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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
WINThe sims 3 basis 0roman1 decade, 4 years4.83 GBNZB
WINMass Effect 2 0ActionSmokeyw1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINAmiga 1200 Totaalpakket (voor installatie op IDE\Compactflash card) 0ActionCNNBD1 decade, 4 years983.97 MBNZB
WINMAME 0.143 ROMs 1Actionslipedd1 decade, 3 years30.36 GBNZB
WINCODMW3 0Actionduncanstel1 decade, 3 years47.56 GBNZB
WINRome total war en Babarian invasion 0Actionduckeend1 decade, 4 years2.93 GBNZB
WINAnno 1404 0Actionduckeend1 decade, 4 years3.49 GBNZB
WINDe sims 3 Collectie 0Strategyraymond981 decade, 3 years44.46 GBNZB
WINDe Sims 3 Compleet Pakket! 0Strategyraymond981 decade, 3 years78.02 GBNZB
WINProtrain perfect 2 met s-bahn berlijn addon erbij 0SimulationMult1Upload3r1 decade, 3 years2.22 GBNZB
WIN3Shift 2 cr@ck 0Racetaker1 decade, 3 years4.92 MBNZB
WINOddworld The Oddboxx *2010* 0Actionmickeyinda1 decade, 4 years6.35 GBNZB
WINAssasin's Creed Brotherhood SKIDROW 0ActionTomkey1 decade, 3 years8.96 GBNZB
WIN1Total War Shogun 2 READNFO-FLT 0ActionGamerX12551 decade, 3 years12.81 GBNZB
WINDragon Age 2.CloneDVD.PC Game-iND ( 2011 ) 0Actionmickeyinda1 decade, 4 years5.6 GBNZB
WIN1Battlefield 3 0ActionKayserili1 decade, 3 years10.78 GBNZB
WINBattlefield 3 (werkt en getest) 0ActionJordi19971 decade, 3 years14.9 GBNZB
WINStrength and Honour 2 0ActionJust_4_fun_Team1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
WINWings of Prey *2009* 0Actionmickeyinda1 decade, 4 years7.61 GBNZB
WINPainkiller Redemption *2011* 0Actionmickeyinda1 decade, 4 years2.17 GBNZB
WIN1Alien Breed Impact *2010* 0Actionmickeyinda1 decade, 4 years944.86 MBNZB
WIN1Hitman Blood Money (2006) 0ActionVeeGee1 decade, 3 years4.37 GBNZB
WINCrysis.2.CLONEDVD => zonder paswoord => zonder crack !! 0Actionjohan1 decade, 3 years7.54 GBNZB
WIN1Crysis 2 FLT 0Actioncrisis1 decade, 3 years1.89 MBNZB
WINThe godfather 2 PC 0ActionGlennvanderwal1 decade, 3 years8.25 GBNZB
WINThe sims 3 late night 0Adventureroman1 decade, 4 years6.58 GBNZB
WIN1Witcher 2 ( No Crack ) 0Adventureflexxlol1 decade, 3 years7.74 GBNZB
WINAlternativa *2010* 0Adventuremickeyinda1 decade, 4 years1.75 GBNZB
WINMoero Downhill Night Type R ( Downhill Night ) *2010* 0Adventuremickeyinda1 decade, 4 years2.44 GBNZB
WINWarhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising *2010* 0Strategymickeyinda1 decade, 4 years7.98 GBNZB
WINWarhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2: Retribution Expansion *2011* 0Strategymickeyinda1 decade, 4 years3.76 GBNZB
WINUniverse At War: Earth Assault 0Strategymickeyinda1 decade, 4 years4.48 GBNZB
WINTropico 4 (2011) 0Strategyboschie1 decade, 3 years4.25 GBNZB
WINJagged Alliance 2 Gold Pack *2002* 0Strategymickeyinda1 decade, 4 years1.46 GBNZB
WINTropico 4 0Strategyboschie1 decade, 3 years1.89 MBNZB
WIN2Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Nederlands - Incl. Uitbreidingen 0SimulationMrAnoniem1 decade, 3 years2.13 GBNZB
WINDe Sims 3 Compleet - Alle uitbreidingen! En extra's!!! NEDERLANDS 0SimulationLosCuentos1 decade, 3 years34.66 GBNZB
WINExtra PAR - De Sims 3 Compleet Nederlands - Alle uitbreidingen 0SimulationLosCuentos1 decade, 3 years1.08 GBNZB
WINNeed for Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed DjH PC.ISO 0RaceDoMMeL1 decade, 3 years6.8 GBNZB
WINSTCC The Game 2 0Raceboschie1 decade, 3 years3.95 GBNZB
WIN4CRYSIS 2 0Shootertintin1 decade, 3 years8.1 GBNZB
WINCall of Duty: Black Ops (2010) 0Shooterabee601 decade, 3 years8.26 GBNZB
WINPro cycling manager 2011 0SportPhille1 decade, 3 years4.19 GBNZB
WINFifa11 Full version PC.ISO 0SportDoMMeL1 decade, 3 years4.65 GBNZB
WINFIFA 2011 0Sportsnoop1231 decade, 3 years9.15 GBNZB
WINMSTS DVD 54 0SimulationMicroSG1 decade, 4 years4.47 GBNZB
WINMSTS DVD 54 (plus) 0SimulationMicroSG1 decade, 4 years4.48 GBNZB
WINMSTS DVD 55 0SimulationGuillaumpie1 decade, 4 years4.52 GBNZB
WIN1MSTS DVD 56 0SimulationGuillaumpie1 decade, 3 years4.5 GBNZB
WINMSTS DVD 57 0SimulationMicrosG1 decade, 3 years4.53 GBNZB
WINMSTS DVD 58 0SimulationMicrosG1 decade, 3 years1.52 MBNZB
WINFlight Simulator X : Acceleration addon 0SimulationDevanandOO1 decade, 3 years2.98 GBNZB
WINMSTS DVD 59 0SimulationMicrosG1 decade, 3 years4.8 GBNZB
WINShoot Many Robots [English][PC][RELOADED] 0ActionSteef4you1 decade, 2 years734.39 MBNZB
WINSplinter Cell - Blacklist (RELOADED) *2013* 0ActionKlieko221 decade, 1 year23.59 GBNZB
