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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
WINSuper nintendo emulator met games 0ActionLaserdude1 decade, 2 years689.47 MBNZB
WINN64 Emulator 0ActionLaserdude1 decade, 2 years1.98 MBNZB
WINNDS Emulator 0ActionLaserdude1 decade, 2 years2.81 MBNZB
WINWii en GC Emulator 1ActionLaserdude1 decade, 2 years5.25 MBNZB
WINWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5 0ActionCopy1 decade, 3 years19.87 GBNZB
WINDishonored-3DM 0Actionstefandev1 decade, 2 years6.25 GBNZB
WINZygor 4.0.6362 0Actionrealdeal1 decade, 1 year13.69 MBNZB
WINMount and Blade With fire and sword SKIDROW 0ActionstrategyWorld1 decade, 6 months877.25 MBNZB
WINOude-Spellen-deel-5 0Actionmreagle6 years, 4 months76.39 GBNZB
WINTwilight 78 DVD 0Actiongoek1 decade, 7 months4.49 GBNZB
WINRetroBytes: The ultimate Apogee Collection 0ActionRetroByter9 years, 6 months243.53 MBNZB
WINMSX Met Emulator en vele spellen Take 2 2ActionLiefr0011 decade, 2 years1.26 GBNZB
WINCommodore Amiga HD (harddisk) games 0ActionJoeBar1 decade, 7 months1.65 GBNZB
WINBlackBerry 40 Games 0ActionBlackBerryFreaks1 decade, 4 years12.03 MBNZB
WIN18 GB aan AMIGA adf images 0ActionJoeBar1 decade, 4 years4.02 GBNZB
WINAmiga Amikit + AmigaOS 3.9 0ActionJoeBar1 decade, 4 years623.23 MBNZB
WINAmiga Games CAPSDI images 0ActionJoeBar1 decade, 4 years3.04 GBNZB
WIN7Criminalsloco Online mafia rpg spel 0ActionCriminalsloco1 decade, 3 years52.98 MBNZB
WINMAME CHD collectie 2ActionJfreeze1 decade, 3 years105.51 GBNZB
WINMS-DOS Spelletjes 0ActionMBaNL1 decade, 3 years86.52 MBNZB
WIN6666 games in 1 Ultimate Classic Games Collection [Retro Legends] 0ActionDemelion1 decade, 3 years6.25 GBNZB
WINNintendo Emulator incl. roms 0ActionAllieBabba1 decade, 1 month1.71 GBNZB
WINAmstrad CPC Emulator incl. 11231 roms. 0ActionAllieBabba1 decade, 1 month609.08 MBNZB
WINAtari 2600 Emulator incl. aantal roms 0ActionAllieBabba1 decade, 1 month6.52 MBNZB
WINAtari Jaguar Emulator incl. aantal roms. 1ActionAllieBabba1 decade, 1 month92.99 MBNZB
WINAtari Lynx Emulator incl. aantal roms. 0ActionAllieBabba1 decade, 1 month11.52 MBNZB
WINBandai WonderSwan Emulator met 345 roms. 1ActionAllieBabba1 decade, 1 month310.48 MBNZB
WINColecoVision Emulator incl. aantal roms. 1ActionAllieBabba1 decade, 1 month2.86 MBNZB
WINCommodore Amiga - Games - ADF 1ActionJoeBar1 decade, 7 months3.88 GBNZB
WINCommodore Amiga CAPSDI Games 0ActionJoeBar1 decade, 7 months2.94 GBNZB
WINHyperspin must have retro 0Actionpdn1 decade, 2 months105.58 GBNZB
WIN644 GOG games (goed lezen voor instructie). 0ActionJeffrey6 years, 8 months5.2 MBNZB
WINDOS Games Collection 0ActionTMT334 years, 10 months8.65 GBNZB
WIN1634 GoG games 53ActionMCTazMan6 months, 2 weeks10.08 MBNZB
WIN1Minecraft 1.6.6. 0ActionEdyrlie1 decade, 3 years268 KBNZB
WIN2Runescape Green dragon bot 2.3 0ActionRobss1 decade, 3 years290 KBNZB
WINLan Games Collection [Portable] 0ActionMickeyMouse1 decade, 1 month12.2 GBNZB
WINKingdoms of Amalur Reckoning v1 0 cracked READ NFO-THETA 0ActionJaapie181 decade, 3 years8.42 GBNZB
WINZygor guide v4.0.6403 0ActionDarkForce1 decade, 1 year12.19 MBNZB
