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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
Android2Fapeza (18+) 0PhotoSnoepkont2 years, 1 month9.78 MBNZB
Android4Ski maps 0PluginsSnowboarder1 decade, 4 years17.79 MBNZB
Android2Only Pictures (18+) 0GraphicsSnoepkont2 years, 1 month12.69 MBNZB
Android1Sygic GPS Navigation & Offline Maps 20.7.2-1674 Final 0CommunicationNoNutsNoGlory3 years, 7 months105.07 MBNZB
AndroidPDF Converter 3OfficeSnoepkont2 years, 1 month20.54 MBNZB
AndroidTomTom NDS 3 1 75 (latam b 4111) 1System softwareNoNutsNoGlory3 years, 7 months201.39 MBNZB
AndroidTitanium Backup Pro v5.6.0 0Optimization softwarediemetdiesnor1 decade, 2 years4.03 MBNZB
AndroidLabsDash V1.4.0 (18+) 0VideoSnoepkont2 years, 3 weeks59.86 MBNZB
Android2LabsDash (18+) 0VideoSnoepkont2 years, 1 month60.39 MBNZB
iOSTomTom v1.23 Benelux 970.7466 [iOS] 0System softwaresnowseals8 years, 7 months281.8 MBNZB
iOSTomTom Europa v1.21 - kaart 955.6746 augustus 2015 + flitsers 16-10-2015 - iOS9 compatible! [iOS] 0System softwaresnowseals9 years, 4 months2.68 GBNZB
iOSTomTom Marokko v1.20 - 945.6176 (nieuwste: 06-05-2015) [iOS] 0System softwaresnowseals9 years, 6 months93 MBNZB
iOSTomTom Europa v1.20 - kaartmap v955.6746 (nieuwste: augustus 2015) + official speed camera's [iOS] 0System softwaresnowseals9 years, 6 months2.67 GBNZB
iOSTomTom Benelux v1.20 - kaartmap v955.6746 (nieuwste: augustus 2015) + official speed camera's [iOS] 0System softwaresnowseals9 years, 6 months275.05 MBNZB
iOSImobie Anytrans 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months56.41 MBNZB
iOSTomTom Europa v1.20 - kaartmap v950.6492 (nieuwste: mei 2015) + New Radar Update 14-7-2015 0Downloadsnowseals9 years, 7 months2.65 GBNZB
iOSTomTom Benelux v1 20 - kaartmap v950 6492 (nieuwste: mei 2015) + Official Speed Camera's 21 05 2015 0Downloadsnowseals9 years, 7 months277.24 MBNZB
iOSTomTom v1.23 Benelux 970.7466 [iOS] 0Downloadsnowseals8 years, 7 months281.8 MBNZB
NAVGarmin Topo Portugal (TopoLusitania v0.85) 0OtherSnowboarder1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NAVGarmin Topo Portugal (TopoLusitania v0.81) 0OtherSnowboarder1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NAVGarmin Topo Benelux 2010 voor MapSource 0OtherSnoecks1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NAVTomTom West Europa 2GB v950.6548 (incl. Officiële TomTom flitspalen t/m 14-7-2015) 0System softwaresnowseals9 years, 7 months1.62 GBNZB
NAVBMW Navigation DVD 2 Europa CCC PROFESSIONAL 2019 Speed Cam Edition 0System softwareSno6 years, 2 months2.26 GBNZB
NAVBMW Navigation Road Map Europe Professional 2015 DVD 2 Speedcam 0System softwaresnottt1 decade, 4 weeks141.59 MBNZB
NAVBMW Navigation Road Map Europe Professional 2015 Speedcams 0System softwaresnottt1 decade, 1 month3.49 GBNZB
NAVMapSource v6.15.11 0Optimization softwareSnoecks1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NAVSkidea - Gratis Garmin Wintersport kaarten (voor SD kaart) 0Snowboarder1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WinPh2Wondershare Dr Fone for Android v5 1 0 23 1CommunicationNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months98 MBNZB
WinPh9292ov Pocketwijzer (2009) 0OtherSnowboarder1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
MACAdobe Universal Patcher v1.5 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 8 months2.19 MBNZB
MACATV Flash (black) 1.5.1 voor MAC 0System softwaresnow1 decade, 2 years3.63 MBNZB
WINAshampoo Slideshow Studio 2017 1 0 1 3 DC 08 11 2016 Multilingual 0PhotoNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months99.49 MBNZB
WINRoboform 7.3.2 Final 0Pluginsdiemetdiesnor1 decade, 3 years8.58 MBNZB
WINWindows 8 startmenu StartIsBack.v1.2.1 0DevelopmentSnowie9 years, 10 months1 KBNZB
WIN1Vinny27 - Google Earth Pro NL (Unattended) 0GraphicsSnowie9 years, 10 months100.02 MBNZB
WINCorel Website Creator 15.50.0000.5554 0GraphicsNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months481.71 MBNZB
WIN1SketchUp Pro 2017 17.0.18899 0GraphicsNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months336.72 MBNZB
WIN1AutoCad 2016 0GraphicsNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months970 KBNZB
WIN1Adobe CS6 Master Collection All Products Universal Crack DLL, Serials for Windows 0GraphicsNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months1.45 MBNZB
