<< x264HD The motorway: life in the fast lane - Episode 3 of 4: The need for speed.
The motorway: life in the fast lane - Episode 3 of 4: The need for speed.
Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 5 months
Size 1.4 GB
Website http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04hfvcr
Sender Frank (CqnBw)                
Tag TvFreaks        
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Post Description

Episode 3 of 4: The need for speed.

Documentary series following the army of workers who keep the traffic
flowing on one of the busiest stretches of road in Britain - where the
country's longest motorway, the M6, meets four other major routes.
Meet the Highways Agency staff who scour 450 motorway CCTV cameras, on
the lookout for anything that that can cause a problem in this high-speed
environment. Whether it is a lost caravan wheel in the fast lane or a
broken-down sewage lorry straddling the slow lane, their mission is to
alert other drivers to the danger and to clear the lanes as quickly as possible.

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