<< WIN DxO - Optics Pro v7 1 24002 104 Elite Edition (2011)-tusHENGPeng
DxO - Optics Pro v7 1 24002 104 Elite Edition (2011)-tusHENGPeng
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 266.7 MB
Website http://www.dxo.com/intl/photo/dxo_optics_pro/introduction
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

DxO Optics Pro automatically improves              
image quality and pushes the limits
of cameras by correcting all faults
related to the lens and the sensor,
including noise removal. You can use
this user-friendly program to enhance
your pictures in no time.

Based on an extensive knowledge of
cameras and lenses properties this
multi-award winning program delivers
outstanding image quality even at
ultra high ISO and runs on JPEG or
RAW files.

The uniqueness of DxO Optics Pro lies
in its ability to perform the highest
quality corrections without human
intervention. Whether you want to
enhance your pictures in a single
click without having to bother
setting up sliders, or you want to
manually set up your own correction
parameters, DxO Optics Pro will meet
your need.

--||* Fijne dagen, unne Gooje Roetsj en een sprankelend 2012.. *||--

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