WIN1Adobe Creative Cloud All Products Universal Keygen for Win & Mac 0GraphicsNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months514 KBNZB
WINWinstep Nexus Ultimate 14.11 0GraphicsNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months97.89 MBNZB
WINLabel Designer Plus DELUXE 0GraphicsNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months11.57 MBNZB
WINTeamViewer.10.0.38475 0CommunicationNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months15.13 MBNZB
WINWondershare Dr Fone for Android v5 1 0 23 0CommunicationNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months98 MBNZB
WINPrimal pictures: Complete human anatomy 0Educationalsnow1 decade, 2 years3.62 GBNZB
WINVisual Studio 2008 0Othersnowy21 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINPure Networks Speed Meter Pro 1.2.8289 0OtherSnowboarder1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINCrownhill Proton IDE 2009 0Otherthesnowman1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WIN1CadSoft Eagle Professional 5.8.0 0Otherthesnowman1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINZeroday (0day) Scene Rules v2010.1 0OtherSno0p1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINSplit-airco vacumeren 0Otherthesnowman1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINUS Air Force courses - heating,ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), refrigeration 0Otherthesnowman1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINAir conditioning course 0Otherthesnowman1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINWindows 11 Debloater 1.0 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory3 years, 3 months1.75 MBNZB
WINKMS/2038 & Digital & Online Activation Suite 9.0 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory3 years, 5 months590 KBNZB
WINWinstep Nexus Ultimate 20.10 Multilingual + Winstep Xtreme 20.10 Multilingual 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory3 years, 6 months89.44 MBNZB
WINCCleaner 5.83.9050 Professional / Technician / Business 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory3 years, 7 months34.67 MBNZB
WINTixati 2.57 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory6 years, 11 months53.25 MBNZB
WINPowerISO 7.1 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory6 years, 11 months18.09 MBNZB
WINTechSmith Camtasia Studio 9.1.2 Build 3011 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 15 hours723.19 MBNZB
WIN1IObit Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 11 (v11.0.1.59) 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 16 hours172.81 MBNZB
WINSidify Music Converter 1.1.9 (The Best Spotify Music to MP3 Converter) 1System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 3 months47.85 MBNZB
WINWinZip Pro 22.0 Build 12684 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 3 months174.86 MBNZB
WINO&O DiskImage Professional Edition 12.0 Build 118 (x86+x64) 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 3 months184.56 MBNZB
WINBurnAware Professional 10.5 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 6 months15.22 MBNZB
WINCCleaner v5.34.6207 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 6 months30.9 MBNZB
WINCCleaner 5.30.6063 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 9 months14.34 MBNZB
WINWebSite X5 Professional 13 Overview 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months341.74 MBNZB
WINTotal Uninstall Pro 1System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months77.66 MBNZB
WINDeskSoft EarthTime 5.5.42 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months14.36 MBNZB
WINDeskSoft EarthView 5.5.42 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months131.8 MBNZB
WIN1IObit Driver Booster 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months30.01 MBNZB
WINSystem Mechanic 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months63.43 MBNZB
WINSymantec Norton Utilities 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months35 MBNZB
WIN2Windows ISO Downloader 4.35 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months683 KBNZB
WIN1Wise Care 365 Pro 4.62 Build 440 Multilingual 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months16.04 MBNZB
WINAlcohol 120% 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months16.58 MBNZB
