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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
PSPBuzz! Master Quiz NL 0OtherDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPWALL E USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year570.05 MBNZB
PSPInnocent Life A Futuristic Harvest Moon USA 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 3 years251.7 MBNZB
PSPKingdom of Paradise 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPPeter Jackson's King Kong 0ActionDick421 decade, 9 months516.11 MBNZB
PSPBlast Lacrosse PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 4 years258.52 MBNZB
PSPMadden NFL 06 EUR 0SportDick421 decade, 2 years1.05 GBNZB
PSPJames Cameron's Avatar - The Game 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPVanguard Bandits PSX2PSP 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 3 years403.48 MBNZB
PSPCaesar's Palace PSX2PSP 0Dick421 decade, 1 year349.26 MBNZB
PS2WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth PS2 PAL 0ActionDick429 years, 8 months2.71 GBNZB
PSPMini Susume Tactics! USA 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 2 years162.53 MBNZB
PSPMega Man X5 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years410.99 MBNZB
PS2Colin McRae Rally 2005 PS2 PAL 0RaceDick421 decade, 3 months2.21 GBNZB
PSPDragon Ball Z - Ultimate Battle 22 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year278.57 MBNZB
PSPBaby Felix Tennis PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year106.02 MBNZB
PSVanishing Point PS1 PAL 0RaceDick429 years, 8 months460.24 MBNZB
PSPFIFA Soccer USA 0SportDick421 decade, 2 years550.16 MBNZB
PSPMLB '06 The Show 0SportDick421 decade, 10 months741.06 MBNZB
PSPAssault Retribution PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 years182.17 MBNZB
PS2Disney-Pixar Toy Story 3 PS2 PAL 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 months340.43 MBNZB
PSPRadikal Bikers PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 1 year168.25 MBNZB
PSPMini Vanguard EUR 0ShooterDick421 decade, 3 years2.28 MBNZB
PSPMx vs ATV Reflex 0RaceDick421 decade, 10 months320.63 MBNZB
PSPGrand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 years520.33 MBNZB
PSPMini Doodle Fit EUR 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 3 years11.87 MBNZB
PSPBlazBlue Continuum Shift II EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years1.33 GBNZB
PSPMini Tiny Hawk EUR 0PlatformDick421 decade, 3 years6.15 MBNZB
PS2E.O.E - Eve of Extinction PS2 PAL 0ActionDick429 years, 10 months1.23 GBNZB
PSPAquattack! 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 1 year12.37 MBNZB
PSPTest Drive 6 PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 2 years329.35 MBNZB
PSPMini Shock Troopers USA 0ShooterDick421 decade, 3 years35.56 MBNZB
PSPTwisted Metal Head On USA 0RaceDick421 decade, 2 years360.27 MBNZB
PSDriver 2 - Back on the Streets Disc 1 & 2 0RaceDick421 decade, 4 months779.96 MBNZB
PSPPocket Pool USA 0SportDick421 decade, 2 years681.73 MBNZB
PS2Disney-Pixar Ratatouille PS2 PAL 0PlatformDick429 years, 9 months788.59 MBNZB
PSPAstro Boy The Video Game 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year992.65 MBNZB
PSPNASCAR Thunder 2002 PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 2 years222.15 MBNZB
PSPSouth Park Rally PSX2PSP 0Dick421 decade, 11 months461.11 MBNZB
PSPWarhammer 40,000 Squad Command 0StrategyDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSApe Escape PS1 PAL 0PlatformDick421 decade, 4 months190.85 MBNZB
PSPBrooktown High USA 0SimulationDick421 decade, 1 year555.76 MBNZB
PSPAkuji the Heartless PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years221.06 MBNZB
PSPTennis PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 11 months99.73 MBNZB
PSPGrand Theft Auto Vice City Stories 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPMini JellyCar 2 EUR 0RaceDick421 decade, 3 years21.39 MBNZB
PSPLEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean The Video Game USA 0AdventureDick421 decade, 2 years1.19 GBNZB
PSPTwisted Metal Head On 0RaceDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPPetz: Hamsterz Bunch USA 0Dick421 decade, 3 years54.35 MBNZB
