<< x264HD Ookami Kakushi (Ookamikakushi)
Ookami Kakushi (Ookamikakushi)
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LanguageEnglish subtitles (available)
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Post Description

Main Title  :Ookami Kakushi
Type :TV Series, 12 episodes
Year: 08.01.2010 till 26.03.2010
Categories: Angst, Dark Fantasy, Horror, Seinen, Sudden Girlfriend Appearance, Thriller - similar
Rating (weighted): 5.77 (38)
Review Rating :5.50 (1)

Original Work: Konami Digital Entertainment, Ryuukishi07
Original Plan: Ryuukishi07
Direction: Takamoto Nobuhiro
Series Composition: Machida Touko
Animation Character Design: Watanabe Atsuko
Chief Animation Direction: Furukawa Hideki, Watanabe Atsuko
Music: Ozawa Takumi
Animation Work: AIC

Is it a god (kami)? Or a wolf (ookami)? A secret law in the old part of town ... brings together dread and mystery. It is the summer of Shouwa 58, 1983. Ten stories, intertwined by the idle thoughts of people caught in repeating nightmares ... what could possibly be the truth therein!?

A 16 year old boy, Kuzumi Hiroshi, started to live in a new town that is located in the mountains. The town is separated into new and old streets by the river, and many mysterious local cultures still remain. Although confused and enjoying his new life, one person kept her distance from him: class committee member Kushinada Nemuru. In their few encounters she gave him a word of advice: &#147;Stay away from the old streets&#148;.

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Audiotaal: Japans
Subs: Engels
Subteam: Formula

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