WIN1Dark Souls - Prepare to Die Edition (basp) 0ActionBassie1 decade, 10 months4.26 GBNZB
WINMafia.III.Proper-RELOADED 0ActionRackham8 years, 5 months47.46 GBNZB
WIN1South Park The Stick of Truth MULTi8 incl Update 3-ElAmigos 0ActionDINZM7 years, 11 months4.12 GBNZB
WINKingdom Come Deliverance (35438) win gog 1Actionoki4 years, 11 months77.76 GBNZB
WINAssassins Creed Odyssey Gold Edition MULTi15-ElAmigos 0Actionoki4 years, 11 months3.12 MBNZB
WINResequenced-CODEX 0Actionoki4 years, 10 months11.35 GBNZB
WINConan Exiles v196231/23625 (Feb 11, 2020) + All DLCs + Multiplayer 0Actionoki4 years, 9 months37.57 GBNZB
WIN1Horizon: Zero Dawn - Complete editie FitGirl Repack 0Actionoki4 years, 7 months58.11 GBNZB
WIN1Horizon Zero Dawn update 1.02.1 0Actionoki4 years, 6 months16.9 MBNZB
WIN1Mortal Shell Update v1 09227-CODEX 0Actionoki4 years, 6 months71.96 MBNZB
WIN2Wolcen: Lords Of Mayhem v1 1 0 7 (14 01 2021) ElAmigos (PC) 0ActionSirStirlingMoss4 years, 1 month19.52 GBNZB
WINShattered Tale of the Forgotten King-CODEX 0Actionoki4 years, 3 weeks10.79 GBNZB
WINSWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris v1 30-CODEX 0Actionoki4 years, 3 weeks52.43 GBNZB
WIN1Pokemon - Sword & Shield [Switch Emulator] 0ActionHertogjan4 years, 2 days3.66 GBNZB
WIN1Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition 0ActionBlueEye3 years, 5 months60.71 GBNZB
WINWorld of Warcraft 3.2.2a enUS-All In One 0Actiondamiantof71 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINWorld of Warcraft - Cataclysm 4.0.6 (Ready to Play for Private Server) (Respot) 0ActionPro821 decade, 3 years29.38 GBNZB
WINCube World 0Actionolakius1 decade, 4 months36.23 MBNZB
WINChernobylite Rev 24890 Early Access (Respot) 0Actionoki4 years, 11 months30.49 GBNZB
WINThe Walking Dead - Saints & Sinners 0ActionHoodlum4 years, 11 months29.75 GBNZB
WIN1[giotjuh] Minecraft beta 1.6.6 0Actiongiotjuh1 decade, 3 years43.17 MBNZB
WIN1Final Minecraft 1.7.3 Cracked multiplayer 0ActionBase1 decade, 3 years157 KBNZB
WINGenesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition-CODEX 0Actionoki5 years, 2 weeks5.68 GBNZB
WIN2Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition-PROPHET 0ActionCh3stn4t1 decade, 2 years21.23 GBNZB
WINZygor guide v4.0.6409 0ActionDarkForce1 decade, 1 year12.2 MBNZB
WINFallout 3: The Pitt & Operation Anchorage 0ActionMr.R1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINNeverwinter Nights 2 Complete-PROPHET 0ActionKlieko221 decade, 1 year8.58 GBNZB
WINMelee: Battlegrounds - Medieval Combat Sandbox (kort filmpje) 0ActionUncleBOB1 decade, 3 months70.56 MBNZB
WINPrison Architect V1 (Windows) 0Actionevinx9 years, 5 months268.35 MBNZB
WINWorms W M D MULTi8-ElAmigos 0ActionDINZM7 years, 11 months1.51 GBNZB
WINBatman Arkham City Game of the Year Edition SKIDROW 0Actionblg1 decade, 2 years17.61 GBNZB
WINGauntlet-CODEX 0ActionThePingPong1 decade, 5 months2.62 GBNZB
WINDeus Ex Mankind Divided Digital Deluxe MULTi9-ElAmigos 0ActionDINZM8 years, 1 week3 KBNZB
WINPayday.2.MULTi7-ElAmigos 0ActionDINZM7 years, 10 months16.74 GBNZB
