<< WIN Acient Seal
Acient Seal
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Acient+Seal+-+tk
Sender Nico Haak
Tag Angelspots;NicoHaak        
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Post Description

Acient Seal

Ancient Seal is the fabulous new game that's similar to Mahjong,
with a real twist! It's one of the most popular games in Asia.

Ancient Seal is simple, but incredibly interesting! Moving-and-matching
various pieces will reveal the mysterious seal ; doing so will turn the
clock back and illuminate the past. This game has 168 levels; those brave
enough to explore the depths of time are in for an intensely rewarding
gaming experience. If you like Mahjong, you'll love Ancient Seal!

One of the most popular games in Asia
Mahjong-like, but with a twist
168 levels of fabulous game play

Installatie niet nodig, heb ik al voor je gedaan. uitpakken en spelen maar.

Getest op win7 32 en 64 bit

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