB
DVD9The Lady in the Van (2015) 0allergaartje8 years, 9 months6.67 GBNZB
Blu-rayRoom (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months50.11 GBNZB
Blu-rayGame of Thrones: Season 5 STANDARD EDITION *DISC 1 VAN 4* 0Televisionallergaartje9 years, 1 week39.3 GBNZB
DVD5Marguerite (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 day4.91 GBNZB
DVD5De Reünie (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 week4.16 GBNZB
DVD5Spooks: The Greater Good (2015) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 10 months5.02 GBNZB
DVD51Deadpool (2016) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.96 GBNZB
DVD5Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.99 GBNZB
x264HDDaddys Home 2015 1080p BluRay DTS x264-HDMaNiAcS 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 6 days12.15 GBNZB
DVD5The Rewrite (2014) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.58 GBNZB
DVD5Spijt! (2013) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks5.02 GBNZB
DVD91Game Of Thrones - Seizoen 2 ( 5 DVD'S ) 0Televisionallergaartje8 years, 11 months42.54 GBNZB
DVD9Grandma (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 1 week5.82 GBNZB
DVD91The Revenant (2015) 0Adventureallergaartje8 years, 9 months8.74 GBNZB
DVD5Despite the Falling Snow (2015) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months4.87 GBNZB
Blu-ray1Ja, Ik Wil! (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje9 years, 4 weeks20.95 GBNZB
DVD9Automata (2014) 0Science Fictionallergaartje8 years, 7 months5.84 GBNZB
DVD5The Woods-aka-The Hallow (2015) 0allergaartje9 years, 3 weeks4.82 GBNZB
DVD5The Homesman (2014) 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 week5.02 GBNZB
DVD9300: Rise of an Empire (2014) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 11 months7.89 GBNZB
Blu-raySpectre (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 2 weeks49.71 GBNZB
DVD5The Good Dinosaur (2015) 0Animationallergaartje8 years, 11 months4.96 GBNZB
DVD9Dragon Blade (2015) 0Actionallergaartje9 years, 1 week9.05 GBNZB
DVD5Blue Ruin (2013) 0Crimeallergaartje8 years, 9 months4.27 GBNZB
DVD9Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) 0Animationallergaartje9 years, 1 month5.4 GBNZB
Blu-rayCreed 2015 1080p BluRay DTS x264-HDMaNiAcS 0Dramaallergaartje9 years, 1 month15.78 GBNZB
DVD9Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) 0Actionallergaartje8 years, 8 months8.02 GBNZB
DVD9Pan (2015) 0Adventureallergaartje9 years, 3 weeks6.96 GBNZB
DVD91The Big Short (2015) 0Comedyallergaartje8 years, 8 months8.36 GBNZB
Blu-ray1The Choice (2016) 0Dramaallergaartje8 years, 8 months20.34 GBNZB
x264HDCriminal Activities (2015) 0Crimeallergaartje9 years, 1 month11.83 GBNZB