WINCabelas African Adventures - FLT 0ActionSoepkip1 decade, 1 year10.07 GBNZB
WINRise Of The Ravager [FINAL] 2013 (PC) ENG - Foxy Games 0ActionVonBessie1 decade, 1 year103.24 MBNZB
WINMortal Kombat X Proper-RELOADED 0ActionDiepvriezer9 years, 11 months35.52 GBNZB
WIN1GTA V Win 0ActionDarkNoodle9 years, 10 months488.18 MBNZB
WINWWe 2K15 - RELOADED 0ActionDiepvriezer9 years, 10 months22.09 GBNZB
WINShop It Up! 0ActionNightMare8 years, 4 months73.14 MBNZB
WINASSASSIN`S CREED 3 - BLACKBOX OOK NEDERLANDS (Install & play) 0ActionGamemaster1 decade, 1 year5.64 GBNZB
WINThe Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing-RELOADED 0Actionkmjansen1 decade, 1 year10.34 GBNZB
WINState of Decay 0ActionJanJezus1 decade, 1 year2.03 GBNZB
WIN*Harry Potter Collection* 0ActionGijsje1 decade, 1 year27.55 GBNZB
WINWatch Dogs Deluxe Edition Cracked-P2P 0ActionGRIZZ1 decade, 9 months2 KBNZB
WINMAFIA 2 - the game + alle dlc & packs ( verzoek ) 0Actionzildjianprog1 decade, 8 months5.94 GBNZB
WINAbyss.Odyssey-CODEX 0ActionJoep1 decade, 8 months1.03 GBNZB
WIN1Ryse: Son of Rome 0ActionJeroenn01 decade, 5 months55 BytesNZB
WIN1Ryse: Son of Rome Complete game + Update 1 0ActionJeroenn01 decade, 5 months55 BytesNZB
WINDead.Rising 2 Off The Record 0ActionDiepvriezer9 years, 11 months7.09 GBNZB
WINResident Evil 5 Gold Edition-PLAZA 0ActionDiepvriezer9 years, 11 months9.56 GBNZB
WINSpiderman 3 (PC-Game) 0ActionDefine8 years, 3 months4.54 GBNZB
WINSpiderman Friend Or Foe (PC-Game) 0ActionDefine8 years, 3 months2.25 GBNZB
WINSpiderman Shattered Dimensions (PC-Game) 0ActionDefine8 years, 3 months7.94 GBNZB
WINSpiderman Web Of Shadows (PC-Game) 0ActionDefine8 years, 3 months8.67 GBNZB
WINUltimate Spider-Man (PC-Game) 0ActionDefine8 years, 3 months905.11 MBNZB
WINThe Amazing Spiderman 1 (PC-Game) 0ActionDefine8 years, 3 months8.05 GBNZB
WIN1The Amazing Spiderman 2 (PC-Game) 0ActionDefine8 years, 3 months8.47 GBNZB
WIN5Hitman REPACK-CPY 0Actionmagnateking7 years, 11 months49.42 GBNZB
WIN1Song of Horror: Complete Edition (Episodes 1-5) FitGirl Repacks 0ActionRemy4 years, 6 months10.52 GBNZB
WINSpider-Man The Movie (PC-GAME) 0ActionDefine8 years, 3 months1.19 GBNZB
WINJUMANJI The Video Game 0ActionDefine5 years, 4 months2.45 GBNZB
WINPaw Patrol 0ActionBraakie19821 year, 6 months552.25 MBNZB
WIN1Enkelen Android Games 0ActionHoodlum9 years, 2 weeks6.52 GBNZB
WINStar Trek 2013 PC full game 0Actionredemption781 decade, 1 year5.17 GBNZB
WINGuardians of Middle-Earth 0ActionJeroenn01 decade, 1 year3.98 GBNZB
WINGuardians of Middle-Earth (Betere versie) 0ActionJeroenn01 decade, 1 year4.09 GBNZB
WINSuper Trench Attack v3.1 {Citp} 0ActionGijsjuh1 decade, 7 months65.71 MBNZB
WIN1Total War SHOGUN 2 Complete-PROPHET 0ActionDiepvriezer1 decade, 1 day19.93 GBNZB
WINGame of Thrones Episode 3-FLT 0ActionDiepvriezer9 years, 11 months6.06 GBNZB
WINAtari st falcon tos files 0Actionretroconsoles9 years, 9 months171.54 MBNZB
WIN1Jeff Wayne's - The War of the Worlds 0ActionHoodlum8 years, 11 months1.32 GBNZB
WINMetal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater (PAL Europe Met PS2 Emulator) 0ActionSolidSnake3 years, 11 months3.73 GBNZB
WINThere Is No Game - Wrong Dimension 0Actiondutchgabberlwd4 years, 3 months1.33 GBNZB
WINOrcs Must Die! - 2 - 0ActionWebslinger1 decade, 2 years3.1 GBNZB
WINDragon Age Inquisition 0ActionKonijntje1 decade, 2 months19.68 GBNZB
WINAtari st falcon diskettes 0Actionretroconsoles9 years, 9 months755.42 MBNZB
WIN*REPOST* Divinity II Ego Draconis 0ActionWeetjewel1 decade, 3 years6.16 GBNZB
WINDishonored - SKIDROW 0ActionNDSMan1 decade, 11 months6.04 GBNZB
WINAlien AI war Bundle 0ActionBinsearch1 decade, 3 years19.86 MBNZB
WINThe Ultimate Amiga Collection Part 2 0ActionXboxer21 decade, 1 year20.03 GBNZB
WINPS3 games streamen vanaf je PC! 0ActionWebslinger1 decade, 11 months254.33 MBNZB
WINDOS Game Collection 0ActionTMT338 years, 1 month9.99 GBNZB
WINTera - THE World of warcraft killer! game download + guide! 0ActionFreegamesandguides9 years, 4 months105.31 MBNZB
WINReal heroes firefighter PC 0ActionBulliewamel1 decade, 1 year217.94 MBNZB
WINEmergency 4 0ActionBulliewamel1 decade, 1 year1.7 GBNZB
WINSmugglers 5 - VACE 0ActionNDSMan1 decade, 11 months58.13 MBNZB
WINCommand & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight[Reloaded] 0ActionSD29031 decade, 2 years9.41 GBNZB
WINReturn to Castle Wolfenstein 44ActionBraakie19821 year, 1 month1.63 GBNZB
WIN2Wolfenstein 18ActionMvB3 months, 1 week2.5 GBNZB