PS2Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria PS2 PAL 0RoleplayingDick429 years, 11 months3.17 GBNZB
PSPWWE All Stars USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year1.39 GBNZB
PSPBomberman Land EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years460.48 MBNZB
PSPBuzz! Quiz World NL 0Dick421 decade, 3 years1.03 GBNZB
PSPArmored Core Last Raven Portable USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years810.89 MBNZB
PSPVirtua Tennis World Tour 0SportDick421 decade, 5 months174.06 MBNZB
PSPSEGA Genesis Collection USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years776.21 MBNZB
PSPOpen Season 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPVigilante 8 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick429 years, 11 months563.66 MBNZB
PSPWhat Did I Do To Deserve This My Lord 2 USA 0StrategyDick421 decade, 1 year270.9 MBNZB
PSPTekken PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years154.26 MBNZB
PSPHive Sweeper 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 1 year14.83 MBNZB
PSPSOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPWizorb 0ActionDick421 decade, 5 months261.72 MBNZB
PSPBall Breakers aka Moho PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years376.34 MBNZB
PS2Batman - Vengeance PS2 PAL 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 weeks604.31 MBNZB
PSPMyst EUR 0AdventureDick421 decade, 3 years764.66 MBNZB
PSPIL-2 Sturmovik Birds of Prey 0FlyingDick421 decade, 1 year620.29 MBNZB
PSPSouth Park Rally PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPFIFA 06 EUR 0SportDick421 decade, 3 years573.37 MBNZB
PSPKagero - Deception II PSX2PSP 0StrategyDick421 decade, 2 years403.57 MBNZB
PS2Quake III - Revolution PS2 PAL 0ShooterDick421 decade, 2 weeks685.89 MBNZB
PSPCapcom Classics Collection Reloaded EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years358.51 MBNZB
PSPNFL Gameday 2004 PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year469.73 MBNZB
PSPAnimaniacs Ten Pin Alley 2 PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 3 years190.38 MBNZB
PSPMortal Kombat Unchained EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years880.79 MBNZB
PSPGrand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years506.67 MBNZB
PSPTwisted Metal PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 6 months316.95 MBNZB
PSPLEGO Star Wars II The Original Trilogy USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years825.68 MBNZB
PSPDisney''s Tigger''s Honey Hunt PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPStreet Racquetball PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year352.71 MBNZB
PSPThe Incredible Hulk The Pantheon Saga PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years624.15 MBNZB
PSPFootball Manager Handheld 2010 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year99.27 MBNZB
PSPMegaman Battle & Chase PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPGrand Theft Auto 2 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 6 months451.56 MBNZB
PSPGun Showdown USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years620.25 MBNZB
PS2Suffering, The PS2 PAL 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 month3.08 GBNZB
PSPGex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPPromethus (demo) USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years21.58 MBNZB
PSPMini Mahjongg Artifacts Chapter 2 USA 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 5 yearsn/a    
PSPKing of Fighters 99 , The PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year225.94 MBNZB
PSPNBA 2K11 EUR 0SportDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPMini GreenTechPLUS+ EUR 0Dick421 decade, 3 years20.39 MBNZB
PSPNCAA Gamebreaker PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 2 years156.3 MBNZB
PS2Myst III - Exile PS2 PAL 0AdventureDick421 decade, 1 month2.39 GBNZB
PSPDragonball Z Shin Budokai EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years518.55 MBNZB
PSPPro Evolution Soccer 2010 EUR 0SportDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPMonster Trucks PSX2PSP 0Dick421 decade, 1 year260.46 MBNZB
PSPGo! Puzzle EUR 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 3 years44.79 MBNZB
PSPMini Flying Hamster EUR 0ShooterDick421 decade, 3 years50.42 MBNZB
