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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
WINWordPerfect 5.1 WP 5.1 WP51 voor DOS 0OfficeOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks2.56 MBNZB
WIN1WordPerfect Office X9 (uit 2018) + Keygen (X-Force) 2OfficeOetTwente6 years, 1 week392.25 MBNZB
TUXSlackware Linux 14.2 ISO 0System softwareOetTwente5 years, 9 months2.82 GBNZB
WINWindows 2000 met updates tot 2011 0System softwareOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks642.22 MBNZB
WINWindows 1, 3.1, NT 3.51, 95, 98 en ME + Microsoft Bob 0System softwareOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks1.29 GBNZB
WINMs-DOS 6.22 0System softwareOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks4.22 MBNZB
WINMicrosoft Windows Vista Ultimate Service Pack 2 0System softwareOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks2.9 GBNZB
x264HDF-Troop - volledige serie 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 4 weeks18.16 GBNZB
ePubWillem Frederik Hermans - De donkere kamer van damokles 0MysteryOetTwente5 years, 7 months345 KBNZB
x264HDGeorge and Mildred 1980 (film) 0ComedyOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks1.26 GBNZB
PDFCampbell Biology, Eleventh Edition 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 9 months232.89 MBNZB
DivXAttack of the Jurassic Shark 2012 0ActionOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks804.04 MBNZB
PDFCindy L. Stanfield - Principles of Human Physiology 5th Ed. 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 4 months82.43 MBNZB
DivXGeorge and Mildred Complete Series 0TelevisionOetTwente5 years, 10 months9.92 GBNZB
DivXUrbanus - Hector (1987) 0ComedyOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks1.65 GBNZB
ePubGeorge Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984, Negentienvierentachtig) 0Science FictionOetTwente5 years, 7 months2.44 MBNZB
PDFSamengevat Aardrijkskunde VWO Scan kleur 300dpi 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 11 months45.55 MBNZB
x264HDLe voyage dans la lune 1902 0Science FictionOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks179.2 MBNZB
DivXBaby Geniuses 3: Baby Squad Investigators (AKA Mystery of the Crown Jewels) 2013 0ActionOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks812.28 MBNZB
x264HDDie Läusemutter [Deutsch] - De Luizenmoeder [Duits]. Staffel/Seizoen 1 0TelevisionOetTwente4 years, 6 months1.87 GBNZB
PDFP.G. Wodehouse Collectie (bijna compleet) 0HistoryOetTwente5 years, 9 months335.48 MBNZB
x264HDWay Down East 1920 720p 0DramaOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks1.09 GBNZB
PDFAnthony J F Griffiths, Susan R Wessler, Sean B Carroll, John Doebley - An Introduction to Genetic Analysis 11th Ed 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 4 months47.05 MBNZB
x264HD2It Came from Outer Space 1953 0HorrorOetTwente5 years, 11 months516.7 MBNZB
DivXThe Birth of a Nation (1915) - Original Score 0DramaOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks1.55 GBNZB
ePubJonathan Swift - Gulliver's Travels (Gullivers reizen) 0AdventureOetTwente5 years, 7 months751 KBNZB
DivXThe Beatles Magical Mystery Tour (film) 0ComedyOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks1.7 GBNZB
DivXMan about the House 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks11.2 GBNZB
PDFColin R. Townsend, Michael Begon, John L. Harper - Essentials of Ecology 3rd Ed. 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 4 months33.26 MBNZB
DivXGeorge and Mildred Complete Series - werkend 0TelevisionOetTwente5 years, 10 months10.26 GBNZB
x264HDUrbanus - Koko Flanel 0ComedyOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks1.9 GBNZB
ePubJames Vance Marshall - Walkabout (The Children) 0AdventureOetTwente5 years, 7 months1.64 MBNZB
PDFExamenbundel Scheikunde VWO 2015-2016 zwart-wit 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 11 months40.95 MBNZB
DivXThe Beverly Hillbillies Seizoen 1 t/m 9 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 4 weeks49.9 GBNZB
ePubGeorge Orwell - Animal Farm (Boerderij der dieren) 0AnimalsOetTwente5 years, 7 months815 KBNZB
x264HDTo be or not to be 1942 720p BluRay 0ComedyOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks711.92 MBNZB
ePubCharles Darwin - The Origin of Species 0ScienceOetTwente5 years, 9 months4.41 MBNZB
x264HDRobot Monster 1953 0Science FictionOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks413.87 MBNZB
PDFJon C. Herron, Scott Freeman - Evolutionary Analysis 5th Ed. 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 4 months48.18 MBNZB
x264HDMorons from Outer Space 1985 0ComedyOetTwente5 years, 11 months400.75 MBNZB
DVD92Van Jonge Leu en Oale Groond - Volledige serie 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks100.89 GBNZB
ePubMultatuli - Max Havelaar, of De koffijveilingen der Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij 0RomanceOetTwente5 years, 7 months975 KBNZB
