<< iOS Pluralsight.Ios.11.Fundamentals-XQZT
Category Applications
Date 6 years, 11 months
Size 1.18 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Pluralsight.Ios.11.Fundamentals-XQZT
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)                
Tag PingPong        
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Post Description

Developing for iOS is a valuable and in-demand skill, but if you
haven't developed in the Apple world before, it can be
surprisingly different. In this course, iOS 11
Fundamentals, you'll quickly get up and running using Xcode 9
and Swift 4 to build great iOS apps and tap into the latest
features in iOS 11. First, you'll see the tools and learn how to
create iOS apps with adaptive user interfaces that work on
multiple devices (including iPhone X). Then, you'll learn how to
manage iOS projects and define the building blocks of your own iOS
applications. Finally, you'll explore working with
data-driven controls and understand navigation options. By the end
of the course, you'll know current best practices, iOS
architecture, and the most important ideas you need to feel
comfortable bringing your developer skills into the iOS and Apple
developer world.

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Kijk op nzbserver.com hier kan je direct het NZB bestand downloaden.

Dit probleem wil wel eens voorkomen bij SpotLite gebruikers.

--Mijn Spots--

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