<< Android Lucky Patcher 2.8.5 [root] - Verwijder Reclame, Licentie-controles (en meer) uit Apps!
Lucky Patcher 2.8.5 [root] - Verwijder Reclame, Licentie-controles (en meer) uit Apps!
Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 1.9 MB
Website http://lucky-patcher.netbew.com/
Sender copyitright (Moab0Q)                
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Post Description

Lucky Patcher 2.8.5 [root] - Verwijder Reclame, Licentie-controles (en meer) uit Apps!

:: ABOUT ::

Lucky Patcher is a great Android tool to bypass premium applications license verification, remove ads, modify Permissions, and more.

To use this application, you need a rooted device.

Although stable, functioning of Lucky Patcher can't be guaranteed at 100%.
So you are solely responsible of use of this application.
Under no circumstances Netbew be responsible for any problems caused to your device (rebooting loop, unstable system, etc...).


Version 2.8.5:

• Icons added.
• Bug to Android Apps fixed.
• Bug to Uninstall system apps fixed.
• if select "create odex for core.jar",
all dalvik cache update after reboot.
• Add reboot binary.
• Minor bugs fixed.

in-app screenshots:

- http://i.imgur.com/xithZcW.png
- http://i.imgur.com/wIfoQHw.png

Let op: De slagingskans hangt af van verschillende factoren.
Werkt de automatische patch-functie niet, probeer dan de manuele (enige kennis vereist).

Maak voor de zekerheid vooraf een backup (van je geinstalleerde apps).

Have fun! :-)

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