WINPhantom.Doctrine.MULTi8-ElAmigos 0ActionThePingPong6 years, 6 months10.05 GBNZB
WINShadows.Awakening.PROPER-CODEX 0ActionThePingPong6 years, 5 months8.27 GBNZB
WINKillSquad-CODEX 0Actionoki5 years, 3 weeks7.93 GBNZB
WINBloodlust.2.Nemesis-CODEX 0Actionoki4 years, 11 months10.95 GBNZB
WIN1Deus.Ex.Mankind.Divided-CPY 0Actionoki4 years, 11 months47.78 GBNZB
WINCode Vein: Deluxe Edition [v 1.01.86038 + All DLCs + MULTi11 + Multiplayer] (Dodi Repacks 0Actionoki4 years, 10 months23.89 GBNZB
WINNier Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition [DLC + MULTi6] – [DODI Repack] 0Actionoki4 years, 10 months27.17 GBNZB
WINDeus Ex Human Revolution 2.0 (37758) win gog 0Actionoki4 years, 10 months14.76 GBNZB
WINDeus Ex Mankind Divided Digital Deluxe Edition GOG-InsaneRamZes 0Actionoki4 years, 10 months48.37 GBNZB
WINBloodlust 2 Nemesis v2 0-CODEX 0Actionoki4 years, 9 months11.31 GBNZB
WIN2Dying.Light.Hellraid-CODEX 0Actionoki4 years, 7 months24.48 GBNZB
WIN1Mortal.Shell-CODEX 0Actionoki4 years, 6 months6.41 GBNZB
WIN1Dungeon Defenders Awakened v1 1-CODEX 0Actionoki4 years, 6 months4.61 GBNZB
WINNioh 2 - Complete Edition - Codex 0Actionoki4 years, 1 month66.17 GBNZB
WIN1The Residents cd roms 0ActionTheResident3 years, 9 months844.16 MBNZB
WINWatch Dogs RELOADED 0ActionSpb869 years, 9 months22.08 GBNZB
WINFallout 4 pc Game (7) 0ActionMangamania298 years, 10 months24.16 GBNZB
WIN2PAYDAY 2 San Martin Bank Heist-PLAZA 0Actionoki5 years, 2 weeks37.46 GBNZB
WINRoyal Envoy 0Child/youthdogfather61 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WIN3D Bowling 0Otherpotlood451 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINHeart's Medicine - Season One Deluxe NL 0AdventureTheGangster1 decade, 4 years140.81 MBNZB
WINRunespell Overture v1 0 cracked THETA 0AdventureInovix1 decade, 3 years478.55 MBNZB
WINHeroes of Might and Magic IV 0AdventureEnJee1 decade, 1 year1.16 GBNZB
WINSilverStream Mine's World of Warcraft 0AdventureDamorion1 decade, 3 years18.31 GBNZB
WINZygor WoW Guides versie 3.3.3652 0AdventureMilfshake1 decade, 2 years9.06 MBNZB
WINZygor Guides Full - 4.0.6387 0AdventureHennepHenk1 decade, 1 year10.6 MBNZB
WINDutchWoW World of Warcraft Cataclysm (4.3.4) 0AdventureStixx9 years, 10 months13.84 MBNZB
WINDutchWoW World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 0AdventureStixx9 years, 5 months15.06 MBNZB
WIN1Resident Evil 7 0AdventureSpelPC8 years, 1 month23.09 GBNZB
WINPassengers.Awakening.VR.Experience-iND 0AdventureDINZM7 years, 11 months3 GBNZB
WINNeverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition Dark Dreams of Furiae-CODEX 0Adventureoki4 years, 11 months6.14 GBNZB
WIN1Iron Danger Supporter Edition-GOG 0Adventureoki4 years, 11 months8.19 GBNZB
WINIratus Lord of the Dead GOG 0Adventureoki4 years, 10 months1.66 GBNZB
WINThronebreaker The Witcher Tales MULTi13-PLAZA 0Adventureoki4 years, 9 months12.3 GBNZB
WINWorld of warcraft - Cataclysm 4.0.6! (Ready to Play for Private server) 0AdventurePro821 decade, 3 years28.31 GBNZB
WIN1Animal Crossing - New Horizons [Switch Emulator] 0AdventureHertogjan4 years, 2 days3.94 GBNZB
