<< WIN Kerio Connect 7.1.4 p1
Kerio Connect 7.1.4 p1
Category Applications
GenreEmail software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 180.51 MB
Website http://www.kerio.com
Sender SDeath (yRU2yg)                
Tag SDeath        
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Post Description

Kerio Connect Release History
(previously Kerio MailServer)

+ Added feature
* Improved/changed feature
- Bug fixed
! Known issue / missing feature

Kerio Connect 7.1.4 Patch 1 - April 26, 2011
Kerio Connect
- Fixed stability problem in internal decoding module.

Kerio Connect 7.1.4 - March 7, 2011
Kerio Connect
+ Added support for Windows Phone 7.
+ Added support for Mail for Exchange client on Nokia mobile phones with Symbian^3.
+ Added support for Motoblur by Motorola, DROID 2 by Motorola and DROID X by Motorola.
+ Added support for iOS 4.2 mobile devices.
+ Added support for Debian 6.
* Improved synchronization speed and performance of CardDAV account configured through the Address Book configuration tool.
- Fixed BODY response in IMAP server.
- Fixed character set detection in iCalendar subscribed from the server.
- Shutdown process on Linux and Mac OS X could store some message indexes unreliably.
- Anniversary and all-day event was not synchronized properly from Mail for Exchange client on Nokia mobile phone.
- Attachment with a national characters in a name could not be opened in Mail for Exchange client on Nokia mobile phone.
- Fixed some performance and stability issues.

Kerio Connector for BlackBerry
- Fixed Connector configuration on server with enabled UAC.
- The BlackBerryAgent process could stop responding and cause high CPU usage.

Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition)
- Fixed detection of 64-bit Outlook and Click-To-Run Microsoft Office version.
- Fixed rare error in calendar search.
- Message reply sent from Kerio Outlook Connector could contain invalid email header.
- Outlook login could fail when the password is not saved in account settings.

Kerio WebMail
- Fixed expansion of distribution list referencing non-existent contacts in public folders.
- Return receipt request could not be issued if the user full name contained national characters.
- Reply to a message with HTML body containing embedded images could produce invalid HTML.

Kerio Web Administration
- Fixed Chinese translation.

Kerio Active Directory Extension
No change.

Kerio Open Directory Extension
No change.

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