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Battle Stations Mosquito Attack
During WWII, one airplane was equally at home at 30,000 feet on a reconnaissance mission as it was skimming over treetops while taking the fight to the enemy.
With a speed of over 400 mph, the Mosquito was so fast and maneuverable that Germany awarded pilots two kills if they shot one down. In the beginning, this incredible aircraft was riduculed.
Powered by two Rolls Royce Merlin engines, its revolutionary leap of design had no armor, no weapons, could carry the same bomb load as a B-17, and was built entirely of wood!
Yet by war's end, over 40 versions of this amazing aircraft were in use. Fly into the heat of battle on one of these wooden wonders--from bombing Berlin to flying at 10 feet against the dreaded Gestapo prisons; from night fighter against the Luftwaffe to pathfinder on D-Day.
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