WINThe Sims 4: DELUXE EDITION – V1.94.147.1030 + ALL DLCS & ADD-ONS + ONLINE 2AdventureFomske1 year, 11 months35.9 GBNZB
WINFarm Tribe 0AdventureWhiteCrow6661 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WIN1Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition 0Adventureblg1 decade, 5 yearsn/a    
WINDragon Age 2 Ultimate DLC Pack + v1.03 0StrategyNiss1 decade, 3 years83.27 MBNZB
WINSpellForce.3.Collection.MULTi8-ElAmigos 0Strategyoki4 years, 11 months3 KBNZB
WINPrison Architect - Alpha 17 (Windows) 0StrategyKaasDoosNL1 decade, 1 year202.18 MBNZB
WINPrison architect alpha 18b (windows) 0Strategyevinx1 decade, 1 year104.72 MBNZB
WINPrison Architect Alpha 18 0StrategyKaasDoosNL1 decade, 1 year404.9 MBNZB
WINAshes of the Singularity Escalation-ElAmigos 0StrategyDINZM7 years, 11 months10.53 GBNZB
WINWorld Of Zoo 0Roleplayingblg1 decade, 5 yearsn/a    
WINPlanet Alcatraz 0Roleplayingblg1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WIN3D.Villa.2 Adult 0Roleplayingacronis1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINFinal Fantasy VII ePSXe versie 0RoleplayingZbace1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINSecret Wive''s Club (18+) 0RoleplayingStealix1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINWorld of Warcraft 3 3 5 and 4 0 6 Gratis 0RoleplayingDoetErNietToe1 decade, 3 years39.1 GBNZB
WIN2Sims 3 0Roleplayingreneajax1 decade, 3 years4.66 GBNZB
WINThe Witcher 2 GoG Crack (zonder virus) 0RoleplayingThakiller1 decade, 3 years3.66 MBNZB
WINThe Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion Portable"The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion 0Roleplayingtralala1 decade, 3 years4.31 GBNZB
WINDragon Age 2 DLC Pack + v1.02 Patch 0RoleplayingNiss1 decade, 3 years97.85 MBNZB
WIN1Silverstream Mine Flyer 0RoleplayingDamall1 decade, 3 years1.41 MBNZB
WINNwN HotU 0RoleplayingNajra1 decade, 3 years900.47 MBNZB
WINNeverwinter nights hordes of the underdark 0Roleplayingwellwisher1 decade, 3 years900.47 MBNZB
WINSkyrim Prima Guide PDFs [working glossaries] 0Roleplayingbanaan1 decade, 3 years277.08 MBNZB
WINSkyrim Prima Guide PDFs *REPACK* [Fixed glossaries] 0RoleplayingSpAnKeR1 decade, 3 years317.78 MBNZB
WINZuma Deluxe 0Roleplayingcdb941 decade, 3 years12.14 MBNZB
WINZuma Deluxe Star wars Edition 0Roleplayingcdb941 decade, 3 years10.32 MBNZB
WINWorld of Warcraft 4.0.6 kant en klaar. 0RoleplayingDiva1 decade, 3 years25.03 GBNZB
WINZygor Guides 3.3.3334 0RoleplayingTjeemen1 decade, 3 years7.21 MBNZB
WINSkyrim Guides 0RoleplayingMeowth1 decade, 3 years258.59 MBNZB
WINZygor WoW Guides versie 3.3.3737 0RoleplayingMilfshake1 decade, 2 years8.67 MBNZB
WINZygor WoW guides versie 3.3.3810 0RoleplayingMilfshake1 decade, 2 years11.02 MBNZB
WINSpellforce 2 Gold 0Roleplayingsjaakknaak1 decade, 2 years5.71 GBNZB
WINNeverwinter Nights 2 0Roleplayingjimmymen1 decade, 2 years6.97 GBNZB
WINDe Sims Middeleeuwen 0RoleplayingMatthi1 decade, 2 years7.56 GBNZB
WINDe sims 3 store februari 2013 0RoleplayingDebbie1 decade, 2 years198.74 MBNZB
WINDe sims 3 greenhouse 0RoleplayingDebbie1 decade, 2 years29.64 MBNZB