WIN1Skyrim: Legendary Edition 0ActionSmekkos1 decade, 1 year12.58 GBNZB
WIN1LEGO Lord of the Rings - RELOADED 0ActionNDSMan1 decade, 11 months6.42 GBNZB
WINLEGO Harry Potter 5-7 - RELOADED 0ActionNDSMan1 decade, 11 months7.97 GBNZB
WINStranded Deep V0.0.2 X86/X64 0ActionRedDevil1 decade, 4 weeks418.47 MBNZB
WINStar Wars Spellen 0ActionMCTazMan7 years, 9 months857 KBNZB
WINDeer Hunter Tournament 0ActionBulliewamel1 decade, 1 year1.2 GBNZB
WINCarnivores Dinosaur Hunter Reborn (Windows) 0ActionDefine9 years, 5 months523.6 MBNZB
WINDelta Force Collection 0ActionTMT338 years, 2 months4.33 GBNZB
WINDishonored 0ActionMichel19901 decade, 2 years6.3 GBNZB
WINResident Evil Revelations-FLT 0ActionSmokalot1 decade, 1 year8.67 GBNZB
WINChaser 0Actionjohan19661 decade, 7 months1.33 GBNZB
WINSniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 1 (Windows) 0ActionDefine9 years, 6 months3.45 GBNZB
WINSniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2 (Windows) 0ActionDefine9 years, 6 months4.83 GBNZB
WIN1Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy (Windows) 0ActionDefine9 years, 6 months8.04 GBNZB
WINMad Dog McCree (old one, still funny) 0ActionMaster678 years, 3 months396.06 MBNZB
WINCrysis collection 0ActionTMT337 years, 6 months56.36 GBNZB
WINCrysis Quadrilogy 0ActionTMT334 years, 9 months30.03 GBNZB
WINWolfenstein 3D 20ActionBraakie19821 year, 1 month102.77 MBNZB
WIN1Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas Collection 5ActionMvB3 months, 1 week3.68 GBNZB
WINState of Decay: Year One Survival Edition 3ActionMvB3 months, 5 days2.13 GBNZB
WINOne Finger Death Punch - VACE 0ActionNDSMan1 decade, 11 months149.47 MBNZB
WINSyndicate (geen poespas, werkt prima) 0Actioncotax1 decade, 3 years7.76 GBNZB
WIN6x extreem moeilijke platform games. 0ActionNikJosuf1 decade, 1 year1.94 GBNZB
WINUltimate Pinball Platinum 0ActionHoodlum7 years, 4 months44.02 MBNZB
WINSniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army (FAIRLIGHT) 0ActionSentinel1 decade, 2 years4.6 GBNZB
WINGas Guzzlers - Reloaded 0ActionSoepkip1 decade, 1 year6.1 GBNZB
WINRed Faction: Armageddon (2011) 0Actionabee601 decade, 3 years4.64 GBNZB
WINCall of Duty: World at War + Hamachi VPN Tutorial 0ActionVPNgamer1 decade, 2 years6.29 GBNZB
WINCrysis 3 Digital Deluxe FULL UNLOCKED-SG 0ActionBlackwidow1 decade, 2 years15.48 GBNZB
WINFar Cry 4 Proper - RELOADED 0ActionDiepvriezer1 decade, 3 months30.01 GBNZB
WINWolfenstein The New Order-RELOADED 1ActionDiepvriezer9 years, 11 months46.09 GBNZB
WINNecroVision MULTi6-PLAZA 0ActionDiepvriezer9 years, 11 months8.13 GBNZB
WINHomefront Ultimate Edition (PC-DVD) 0ActionDefine8 years, 10 months8.05 GBNZB
WINGUNS GEAR Tank Offensive (PC-Game) 0ActionDefine8 years, 3 months1.42 GBNZB
WINUnreal Tournament III - Black Edition 0ActionMrRobot7 years, 2 weeks6.69 GBNZB
WINVerzameling Farm Games 0Child/youthhanshoek9 years, 9 months1 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 1) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.65 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 2) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.26 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 3) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.85 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 4) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.41 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 5) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.49 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 6) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.85 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 8) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.55 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 7) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.77 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 9) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.59 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 10) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.81 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 12) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.64 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 11) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.65 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 19) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.03 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 17) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.69 