<< WIN Reflection Software Solutions DiskAnalyzer Pro v3 5 (2011)-TusHengpEng
Reflection Software Solutions DiskAnalyzer Pro v3 5 (2011)-TusHengpEng
Category Applications
GenreOptimization software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 5.1 MB
Website http://www.diskanalyzerpro.com/
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

See all folder sizes on hard drive. Get disk space usage reports. 
Manage and Control Hard Disk Space Usage using DiskAnalyzer Pro
DiskAnalyzer Pro helps you to find largest folders and files on your hard drive. You will be able to view hard disk space consumption report grouped by file size, file types, ownership, file date and attributes. You can quickly drill down to folders consuming most of your hard disk space. Find duplicate files and proliferated media files (pictures, videos and music) from the hard disk drive.

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