Post Description
SBB - Blue Trance
The most well-known Polish band in the Seventies! SBB contains a rich variety of influences, which include symphonic prog with intricate and fully orchestrated arrangements. The acoustic guitar adds a very interesting texture. Beauty of the keyboard parts, romantic sonorities of the piano parts and careful, aerial vocal parts brought this group close to PINK FLOYD, CAMEL or GENESIS. Some of their albums were released in West Germany and Czechoslovakia, and they are now active again. "Follow My Dream" and "Welcome" are probably their two best.
The shorthand expression SBB was at first for Silesian Blues Band however later than for Szukaj - Burz - Buduj (Search - Break - Build up).
Studio Album, released in 2010
Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Etiuda Trance (3:18)
2. Los czlowieka (4:47)
3. Red Joe (6:28)
4. Swieto dioni (2:51)
5. Szczescie jak na dloni (5:04)
6. Pentatonica (Bonus track on Limited Edition only)
7. Doliny strumieni (5:01)
8. Karida Beach (4:16)
9. Going Away (Bonus track on Limited Edition only)
10. Blue Trance (3:44)
11. Musniecie kalimby (3:45)
12. Pamieci czas (4:39)
13. Coda Trance (4:57)
Line-up / Musicians
- Józef Skrzek / bass, piano, organ, micro moog, mini moog
- Apostolis Anthymos / guitars
- Gabor Nemeth / drums, percussion
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