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S7, Ep7
1 Nov. 2003 Beyond Guilt: Part 1
7.1 (45) Rate
Questions about a celebrated pathologist's accuracy in past cases leads to several exhumations; Sam Ryan is assigned to reexamine the remains. One particularly brutal murder conviction depends on the time of death being precise. Two crucial witnesses are found: one on her deathbed, anxious to get something off her chest, and the other dead behind a remodeled wall.
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2 Nov. 2003 Beyond Guilt: Part 2
7.1 (40) Rate
Sam is determined to find out how Dr. Sachs is able to pinpoint time of death so precisely, even if it means several convictions are overturned. A mother changes her plea to guilty, but Leo is still not satisfied that they have the truth. A loving daughter draws a picture for her prisoner dad that brings a confession. Dr. Sachs is found to have violated professional ethics, but what will serve the cause of justice best?
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