WINTelestream Wirecast Pro 7.6.0 (x64) 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months276.16 MBNZB
WINDriver Talent PRO v6.5.51.154 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months32.81 MBNZB
WINWindows Repair Toolbox + Portable 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months8.63 MBNZB
WINInternet Download Manager 6.28 Build 9 Full 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months18.91 MBNZB
WINNovicorp WinToFlash 1.8.0000 Professional + Portable 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months32.68 MBNZB
WINWinZip Pro 21.5 Build 12480 Final 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months270.34 MBNZB
WINDisable Windows 10 Tracking 3.1.2 Portable 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months17.51 MBNZB
WIN1Bandicam 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months31.39 MBNZB
WINUltimate Windows Tweaker 4.2.3 for Windows 10 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months514 KBNZB
WIN2Speccy 1.30.728 + Portable 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 3 months27.23 MBNZB
WINUTorrent Pro 3.4.9 Build 42606 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 3 months43.64 MBNZB
WINDriver Genius Professional 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 3 months20.91 MBNZB
WIN2Hotspot Shield VPN Elite v 6.20.9 Multilingual 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 3 months52.79 MBNZB
WINR-Drive Image Technician 6.1 Build 6100 Multilingual 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 3 months156.55 MBNZB
WINCCleaner Professional Business Technician v5.24.5839 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 3 months16.57 MBNZB
WIN1IObit Driver Booster Pro 4 1 0 389 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 3 months32.84 MBNZB
WINBigFish Games Generator 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months3.47 MBNZB
WINAshampoo Photo Commander 15.0.1 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months634.39 MBNZB
WINTechsmith Snagit 13.0.3 Build 7115 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months174.2 MBNZB
WINIObit Malware Fighter Pro 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months90.1 MBNZB
WINIobit Uninstaller 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months24 MBNZB
WINDownload Accelerator Plus 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months23.96 MBNZB
WIN1ManyCam Enterprise 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months129.76 MBNZB
WINAdvanced SystemCare Pro 10 0 3 669 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months96.58 MBNZB
WIN1AMT Emulator v0.9.2 (Adobe Products Activator) 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months3.38 MBNZB
WIN1Poweriso 6.7 Multilingual 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months13.15 MBNZB
WINWindows XP Extreme Gamers Edition 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months604.09 MBNZB
WINAdobe Application Manager 10.0 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months149.91 MBNZB
WIN1WinToUSB Enterprise 3.2 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months9.45 MBNZB
WIN1Hotspot Shield v6.20.8 Elite 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months53.88 MBNZB
WINInternet Download Manager 6.26 Build 8 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months16.72 MBNZB
WIN1WebcamMax Multilingual 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months51.04 MBNZB
WIN1Widows ISO Downloader 4.05 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months540 KBNZB
WINBurnAware Premium 9.5 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months20.24 MBNZB
WINIobit Uninstaller Pro 6.02.156 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months22.54 MBNZB
WINHostXpert 4.4 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 5 months1.15 MBNZB
WINIObit Uninstaller PRO v5.2.5.126 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 10 months21.94 MBNZB
WINPhraseExpress 0System softwareSnorrie9 years, 3 months24.62 MBNZB
WINComodo Internet Security 2016 0System softwareSnorrie9 years, 3 months228.78 MBNZB
WINDAP Premium (nieuwste versie) 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months23.9 MBNZB
WINYoWindow Unlimited.4.27.Final 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months28.25 MBNZB
