<< XBX Chronicles of Riddick
Chronicles of Riddick
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 2.6 GB
Website http://uk.xbox.ign.com/articles/519/519763p1.html
Sender Alex1111 (awKsDA)                
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When I first watched Pitch Black in 2000, I loved the vicious alien sci-fi flick despite its strict adherence to a well-traversed Alien formula. Who knew the quiet debut of Vin Diesel as the next super bad-ass would kick off an entire universe around its indifferent murderous anti-hero? I certainly didn't. What's more, I never expected Vivendi Universal Games to make a knockout first-person shooter starring the now notorious anti-hero. Which is exactly why The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay has summer sleeper hit written all over it. 

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