<< PS Raycrisis - Series Termination PS1 NTSC
Raycrisis - Series Termination PS1 NTSC
Category Games
Date 9 years, 8 months
Size 347.26 MB
Website http://www.ign.com/games/raycrisis/ps-14533
Sender Dick42 (t1jlxA)                
Tag Dick42        
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Post Description

An ambitious and unethical scientist, a secret experiment gone horribly awry an artificially-intelligent supercomputer gone mad. Combine them and you have the ingredients for th,e imminent extinction of mankind. You are humanitys last hope, a hotshot pilot given the unenviable task of flying an experimental fighter into the dark heart of the Con-Human Network. Choose from one of three Wave Rider vehicles, each equipped with a primary laser array, secondary lock-on lasers, and a devastating special weapon for emergency situations. RayCrisis  Series Termination is the final entry in Taitos acclaimed trilogy of shooters, and it goes out with a glorious bang, bombarding your boob tube with parallax scrolling, transparency and lighting effects, and more polygons than should be allowed by law. Two play modes let you choose your path through Con-Human, rack up the high scores to unlock nifty hidden bonuses.

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