WINSims 3 extra's: Werelden en Store updates t/m maart 2013 0Roleplayinghanshoek1 decade, 1 year6.92 GBNZB
WINDrox Operative v1.007 (c) 2013 0RoleplayingCitp1 decade, 1 year159.26 MBNZB
WINThe Sims 3 Ultimate Collection Final Release 0RoleplayingKlieko221 decade, 1 year38.61 GBNZB
WINDe Sims 3: Bovennatuurlijk 0RoleplayingRobbieronald1 decade, 1 year3 GBNZB
WIN1Southpark The Stick of Truth (compleet plus DLC Unlocker) 0Roleplayinghanshoek1 decade, 1 year4.67 GBNZB
WINRepost De Sims 3 - Stores & Werelden 0RoleplayingMarcel1 decade, 6 months7.76 GBNZB
WINStarpoint.Gemini.2-FLT 0RoleplayingThePingPong1 decade, 5 months4.11 GBNZB
WINThe Sims Vacation (Expansion Pack) [++++>D.s.M<++++] 0RoleplayingDsM1 decade, 1 week798.57 MBNZB
WINSims 4 0RoleplayingKlopje9 years, 11 months9.08 GBNZB
WINRepost Sims4 0RoleplayingKlopje9 years, 11 months9.08 GBNZB
WINDungeon Siege (2002) [++++>D.s.M<++++] 1RoleplayingDsM9 years, 10 months1.62 GBNZB
WINBorderlands.2.Windows-8-Fix Winrar 0Roleplayingmaaik9 years, 7 months8.81 MBNZB
WINThe sims 4 0RoleplayingTheMostOfficialBiatch9 years, 6 months8.89 GBNZB
WINRavenmark.Scourge.of.Estellion-RELOADED 0RoleplayingThePingPong9 years, 6 months740.76 MBNZB
WINPillars of Eternity - The White March Part II (codex) 0Roleplayingldopa9 years, 3 weeks12.97 GBNZB
WINThe Elder Scrolls III Morrowind GOTY MULTi7-ElAmigos 0RoleplayingDINZM8 years, 1 month1.56 GBNZB
WINThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild v1 1 0 + Cemu v1 7 3d 0RoleplayingDINZM7 years, 11 months5.73 GBNZB
WINExpeditions.Viking-CODEX 0RoleplayingDINZM7 years, 10 months6.42 GBNZB
WIN1Assassin's creed odyssey 2018 0Roleplayingpaco20136 years, 3 months56.52 GBNZB
WINAssassin's creed odyssey CPY 0Roleplayingpaco20136 years, 3 months56.92 GBNZB
WIN[Adult Games 18+]Sister, Sister, Sister [Virtual Indecency] 0RoleplayingXXXGAMES6 years, 2 months2.08 GBNZB
WINKing's League II NL 0RoleplayingKwiebus655 years, 3 months922.56 MBNZB
WINDisco.Elysium.Hardcore-PLAZA 0Roleplayingoki5 years, 2 weeks11.92 GBNZB
WINBroken Lines-HOODLUM 0Roleplayingoki5 years, 2 weeks2.28 GBNZB
WINThe Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel III-CODEX 0Roleplayingoki4 years, 11 months17.83 GBNZB
WIN1Operencia The Stolen Sun Explorers Edition-CODEX 0Roleplayingoki4 years, 11 months11.44 GBNZB
WINFinal Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age MULTi9-ElAmigos 0Roleplayingoki4 years, 10 months24.66 GBNZB
WINTrials.of.Mana-CODEX 0Roleplayingoki4 years, 9 months16.52 GBNZB
WIN1Outward.The.Soroboreans-CODEX 0Roleplayingoki4 years, 8 months10.99 GBNZB
WIN1Pathfinder.Kingmaker.Definitive.Edition-CODEX 0Roleplayingoki4 years, 6 months25.31 GBNZB
WINTitan Quest Anniversary Edition MULTi12-ElAmigos 0RoleplayingThePingPong4 years, 3 months10.95 GBNZB
WIN1Pokemon: Sword/Shield v1.3.1 + 2 DLCs + Yuzu Emu for PC 2Roleplayingoki4 years, 2 weeks3.57 GBNZB
WINSummers.Gone.Season.1 18+ 0RoleplayingFlyingdutchman2 years, 2 days8.2 GBNZB
WINSims 2 Feest Accesoires 0Roleplayingsilfermoon1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINSims medival 0RoleplayingMrLuuk1 decade, 3 years16.04 GBNZB
