<< WIN Americas Army 2.5 assist
Americas Army 2.5 assist
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 3.57 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Americas+Army+2.5+assist
Sender Schmirak (O0CnGQ)                
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Post Description

America's Army is a game created by developers hired by the US Army. The game was basically a recruiting tool designed to show people what it's like to go through training to become a soldier and then take those skills learned to the digital battlefield. Developed and released on July 4, 2002, the game has gone through many updates. In 2009, America's Army 3 was released on Steam which was a complete re-working of the game. It was utter chaos. The bugs in AA3 have since been worked out and because of that, the previous version, America's Army 2 (AA2) was dropped entirely. This meant that the developers shut down the account and authorization systems making the game difficult to use.

• What is Assist?
Since the official servers were taken down, creative developer JonnyM enhanced his Assist program to include an account authorization system. Taking over the entire game, he was able to introduce new anti-cheat systems that previously weren't possible. Assist also includes the ability to run a server on both home and dedicated setups seamlessly. For more detailed info on how to use Assist, see the Assist FAQ and Getting Started guide.


Voor en door de liefhebbers van het oude Americas Army 2 is het spel weer draaiend gemaakt. Met dit kleine proggie kun je het spel downloaden, installeren en spelen (het lijkt een beetje op hoe Steam werkt). Om een account voor het spel te maken moet je, gratis, registreren op www.battletracker.com. Als je daar een oud account al hebt staan kun je zelfs je oude Honor terugkrijgen!

Het is een totaal gratis spel, en ik weet dat je het op de site kunt downloaden, maar ik wilde het op deze manier onder de aandacht brengen onder het mom; Hoe meer zielen, hoe meer vreugd! Ken je nog meer oude verslaafden? Hoort zegt het voort!

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