<< DVD5 Harlem Hostel (2010) NTSC
Harlem Hostel (2010) NTSC
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Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://imdb.com/title/tt0469094/
Sender Dutch Supervisor
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Post Description

Looking to make their dreams come true, three   
friends move from Queens to a decrepit Harlem
brownstone. But when they find themselves short on
cash, they turn their residence into an unlicensed
youth hostel to raise money for the rent. As an
endless stream of oddballs seeks shelter in their
house, the guys learn a few lessons about growing
up. Ramon Rodriguez, Rafael Sardina, Steven Leon
and Julissa Bermudez star in this indie comedy.

Ripper notes: Stripped warning only. Otherwise untouched.

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