WIN1Sims 3 NL 0RoleplayingLexi1 decade, 3 years5.05 GBNZB
WINSims 3 helemaal kompleet 0RoleplayingGekkoo1 decade, 2 years28.68 GBNZB
WINThe Sims 3 Into The Future-FLT 0RoleplayingKlieko221 decade, 1 year7.37 GBNZB
WIN2Sims 4 iso en Crack 0RoleplayingTed1 decade, 6 months9.29 GBNZB
WINSims 4 digital deluxe 0RoleplayingWASPIE1 decade, 2 weeks9.45 GBNZB
WINEverything-HI2U + Update.v20170422 0RoleplayingDINZM7 years, 10 months1.45 GBNZB
WIN!( 18 Plus ) Nymphomaniac: Sex Addict 1Roleplaying!glorieus1 month, 2 weeks11.98 GBNZB
WINGrand Theft Auto: San Andreas 0RoleplayingDoodskop1 decade, 4 years4.45 GBNZB
WINTropico 5 Codex 0RoleplayingJeroenbls881 decade, 9 months2.07 GBNZB
WINSuper Mario Fusion (PC portable) 0RoleplayingMarrrrrio1 decade, 3 years20.3 MBNZB
WINPrince of Persia The Forgotten Sands 0ActionTimmehhxx1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINDexter the Game 0ActionIenni1 decade, 4 years645.09 MBNZB
WIN1000 games vol.3 0Actionlonerfr1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINMega Emulator Pack 0ActionStruikrover091 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINMega MS-DOS Games Pack 0ActionStruikrover091 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WIN400+ zylom spellen 0Actionintosuwo1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINMessiah (1999) 0ActionTMT291 decade, 4 years840.82 MBNZB
WINTorchlight 0ActionCheckit2221 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINBorderlands [2009] 0ActionLeechnow1 decade, 5 yearsn/a    
WINBully: Scholarship Edition 0ActionFranz241 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINResident Evil 4 0Actionjohnvmf1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINHarry Potter En De Geheime Kamer NL 0Actionnis-gens1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINHarry Potter En de Steen Der Wijzen NL 0Actionnis-gens1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINHarry Potter En De Vuurbeker NL 0Actionnis-gens1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINHarry Potter En De Orde Van De Feniks NL 0Actionnis-gens1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINHarry Potter En De Gevangene Van Azkaban NL 0Actionnis-gens1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINRunaway A Road Adventure 0Actionmickrianne1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINRunaway 2 The Dream Of The Turtle 0Actionmickrianne1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINRunaway 3 A Twist Of Fate 0Actionmickrianne1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINChernobyl Terrorist Attack 0ActionPennyWafel1 decade, 3 years967.72 MBNZB
WIN1Final fantasy 8 0Actiondepartmentofusenet1 decade, 3 years2.23 GBNZB
WIN(Repost) Lord of the Rings Return of the King 0ActionInforo1 decade, 3 years1.85 GBNZB
WINBig Java Games Collection (mobile phone games) 0Actionsubmarinesspot1 decade, 4 years212.33 MBNZB
WINGTA4 Episodes From Liberty City 0ActionSuperjoshi1 decade, 3 years15.98 GBNZB
WINFar Cry 2 [ Razor1911 ] 0ActionJustino1 decade, 3 years4.1 GBNZB
WIN[Repost] Far Cry 2 0ActionJustino1 decade, 3 years4.2 GBNZB