WINAOMEI Backupper Technician + Server Edition 2.8.0 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months139.7 MBNZB
WINMicrosoft Office 2016 Public Preview 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months4.14 MBNZB
WINBurnAware Professional Premium 8.1 Final 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months18.77 MBNZB
WINNero Burning ROM & Nero Express 2015 16.0.02700 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months172.85 MBNZB
WINUTorrent 3.4.3 Pro Build 40298 + Crack 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months4.11 MBNZB
WINIObit Driver Booster Pro (nieuwste versie!) 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months21.7 MBNZB
WIN2Adobe Creative Cloud Crack (Windows) 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months465 KBNZB
WINAdobe Cloud Crack 0System softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months465 KBNZB
WINPlop bootmanager 0System softwareSnorrie1 decade, 10 months2.33 MBNZB
WINPC Tools Registry Mechanic v11.1.0.214 0System softwareBromsnor1 decade, 1 year25.96 MBNZB
WINSkip metro suite 0System softwareBromsnor1 decade, 1 year25.96 MBNZB
WINAdvanced SystemCare Pro serial 0System softwareBromsnor1 decade, 1 year93.19 MBNZB
WINWindows 8 gadgets 0System softwareBromsnor1 decade, 1 year15.76 MBNZB
WINWindows 8 start menu 0System softwareBromsnor1 decade, 1 year5.08 MBNZB
WINDVDFab 9 0 2 0 0System softwaresnowy1 decade, 2 years57.1 MBNZB
WINATV Flash black 1.5.1 0System softwaresnow1 decade, 2 years731 KBNZB
WINMrSoftware Easeus Data Recovery Wizard Pro v5.6.5 Unattended 0Security softwareSnowie9 years, 10 months17.76 MBNZB
WIN3Vinny27 - Driver Genius Pro (Unattended) 0Security softwareSnowie9 years, 10 months2.28 MBNZB
WIN1Windows 7 32Bits 64 BITS nl 0Security softwareBromsnor1 decade, 1 year3.83 GBNZB
WIN1Hotspot Shield VPN Elite v6.20.29 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months54.66 MBNZB
WIN1AVG Internet Security Business 2016 v16.141.0.7996 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months535.27 MBNZB
WIN1Malwarebytes Premium 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months121.65 MBNZB
WIN1Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit for Business 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months4.16 MBNZB
WINMalwarebytes Premium 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months120.95 MBNZB
WINSpyHunter Final 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months120.91 MBNZB
WINAvast! Pro Antivirus 2017 v17.4.2294.0 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months571.17 MBNZB
WINHotspot Shield Elite 6.20.27 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 10 months54.05 MBNZB
WINMalwarebytes Anti-Exploit for Business 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 3 months3.64 MBNZB
WIN2Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2017 Final 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months349.79 MBNZB
WINIObit Malware Fighter V 3.2.0 (nieuwste versie) 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months55.47 MBNZB
WIN2SUPERAntiSpyware Pro v6.0.1186 (nieuwste versie) 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months44.58 MBNZB
WINAvast! Premier 2015 10.2.2218 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months409.8 MBNZB
WIN3AVG All Products Universal Keygens Collection 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months749 KBNZB
WIN1Licentie Avast Internet Security Antivirus Pro tot 2017 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months486 KBNZB
WINIObit Malware Fighter Pro Nederlands 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months55.41 MBNZB
WINAvira System Speedup 1 6 3 768 0Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months13.91 MBNZB
WINAvast Antivirus 9 + Serienummer (Geactiveerd tot het jaar 2095!) 1Security softwareNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months163.18 MBNZB
WINMagix Pc Check Tuning 2010 0Optimization softwaresnowy21 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINMrSoftware TechSmith SnagIT v11.1.0 Unattended 0VideoSnowie9 years, 10 months19.77 MBNZB
WINMAGIX Video Pro X8 0VideoNoNutsNoGlory8 years, 4 months975.38 MBNZB
WINCamtasia 0VideoNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 9 months495.68 MBNZB