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 16) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.65 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 15) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.44 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 13) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.8 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 14) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.76 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 20) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.43 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 21) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.56 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 25) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.62 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 24) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.4 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 23) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 27) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.48 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 22) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.5 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 30) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.24 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 26) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.16 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 28) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.76 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 29) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.48 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 32) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.31 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 31) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.67 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 33) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months3.86 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 36) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.35 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 38) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.29 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 35) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.26 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 37) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.13 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 34) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.66 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 39) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.4 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 44) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months3.99 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 40) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.66 GBNZB
WIN1Big Fish Spellen (DVD 47) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.73 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 41) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.66 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 43) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.37 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 45) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months3.56 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 42) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months4.49 GBNZB
WINBig Fish Spellen (DVD 46) Speciaal op Verzoek! 0PuzzleHeavenFayth1 decade, 2 months3.87 GBNZB
WIN1Holiday Easter Pack 0PuzzleHoodlum8 years, 11 months806.86 MBNZB
WIN1Holiday Jigsaw Easter Pack 0PuzzleHoodlum8 years, 11 months482.39 MBNZB
WIN21001 Jigsaw World Tour - American Puzzles 0PuzzleHoodlum8 years, 8 months371.65 MBNZB
WIN1Brain Puzzle [FINAL] (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN2Spooky Bonus NL 0PuzzleHoodlum8 years, 4 months40.27 MBNZB
WIN1Mahjongg Dimensions Deluxe 2 - Tiles in Time (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN11Woodville Chronicles Deluxe 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months52.38 MBNZB
WIN11Yeti Quest - Crazy Penguins 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months27.24 MBNZB
