<< WIN FSX - IRIS PRO - F-16D Lockheed-Martin Fighting Falcon
FSX - IRIS PRO - F-16D Lockheed-Martin Fighting Falcon
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 7 months
Size 190.64 MB
Website http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?9497-Iris-Releases-Pro-Series-F-16D-Fighting-Falcon
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Post Description

The IRIS Pro Series F-16D Fighting Falcon, designed by Triple Six Design Studio has been a labor of love for owner, Michael Hagele over the last two years. His attention to detail as well as his superb coding knowledge really makes this new product shine.

Michael has put together all the visual aspects, flight characteristics and systems for this fantastic product by himself, with the team at IRIS simply adding the necessary final touches.

Michael's attention to detail and knowledge of coding has really pushed a number of Flight Simulator boundaries, allowing us to provide functions to an F-16 simulation which previously have not been done, such as a working EPU system, true Fly-By-Wire system and for the first time in Flight Simulator history, a working Continuously Computed Impact Point (CCIP) system for accurate dropping of ordnance within Flight Simulator.

All these improvements have not come at a cost to system resources either! The aircraft visual model and systems have just a fraction of the system impact as other comparable products, allowing this F-16D to be enjoyed on a greater variety of user systems, something that was a fundamental key component in the design philosophy.

It is with great pride that we add this product to our catalog and provide it the 'Pro Series' branding, synonymous with superb quality from IRIS Flight Simulation Software.

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