WINDiablo 0ActionDouble-UD1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINDiablo 2 0ActionDouble-UD1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINFable The Lost Chapters 0Actiondoritowarrior1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINDungeons & Dragons: The Temple of Elemental Evil 0ActionBombvis1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINRise of the Argonauts 0ActionGrats571 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINThe Witcher 0Actionvancha1231 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINThe Witcher Enhanced Edition 0Actionsidewalker1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINDemigod 0Actionsidewalker1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINThe Witcher Enhanced edition 0Actionpicojero1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINFable - The lost chapters 0Actionxesior1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINStar Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy 0Actionmercenary1871 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINSplinter cell conviction 0Actionweoter1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINRed faction guerilla+dolby surround fix 0Actionsauer991 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINJust cause 2 0Actionsauer991 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINMass Effect 2 0ActionTimmehhxx1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINMonkey Island 1 (2009) 0ActionWodin1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINStar wars: knights of the old republic II - The Sith Lords 0Actionguitarz691 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINFable: the lost chapter 0Actionhoskids1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINGrand Theft Auto IV 0Actionhoskids1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINThe Elder Scrolls 4, Oblivion 0ActionMichelPastoor1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINSpider man: Web of Shadows 0Actionjohnvmf1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINStar Wars Battlefront 2 (+ multiplayer) 0Actionjohnvmf1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINMass Effect 2 0Actionsauer991 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINLord of the Rings Online F2P Client (EU) 0ActionDutchiePower1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINSeverance: Blade Of Darkness 0ActionTiemenistheman1 decade, 4 years580.23 MBNZB
WINPirates of the Caribbean - At Worlds End 0ActionLexxymans1 decade, 4 years1.86 GBNZB
WINThe Precursors (2011) 0ActionBomberman1 decade, 4 years5.51 GBNZB
WINGrand Theft Auto - San Andreas 0ActionPurkje1 decade, 3 years4.45 GBNZB
WINThe First Templar (Razor 1911) 0ActionSaltTheWound1 decade, 3 years4.8 GBNZB
WINFable 3 (2x DVD5) 0ActionNZBROYALTY1 decade, 3 years7.96 GBNZB
WINAlice.Madness.Returns 0Actionmmulders1 decade, 3 years8.51 GBNZB
WINAssasins Creed - Brotherhood 0ActionXsR1 decade, 3 years8.48 GBNZB
WINDungeon Siege III Limited Edition - Prophet 0ActionDanniet1 decade, 3 years4.25 GBNZB
WINDragon Age 2 0ActionRudy1 decade, 3 years8.37 GBNZB