<< PS2 FlatOut 2 PS2 PAL
FlatOut 2 PS2 PAL
Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 2
Date 9 years, 9 months
Size 2.44 GB
Website http://www.ign.com/games/flatout-2/pc-759361
Sender Dick42 (t1jlxA)                
Tag Dick42        
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Post Description

The sequel to Bugbear Entertainments breakthrough racing game, FlatOut 2 is an over-the-top racing game where players experience the drive of their lives as they race around fully destructible environments in one of 16 fully customizable and upgradeable cars. Tracks are filled with crash hotspots, thousands of dynamics objects, risky but rewarding alternative routes, all designed with battle racing in mind. And battle you must as you take to the races against seven fierce AI opponents each complete with personal driving style and hidden agendas. Featuring even more craze in the form of destruction derbies and ragdoll stunt events, youll be punishing your poor driver in twelve ragdoll stunt events. Destruction fans will be delighted with full online support on all platforms.

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