PSPMx vs ATV Reflex EUR 0RaceDick421 decade, 2 years258.4 MBNZB
PSPNamco Museum Vol. 1 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 7 months213.68 MBNZB
PSPMonster Seed PSX2PSP 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 2 years243.56 MBNZB
PSPWCW Nitro PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPCat in the Hat PSX2PSP 0AdventureDick421 decade, 1 year65.49 MBNZB
PSPBatman Gotham City Racer PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 3 years462.01 MBNZB
PSPDungeon Maker 2 The Hidden War 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 1 year125.4 MBNZB
PSPSocom U.S.Navy Seals Fireteam Bravo 3 0ShooterDick421 decade, 7 months1.22 GBNZB
PSPUntold Legends The Warrior's Code USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years591.88 MBNZB
PSPMetal Gear Solid Disc 1 & 2 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 months986.95 MBNZB
PSPArmy Men 3D PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPFinal Fantasy Tactics The War Of The Lions USA 0StrategyDick421 decade, 3 years218.88 MBNZB
PSPEverybodys Stress Buster Yellow 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year76.46 MBNZB
PSPMini Burnin"" Rubber USA 0RaceDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPCabela''s North American Adventures 0OtherDick421 decade, 4 years266 MBNZB
PSPPanzer Front PSX2PSP 0SimulationDick421 decade, 2 years183.01 MBNZB
PS2Freekstyle PS2 PAL 0SportDick421 decade, 2 months771.46 MBNZB
PSPFate Unlimited Codes USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years510.61 MBNZB
PSPSpiderman Web of Shadows USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year275.85 MBNZB
PSPMini Sasuke vs Commander EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years3.35 MBNZB
PSPLegend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 4 years591.02 MBNZB
PSPIndependence Day PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years414.51 MBNZB
PSPFox Hunt Disc 1 , 2 & 3 PSX2PSP 0AdventureDick421 decade, 8 months1.67 GBNZB
PSPTotal Eclipse Turbo PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years287.35 MBNZB
PSPRatchet and Clank Size Matters 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPDissidia 012Duodecim Final Fantasy EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year1.08 GBNZB
PSPTony Hawk's Project 8 EUR 0SportDick421 decade, 3 years1.17 GBNZB
PSPBlast Chamber PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year505.95 MBNZB
PSPPuzzler Collection 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 8 months79.85 MBNZB
PSPWall - E 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPR-Type Delta PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years301.81 MBNZB
PS2Agent Hugo PS2 PAL 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 months643.7 MBNZB
PSPMonster Kingdom Jewel Summoner 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPHysteria Project 2 USA 0AdventureDick421 decade, 3 years98.67 MBNZB
PSPBear in the Big Blue House PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year230.8 MBNZB
PS2Dynasty Tactics PS2 PAL 0StrategyDick429 years, 8 months2.44 GBNZB
PSPReal Madrid The Game EUR 0SportDick421 decade, 2 years266.04 MBNZB
PSPMini History Egypt: Engineering an Empire USA 0OtherDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSBroken Sword II - The Smoking Mirror PS1 PAL 0AdventureDick421 decade, 3 months429.31 MBNZB
PSPMini Guerrilla War EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years14.85 MBNZB
PSPCreatures - Raised in Space PSX2PSP 0SimulationDick421 decade, 1 year240.49 MBNZB
PSPFinal Armada EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years423.54 MBNZB
PS2Rune - Viking Warlord PS2 PAL 0ActionDick429 years, 7 months499.24 MBNZB
PSPJeopardy! PSX2PS 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 2 years449.74 MBNZB
PSPNBA 09 The Inside 0SportDick421 decade, 9 months641.84 MBNZB
PSPMini Sky Force EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 years47.55 MBNZB
PSPChocobo Racing PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 2 years305.38 MBNZB
PSPBrain Dead 13 Disc 1 & 2 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year1.16 GBNZB
PSPBuzz Master Quiz NL + FR 0Dick421 decade, 3 years796.68 MBNZB
