<< MPG Kung Fu Master (2010)
Kung Fu Master (2010)
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Category Image
LanguageDutch subtitles (builtin)
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://shadow4u.com/showthread.php?6456-Kung-Fu-Master-(2010)
Sender masterew
Tag masterew;Shadow4u        
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Post Description

!!@@ Shadow4u presenteert @@!!

Actors: Yuen Biao, Bryan Leung

Genre: Action


Kung Fu Master follows Tan Zong, one of the greatest kung fu experts on the face of the Earth in the midst of what looks like
feudal China. He's just been offered a new job, as the drillmaster of the Grand Commandant. But since Tan Zong is a Buddhist, he's
not too interested in making ultrapowerful soldiers, so he intends to refuse the Grand Commandant's offer. The Grand Commandant,
meanwhile, isn't the type to take no for an answer, and as such, he plans a warm welcome for Tan Zong. Thus, in order to refuse
the Grand Commandant's offer honorably, he'll have to fight his way through a swarm of attackers to reach his goal and defeat a
host of villainous kung fu masters to protect his people.

formaat is 1 cd svcd Mpg2.
svcd is in bin cue bestand
makkelijk te branden op cd met nero of alcohol (probeer het eens).
ik post standaard 10% par mee.
ps na de nzb knop gedrukt te hebben zet de nzbprovider op binsearch vindt je het altijd.
typ daar dan de bestandsnaam in en klaar is klara.
ik post in alt.binaries.boneless en dvd.

met dank aan de orginele poster(Hannes3)

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Met vriendelijke groet shadow4u.

(We zijn een nieuw gezellig team begonnen heb je zin om mee te doen!)

en tot slot HAPPY LEECHING.

!!@@ wij wensen u veel kijkplezier @@!!

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