<< WIN Harry Frank''s Cinematic Flares for Knoll Light Factory
Harry Frank''s Cinematic Flares for Knoll Light Factory
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://redgiantsoftware.com/products/all/cinematic-flares/
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Post Description

100 Breathtaking Flare Presets for Motion Graphics & Visual Effects
This collection of 100 Knoll flare presets makes it easy for you to add amazing cutting-edge visuals to film, still-imagery, music videos, motion graphics, and visual effects. If you&#146;re looking to create fresh and exciting lighting effects that will stun your clients and audience alike, this essential addition to your Knoll Custom Lens Library is a must-have.

* 100 cutting-edge Flare Presets that will blow your audience away.
* Works great for film, music videos, motion graphics, and visual effects.
* Designed for use on both video and still imagery.
* Add more versatility to your existing library of Knoll Custom Lenses.

System Requirements

Any host app that can run Knoll Light Factory or Knoll Light Factory for Photoshop can use the presets. This includes some versions of After Effects, Apple Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, Motion, Avid and Photoshop. You must have either Knoll Light Factory or Knoll Light Factory for Photoshop installed on your system. Visit: Knoll Light Factory Compatibility, Knoll Light Factory for Photoshop Compatibility.

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