<< MPG CCR - Oakland Arena 1970 VOB-file
CCR - Oakland Arena 1970 VOB-file
Category Image
Date 11 months, 2 weeks
Size 3.99 GB
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=CCR+-+Oakland+Arena+1970+VOB-file
Sender Dartajan (8ltaOg)                
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Ook deze heb ik zo gelaten en dus niets mee gedaan. Gewoon alle 4 de files aanklikken en dan met 
de VLC-speler afspelen. Gaat tie gewoon als een file aan de gang. Vuel plizier.

EMBARRASSED ON THE BAYOU — Oops, that smokin' Creedence Clearwater Revival album, "The Royal Albert Hall Concert", was not recorded at the famous London venue after all. In one of the greatest labeling faux pas in recent memory, Fantasy has now discovered that it had inadequately marked a master tape and the contents on the brilliant $5.98 live LP have been traced to a January 1970 CCR concert recorded at the Oakland Coliseum. Fantasy is now in the process of correcting album covers and labels for future pressings; meanwhile, interim copies will carry an explanatory sticker. When the new covers are ready, the album title will read "Creedence Clearwater Revival; The Concert". Those who have helped propel the bogus “Royal Albert Hall Concert" to #120 bullet on the Cash Box LP chart have a collector's item on their hands. Hats off to the Berkeley-based label for admitting the error.

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