WIN1Antique Mysteries Secrets of Howard's Mansion [FINAL] (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1Flux Family Secrets 2 (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1Fantasy Mosaics 18 Explore New Colors [FINAL] (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1Hotel Mahjong [FINAL] (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN2Amaranthine Voyage 7 [Final] (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1Puzzle Monkey [FINAL] (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1Country Town [FINAL] (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WINAge Of Emerald - Bouw je stad op Emeralds! 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months18.92 MBNZB
WINCrossroad Mysteries The Broken Deal [FINAL] (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WINSecrets of Olympus DeLuxe NL (match-3) 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months13.31 MBNZB
WINHet Boek van Verlangen 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months192.02 MBNZB
WINAlicia Griffith Lakeside Murder (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WINAzada - De Drie Werelden 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months612.22 MBNZB
WINAzada - Elementa Luxe Editie 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months1.06 GBNZB
WINDark Arcana - The Carnival DeLuxe 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months817.46 MBNZB
WINEternal Journey - Nieuw Atlantis 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months561.63 MBNZB
WINAnimal Planet - Sea Edition NL 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months476.78 MBNZB
WINChimeras - De Orgeldraaier Luxe Editie 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months1.01 GBNZB
WINChimeras 4 - Mortal Medicine CE 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months946.71 MBNZB
WINJourney - Het Hart van Gaia 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months504.29 MBNZB
WINTheatre of Shadows - Hartenwens 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months858.06 MBNZB
WINTwisted Lands - Het Begin 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months608.45 MBNZB
WINVampire Legends - Wat er echt in Kisilova gebeurde Luxe Editie 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months758.48 MBNZB
WINCatwalk Pups NL 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months53.59 MBNZB
WINDark Strokes - De Verloren Zoon 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months607.69 MBNZB
WINWhispered Secrets 6 - Song of Sorrow Collector's Edition 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months730.84 MBNZB
WINBlood Ties DeLuxe 0PuzzleNightMare8 years, 4 months48.77 MBNZB
WINGardens Inc. 2 The Road to Fame Platinum Edition (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WINLegendary Slide [FINAL] (basp) 0PuzzleBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WINHoyle (2013) Card Puzzle and Board Games 0Puzzledjcrazycoco1 decade, 1 year1.54 GBNZB
WINSkip-Bo Castaway Caper Windows-Kaartspelletje 0CardsLup631 decade, 1 year43.78 MBNZB
WINLucasArts Adventure Collectie + ScummVM 0AdventureWebslinger1 decade, 1 year850.37 MBNZB
WINLucasArts Adventure Collectie - ScummVM 0AdventureWebslinger1 decade, 1 year850.37 MBNZB
WINMonkey Island 1 t/m 4 - LucasArts 0AdventureWebslinger1 decade, 1 year2.66 GBNZB
WINGrim Fandango 0AdventureWebslinger1 decade, 1 year1.23 GBNZB
WINS T A L K E R Shadow of Chernobyl Trilogy (Repost) 0AdventureFlipM0d31 decade, 1 year14.18 GBNZB
WINPhantasmagoria 2 GOG 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.95 GBNZB
WINGrim Fandango 0Adventureh4d3z1 decade, 1 year1.27 GBNZB
WINLOST - the game ( via domus ) verzoek 0Adventurezildjianprog1 decade, 8 months5.57 GBNZB
WINGabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within 0AdventureAMN9 years, 4 months2.97 GBNZB
WINGabriel Knight 3 0AdventureAMN9 years, 4 months1.79 GBNZB
WIN2Alice Madness Returns - The Complete Collection (PC-DVD) 0AdventureDefine8 years, 10 months8.09 GBNZB
WIN2Manual Samuel [FINAL] (basp) 0AdventureBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1The King's Heroes [FINAL] (basp) 0AdventureBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1Schein [FINAL] (basp) 0AdventureBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1Fly and Destroy (basp) 0AdventureBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1The Queen Of Thieves [FINAL] (basp) 0AdventureBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1The Rivers of Alice Extended Edition [UPDATED FINAL] (basp) 0AdventureBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB
WIN1Killing Room (basp) 0AdventureBassie8 years, 4 months3 KBNZB