PSPCardinal Syn PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year485.68 MBNZB
PSPNom Nation 0PlatformDick421 decade, 9 months42.58 MBNZB
PSPMini Flying Hamster USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 years89.89 MBNZB
PSPSmall Soldiers PSX2PSP 0AdventureDick421 decade, 2 years651.75 MBNZB
PSTekken 2 PS1 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 months545.43 MBNZB
PS2Rayman Revolution PS2 PAL 0PlatformDick429 years, 9 months1.98 GBNZB
PSPBass Rise PSX2PSP 0Dick421 decade, 1 year101.85 MBNZB
PSPWild Arms XF EUR 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 2 years1002.69 MBNZB
PSDalmatians, The PS1 PAL 0Child/youthDick421 decade, 4 months445.6 MBNZB
PSPHarry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PSX2PSP 0AdventureDick421 decade, 1 year526.02 MBNZB
PSPHot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 USA 0SportDick421 decade, 3 years549.62 MBNZB
PSNASCAR 2001 PS1 NTSC 0RaceDick429 years, 8 months289.81 MBNZB
PSPHot Wheels - Extreme Racing PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 2 years683.83 MBNZB
PSPMega Man Maverick Hunter X 0ActionDick421 decade, 10 months450.65 MBNZB
PSPBeta Bloc 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 years24.77 MBNZB
PSPMini Pachisi EUR 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPMini One Epic Game EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years22.57 MBNZB
PSPDragon's Lair USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years306.9 MBNZB
PSPLamecraft (Homebrew) 0Dick421 decade, 1 year9.2 MBNZB
PSPBattleZone USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years159.46 MBNZB
PSPFate Extra USA 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 1 year1.01 GBNZB
PSPMidnight Club LA Remix 0RaceDick421 decade, 10 months600.25 MBNZB
PSPWarriors Orochi 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 years488.15 MBNZB
PSPSNK Arcade Classics Volume 1 0OtherDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPDisgaea Infinite USA 0AdventureDick421 decade, 3 years192.77 MBNZB
PSPMini Enchanted Cavern EUR 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 2 years27.43 MBNZB
PSPWorld Series of Poker 0CardsDick421 decade, 5 months189.34 MBNZB
PSPMini D-Cube Planet USA 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPDFFx3 0ActionDick429 years, 10 months2.36 GBNZB
PSPMajor League Baseball 2K12 USA 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year1.31 GBNZB
PSPGunfighter The Legend Of Jesse James PSX2PSP 0ShooterDick421 decade, 2 years160.24 MBNZB
PSPYeti Sports 0SportDick421 decade, 5 months11.38 MBNZB
PSPMini Dracula Undead Awakening EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPMLB '07 The Show USA 0SportDick421 decade, 2 years815.57 MBNZB
PSPSpiderman 2 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years453.03 MBNZB
PS2Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja 5 PS2 PAL 0ActionDick429 years, 10 months1.6 GBNZB
PSPLego Racers PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 2 years254.37 MBNZB
PSPKahoots 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 11 months41.43 MBNZB
PSPUprising X PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPLEGO Pirates of the Caribbean The Video Game EUR 0AdventureDick421 decade, 3 years1.16 GBNZB
PSPLego Harry Potter Years 1-4 USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years1.11 GBNZB
PSPHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix EUR 0AdventureDick421 decade, 2 years619.71 MBNZB
PSPGrand Theft Auto Vice City Stories 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPFootball Manager Handheld 2012 EUR 0SportDick421 decade, 3 years67.19 MBNZB
PSPAlex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001 PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year22.17 MBNZB
PSPLA Rush 0RaceDick421 decade, 11 months944.17 MBNZB
PSPVandal Hearts PSX2PSP 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPSpinout EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years106.51 MBNZB
PSPUltimate Fighting Championship PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years362.89 MBNZB
PSPTMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 0ActionDick421 decade, 6 months990.51 MBNZB
