<< NAV TomTom Southern Europe 905 4754
TomTom Southern Europe 905 4754
Category Applications
PlatformNavigation systems
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 1.07 GB
Website http://thefatboys.org
Sender Tazmaniac (YeHS7A)                
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Post Description

Full door to door navigation in the following countries is included:
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Canary Islands and the Vatican City.

IQ Routes (Intelligent Routing): ja
ALG (Advanced Lane Guidance): ja
ASR (Advanced Speech Recognition): ja
HNR (House Numbering): ja

Geschikt voor TomTom devices vanaf Navcore 9.0x

Grootte: 1,06 GB

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