x264HDDe Luizenmoeder VTM (Vlaanderen) aflevering 9 H262 434p 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 5 days313.21 MBNZB
x264HDThe Robot vs the Aztec Mummy 0HorrorOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks641.26 MBNZB
ePubVerzameld werk van Louis Couperus - 43 e-books, korte verhalen, poëzie 0OetTwente5 years, 7 months42.58 MBNZB
x264HDArsenic and Old Lace 1944 0ComedyOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks1.32 GBNZB
PDFJohn E. McMurry - Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry 7th Ed. 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 4 months24.82 MBNZB
DivXWalt Disney's Song of the South (Melodie van het zuiden) 0FamilyOetTwente5 years, 9 months752.06 MBNZB
x264HDBroken Blossoms, or: The Yellow man and the Girl - D.W. Griffith, 1919 0ActionOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks345.32 MBNZB
PDFJohn E. McMurry - Organic Chemistry, 9th Edition 0ScienceOetTwente5 years, 5 months69.21 MBNZB
x264HDSanta Claus Conquers the Martians 0Science FictionOetTwente5 years, 11 months510.41 MBNZB
x264HDDe Luizenmoeder België (VTM) aflevering 1 t/m 6 WEBcap H264 368p 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 4 weeks1.39 GBNZB
ePubH.G. Wells - The time machine 0Science FictionOetTwente5 years, 7 months158 KBNZB
x264HDNinotchka 1939 1080p BluRay x264-HD4U Repost 0ComedyOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks8.34 GBNZB
ePubDe Bijbel - Statenvertaling en King James Version 1ReligionOetTwente5 years, 9 months18.84 MBNZB
x264HDThe Beatles - Let It Be (Deluxe 35mm Widescreen Stereo Edition) 1970 film 0DocumentaryOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks4.26 GBNZB
PDFRay F. Evert, Susan E. Eichhorn - Raven Biology of Plants 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 4 months73.58 MBNZB
DivXTeenagers from Outer Space 1959 0Science FictionOetTwente5 years, 11 months765.49 MBNZB
DivXPetticoat Junction Seizoen 1 Xvid 384p 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks9.63 GBNZB
ePubAldous Huxley - Brave New World (Heerlijke nieuwe wereld) 0Science FictionOetTwente5 years, 7 months1.12 MBNZB
x264HDDe Luizenmoeder VTM (Vlaanderen) aflevering 8 H264 434p 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 5 days318.87 MBNZB
x264HDExperiments in the Revival of Organisms (USSR, 1940) 0DocumentaryOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks136.37 MBNZB
x264HDDe Luizenmoeder België (VTM) aflevering 7 WEPcap H264 368p 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks199.15 MBNZB
PDF1Michael T Madigan; Kelly S Bender; Daniel Hezekiah Buckley; W Matthew Sattley; David Allan Stahl - Brock Biology of Microorgani 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 4 months136.2 MBNZB
PDFBiNaS 6e editie Tweede Fase HAVO/VWO 0ScienceOetTwente5 years, 9 months82.29 MBNZB
DivXThe Beverly Hillbillies afleveringen S02E30, S08E24 enS09E04 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks627.99 MBNZB
PDFEssential Cell Biology, by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander D. Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Rob 0ScienceOetTwente5 years, 4 months53.95 MBNZB
DivXGayniggers from Outer Space (1992) 0ArthouseOetTwente5 years, 11 months52.39 MBNZB
DivXGreen Acres - de complete serie 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 4 weeks32.44 GBNZB
ePubGerard Reve - De Avonden 0PsychologyOetTwente5 years, 7 months445 KBNZB
PDFBeginning Programming with C for Dummies 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 9 months11.15 MBNZB
MPGEegah 0HorrorOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks2.26 GBNZB
PDFCleveland P. Hickman, Susan L. Keen and Allan Larson - Integrated Principles of Zoology 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 4 months139.53 MBNZB
x264HDNight Caller from Outer Space 1965 0Science FictionOetTwente5 years, 11 months265.23 MBNZB
DivXMonty Python's Flying Circus seizoen 1 t/m 4 + Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks12.28 GBNZB
ePubH.G. Wells - War of the Worlds 0Science FictionOetTwente5 years, 7 months1021 KBNZB
x264HDDe Luizenmoeder Vlaanderen (VTM) aflevering 10 WEBcap H264 434p 1TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 1 day350.4 MBNZB
x264HDSteal This Film deel 1 en 2 0DocumentaryOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks731.83 MBNZB
DivXRising damp seizoen 1 t/m 4 + Film 0TelevisionOetTwente6 years, 2 weeks8.12 GBNZB
PDFJeremy M Berg, John L Tymoczko, Gregory J Gatto Jr , Lubert Stryer - Biochemistry 8th Ed 0Non-fictionOetTwente5 years, 4 months51.37 MBNZB
PDFDiagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-I, II, III, IV, IV-TR, DSM-5, DSM-II Homosexuality Revision. Bonus: DSN 1HealthOetTwente5 years, 9 months300.06 MBNZB
DivXOrphans of the Storm 1921 0DramaOetTwente6 years, 3 weeks2.13 GBNZB
PDFR. Lyman Ott, Michael T. Longnecker - An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis 0ScienceOetTwente5 years, 4 months16.59 MBNZB
x264HDKiller Klowns from Outer Space 1988 0ComedyOetTwente5 years, 11 months2.43 GBNZB