WINVinny27 - DVD X Studios CloneDVD v6.0.2.4 NL 0VideoSnowie9 years, 10 months2 KBNZB
WINCyberLink Power DVD Ultra 15.0.1510.58 0VideoNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months314.38 MBNZB
WIN1Microsoft LifeCam 3.2.2 webcam Software 0VideoSnorrie1 decade, 10 months32.61 MBNZB
WINIfoEdit + Handleiding 0Videosnottt1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINPangu Jailbreak iOS 9.2-9.3.3 0Downloadsnowseals8 years, 7 months64.08 MBNZB
WINRefX Nexus 2.4.1 (Incl eLicense) 0AudioSnoepert1 decade, 1 year36.6 MBNZB
WINMrSoftware VSO DVD Converter Ultimate v2.1.1.27 Unattended 0AudioSnowie9 years, 10 months17.1 MBNZB
WIN!ESET NOD32 Antivirus 14 0 22 0 Multilingual (x86-x64) 2025 Lifetime 2Audio!AntivirusNOD321 week, 5 days100.74 MBNZB
WINWondershare video converter ultimate 6.7.1 0AudioSnowy1 decade, 1 year1.71 MBNZB
WINSidify Music Converter 1.1.7 0AudioNoNutsNoGlory7 years, 6 months61.24 MBNZB
WINMediaMonkey Gold 0AudioNoNutsNoGlory9 years, 10 months30.52 MBNZB
360Triple Pack LIMBO, TRAILS, SPLOSION MAN 0ActionSnoops1 decade, 11 months7.81 GBNZB
WiiPhoenix Wright Ace Attorney PAL WiiWare 0AdventureSno0p1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WiiLittle King's Story 0Adventuresnorkensnurk1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDSR4i Gold Firmware voor Flashcard 0OtherSnowweb1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDSR4i - SDHC upgrade Revolution Firmware 0OtherSnowweb1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
NDSR4-III Upgrade Revolution (SDHC) Firmware 0OtherSnowweb1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINChrash Bandicoot 1,2,3 voor PC (Emulator) 0Adventuresnoop0301 decade, 4 years498.79 MBNZB
WINDune 0Adventuresnorro47111 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINCall of Duty Black Ops Update 4 0Actionsnowy21 decade, 4 years80.5 MBNZB
WINPro Evolution Soccer 2009 - Smoke Patch 1.7.5 0SimulationSnowboarder1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINZygor Guides v4.0.5872 0RoleplayingSnotdoek1 decade, 2 years16.69 MBNZB
WINZygor en Tycoon gold addon voor WoW 0RoleplayingSnotdoek1 decade, 2 years20.02 MBNZB
WINThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim [P2P] 0ActionKokosnootje1 decade, 3 years5.58 GBNZB
WINThe Ultimate Amiga ADF Collection 0ActionSnowwie1 decade, 2 weeks12.54 GBNZB
WINFrom Dust CLONEDVD [ no crack ] 0SimulationKokosnootje1 decade, 3 years1.62 GBNZB
WINFIFA 2011 0Sportsnoop1231 decade, 3 years9.15 GBNZB
WINCommandos 1 (voor Windows 7) 0Strategysnoeki1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINDune 2000 0Strategysnorro47111 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINDune 2 - The Building of a Dynasty(classic) 0Strategysnorro47111 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINEmperor: Battle for Dune 0Strategysnorro47111 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINMass Effect 2 alle DLC (17x) 0Adventuresnollebol1 decade, 4 years21.85 GBNZB
WINCall of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 0Actionsnowy21 decade, 4 years7.4 GBNZB
WINCall of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 0Actionsnowy21 decade, 4 years15.96 MBNZB
WINMedal of Honor 2010 0Actionsnowy21 decade, 4 years7.83 GBNZB
WINHunted: The Demon's Forge 0ActionKokosnootje1 decade, 3 years10 GBNZB
WINSniper Ghost Warrior 2010 0Actionsnowy21 decade, 4 years4.61 GBNZB
WINKlaverjassen 0CardsSnorrie9 years, 3 months1.5 MBNZB
WINX com 2 0ActionSnorrie9 years, 1 month613.67 MBNZB
FLACRob Base & DJ Eazy Rock - It Takes Two 1988 [FLAC] Single 0HiphopSnoop0301 decade, 1 year286.26 MBNZB
FLACRob Hoeke & Hein van der Gaag - Four Hands Up (1971) 0Bluessnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACRob Hoeke Boogie Woogie Quartet - Boogie Hoogie (1964) 0Bluessnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACDean Martin - The Great Dean Martin vol.2 (1996) 0Worldsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACHitzone Best Of 2009 - 1:1 FLAC 0DiverseVerlengsnoer1 decade, 6 months1.05 GBNZB
FLACHitzone 20 - 1:1 FLAC 0DiverseVerlengsnoer1 decade, 6 months551.09 MBNZB
FLACHitzone 10 - 1:1 FLAC 0DiverseVerlengsnoer1 decade, 6 months603.6 MBNZB
FLACKelis - Acapella 0DanceSnowwie7 years, 9 months25.47 MBNZB
FLACSam Cooke - Tribute To The Lady (1959) [FLAC] (vinyl rip) 0SoulSnoop0301 decade, 1 year693.07 MBNZB
