<< NDS 4443 - Girls Only (E)
4443 - Girls Only (E)
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://dsspelletjesdownloaden.nl
Sender zon_jeroen
Tag FTDjeroen releaserom        
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Post Description

Girls Only is a collection of four full games with cute graphics, specifically designed for young girls.

Cat Nurturing Game: Take care of your cute little pet. Feed and pet her, play different games or even scold her majesty when sharpening the claws at your favorite armchair;

Dress Up Game: Put the dress and makeup on the models in a way to fit the actual event (background) the best. There is a wide range of dresses, tops, skirts, trousers, shoes, wigs, makeup tools and other accessories at your disposal for the job. While in Matching mode your task is to copy the given model?s appearance as much as possible, in Free mode nothing limits your creativity;

Room Decoration Game: set up your flat by choosing from dozens of different pieces of furniture and other accessories in two different game modes (Matching mode, Free mode);

Ice Cream Bar: a time management game where you need to serve the guests as fast as possible. As more and more different foods and drinks become available, there will be more guests to wait on as well.

Wij spotten alle games met plezier. Laat even een berichtje achter wanneer je iets meeneemt. Kudo's zijn voor mij een grote stimulans om door te gaan.

Vragen of zoek je iets (mits dit er niet al te veel zijn) graag via FTDmail.
Voor verzoekjes doe ik mijn uiterste best, maar kan niks beloven.[U]VRAAG NIET NAAR ANUBIS, WANT DIE IS ER NOG NIET!!![/U]

TIP: Doet de game het niet of heb je problemen met de game en/of je kaartje, ga dan naar de dsspelletjesdownloaden.nl

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Regio: Europees

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