<< WinPh Emulators For Android
Emulators For Android
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Emulators+For+Android+by+thug
Sender doobieters
Tag emulator;gba;snes;android        
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Post Description


Presents emulators for android:

Android Arcade - Arcade Machine Emulator

Better Terminal Emulator Pro - A Terminal/ADB Emulator

Nesoid - NES Emulator

Snesoid - Snes Emulator

Gbcoid - Gameboy Colour Emulator

Gameboid - GBA Emulator

Gearoid - Game Gear/ Mastersystem Emulator

Gensoid - Genesis Emulator

Psx4Droid - PSX Emulator

Just copy the .apk to your device and install as usuall

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