PSPMini Quiz Animania USA 0OtherDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPAce Combat Joint Assault EUR 0SimulationDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PS2Viewtiful Joe 2 PS2 PAL 0ActionDick429 years, 11 months1006.15 MBNZB
PSPChris Kamara's Street Soccer PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year20.36 MBNZB
PSP2 Xtreme PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 2 years482.48 MBNZB
PSPTransformers Revenge of the Fallen 0ActionDick421 decade, 6 months1.12 GBNZB
PSPDigimon World 3 PSX2PSP 0SimulationDick421 decade, 2 years491.29 MBNZB
PSPKickboxing PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPPuyo Pop Fever EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years99.99 MBNZB
PSPBurnout Legends 0RaceDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSFF8 0RoleplayingDick429 years, 11 months1.91 GBNZB
PSPGod of War Ghost of Sparta EUR 0AdventureDick421 decade, 2 years1.68 GBNZB
PSPGroovin' Blocks 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 1 year81.47 MBNZB
PSPRadikal Bikers PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPBust-a-Move '99 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years365.1 MBNZB
PSPEchoshift EUR 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 2 years183.09 MBNZB
PSPYu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force USA 0StrategyDick421 decade, 2 years441.04 MBNZB
PS2Terminator 3 - The Redemption PS2 PAL 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 month1.45 GBNZB
PSPTekken 6 USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years836.1 MBNZB
PSPNaruto Shippuden Legends Akatsuki Rising USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year577.09 MBNZB
PSPHellboy Science of Evil 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year694.55 MBNZB
PSPLord of the Rings Aragorns Quest EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPThrillville Off The Rails EUR 0SimulationDick421 decade, 3 years969.86 MBNZB
PSPRenegade Racers PSX2PSP 0RaceDick421 decade, 2 years484.79 MBNZB
PSPSoul Calibur Broken Destiny 0ActionDick421 decade, 7 months446.64 MBNZB
PSPBubble Bobble Evolution 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PS2Gun PS2 PAL 0ShooterDick421 decade, 4 weeks1.2 GBNZB
PSPA-train PSX2PSP 0OtherDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPF1 2009 USA 0RaceDick421 decade, 1 year410.31 MBNZB
PSPSWAT Target Liberty EUR 0ShooterDick421 decade, 3 years584.69 MBNZB
PSPStar Wars Battlefront 2 0ShooterDick421 decade, 7 months600.95 MBNZB
PSPMini Vector TD USA 0OtherDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPTomb Raider Legends USA 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 years974.6 MBNZB
PSPBubble Bobble 2 PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPMini Carnivores Dinosaur Hunter USA 0ShooterDick421 decade, 3 years28.39 MBNZB
PSPArmy Men World War PSX2PSP 0ActionDick421 decade, 3 years303.79 MBNZB
PSPFIFA 13 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year776.49 MBNZB
PSPLegend of Heroes 3 Song of the Ocean 0RoleplayingDick421 decade, 4 years784.91 MBNZB
PSPBeaterator EUR 0MusicDick421 decade, 2 years565.07 MBNZB
PSPSuper Monkey Ball Adventure USA 0PlatformDick421 decade, 2 years305.79 MBNZB
PS2Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence Disc 3 ,Existence Disc PS2 PAL 0ActionDick421 decade, 2 months4.33 GBNZB
PSPPro Evolution Soccer 2012 (alleen Spaans,Italiaans,Portugees en Grieks) 0SportDick421 decade, 3 years1.62 GBNZB
PSPNo Fear Downhill Mountain Biking PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year345.48 MBNZB
PSPFlOw 0ActionDick421 decade, 1 year161.88 MBNZB
PSPMini Monsters Probably Stole My Princess EUR 0ActionDick421 decade, 4 years154.75 MBNZB
PSPPro Pinball - Timeshock! PSX2PSP 0Dick421 decade, 2 years483.42 MBNZB
PSPRatatouille 0PlatformDick421 decade, 8 months495.09 MBNZB
PSDukes of Hazzard, The - Racing for Home PS1 PAL 0RaceDick421 decade, 1 month459.61 MBNZB
PSPFIFA Football 2005 PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
PSPPool Academy PSX2PSP 0SportDick421 decade, 1 year459.42 MBNZB
PSPAnimal Snap PSX2PSP 0PuzzleDick421 decade, 3 years45.2 MBNZB
PSPR -Type Command 0StrategyDick421 decade, 8 months235.48 MBNZB