FLACVA - Atlantic Soul Legends [20CD] (2012) 0SoulSnoop0301 decade, 2 years3.86 GBNZB
FLACSlow Jams The Timeless Collection Volume 1 tot 9 0SoulSnoop0301 decade, 2 years3.14 GBNZB
FLACMarvin Gaye - Gold (2005) (FLAC) 0SoulSnoop0301 decade, 2 years1.21 GBNZB
FLACSynthesizer Greatest - The Movie Themes (1995) 0ElectroSnoop0306 years, 5 months970.95 MBNZB
FLACRoy Orbison - Gold 1993 0Classicssnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACDe 50 Mooiste Bevrijdings Liedjes (2001) 3CD 0Compilationsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACSantana - Abraxas 0Rocksnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACSantana - Abraxas [MFSL UDCD 775] 0Rocksnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACRob Base - The Incredible Base 1989 [FLAC] 0HiphopSnoop0301 decade, 1 year327.35 MBNZB
FLACSean Paul Discography (4 cd''s) Flac 0RnBsnoop0301 decade, 4 years2.46 GBNZB
FLACAl Green - The Very Best Of Al Green (Flac) 0RnBsnoop0301 decade, 4 years441.47 MBNZB
FLACPaul McCartney - Flaming Pie 0Popdiemetdiesnor1 decade, 3 years366.6 MBNZB
FLACBlof - April (2009) 0Dutchsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACBlof - Oktober (2008) 0Dutchsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACRob Hoeke - Hollands Glorie 2001 0Bluessnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACAcross 110th Street Ost (Bobby Womack) FLAC (1972) 0BluesSnoop0301 decade, 2 years185.38 MBNZB
FLACFill Your Head With Blues 2001 0Bluessnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
FLACB B King - Golden Legends B B King (1999) 0BluesSnoop0301 decade, 7 months187.15 MBNZB
FLACScreens-Unlimited Presenteerd: James Last - A Special Collection (6CD Set) (2000) FLAC 0JazzSnowie9 years, 9 months1.81 GBNZB
FLACGotan Project - La Revancha Del Tango 0OtherSnoops1 decade, 4 years599.23 MBNZB
FLACScreens-Unlimited Presenteert: Snow Patrol - Fallen Empires (2011) FLAC [CUE + LOG] 0RockSnowie9 years, 8 months449.58 MBNZB
FLACScreens-Unlimited Presenteert: Taken by Trees - Other Worlds (2012) [FLAC] 0PopSnowie9 years, 8 months283.14 MBNZB
FLACScreens-Unlimited Presenteert: The Bony King of Nowhere - The Bony King of Nowhere (2012) [FLAC] 0PopSnowie9 years, 8 months210.42 MBNZB
AACI-Tunes singles pack Vol.1-29 0DanceSnoop0301 decade, 2 years2.29 GBNZB
AACBob Marley- Chant Down Babylon (iTunes Edition) (2012) (m4a) 0ReggaeSnoop0301 decade, 2 years108.74 MBNZB
AACK-Ci & JoJo - My Brother's Keeper [iTunes] (2013) 0RnBSnoop0301 decade, 1 year117.17 MBNZB
AAC1Karyn White - Carpe Diem (iTunes Edition) (2012) 0RnBSnoop0301 decade, 2 years86.31 MBNZB
AACMichael Jackson - The Indispensable Collection (iTunes) [7 CD] (2013) 0PopSnoop0301 decade, 1 year1.15 GBNZB
AACMichael Jackson - The Ultimate Fan Extras Collection [iTunes] (2013) 0PopSnoop0301 decade, 1 year1.72 GBNZB
AACAaron Neville (15 Albums) 0Bluessnoop0301 decade, 4 years1.41 GBNZB
EACNigel Kennedy - Vivaldi: The Four Seasons 0Classicalsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
EACCandy Dulfer - Big Girl (1996) 0Jazzsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
EACArthur Smith - Here Comes the Boogie Man (2002 0Countrysnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
EACWe''ll Meet Again-72 Hits uit de jaren ''40 en ''50 (2000) 0Othersnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
EACAlain Clark - Live It Out (2007) 0Othersnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
EACCliff Richard - 40 Years Of Hits In Holland 0Rocksnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
EACLenny Kravitz - It Is Time For A Love Revolution (2008) 0Rocksnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
EACPercy Sledge - The Best Of Percy Sledge 0RnBsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
EACSeal - Hits 2 CD (2009) 0RnBsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
EACEverly Brothers - Reunion Concert (1995) 0Popsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WAVCaro Emerald - Deleted Scenes From The Cutting Room (2010) 0Jazzsnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WAVCarlos Santana - Oneness - Silver Dreams & Golden Realities 1979 0Rocksnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WAVDr. John - The Definitive Pop Collection (2006) 0Bluessnorrow1 decade, 4 yearsn/a