<< WIN Collectorz.com Music Collector Pro 9.3.3
Collectorz.com Music Collector Pro 9.3.3
Category Applications
GenreDatabase tools
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 10.08 MB
Website http://www.collectorz.com/
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Post Description

Collectorz.com Music Collector is the music edition of the Collectorz.com series of collection managers.                                                 
It organizes your CDs, LPs, MCs, MDs, etc... It is CDDB2 enabled, which means that you scan CDs in your CD-ROM drive and retrieve artist, title, year, label, genre, notes etc.. from CDDB servers on the internet. The Batch Scanning & Querying feature makes entering your CDs very quick and easy.

Its main screen offers a flexible Explorer-like view on your collection, letting you group, sort and filter the data in every possible way. It has a very comprehensive set of fields for both albums and tracks, including user-definable fields, enabling you to catalogue all information you want.

Imports databases created with the other Collectorz.com program MP3 Collector, so that you can view all your music related data in one program.

Other features: user configurable reports, CDPLAYER.INI and CDValet support, export to ASCII and HTML tables, graphical statistics on your data, integrated CDDB Music Browser etc...

The free Music Collector plugin for Quintessential Player (QCD3) allows QCD3 to read from and write to Music Collector databases directly, making MuC/QCD3 into the ultimate Music Cataloguing and Playing solution.

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