<< FLAC U2 2001-04-20 San Jose IEM
U2 2001-04-20 San Jose IEM
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Post Description

Country: USA
City: San Jose
Date: April 20, 2001
Place to be: San Jose Arena
Complete concert: yes
Sound quality: very good earpiece

Unknown generation cd-r> EAC> SHN

CD 1:
01. Intro
02. Intro Elevation
03. Elevation
04. Beautiful Day
05. Until the End of the World
06. New Year"s Day
07. Kite
08. New York
09. I Will Follow
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday
11. Stuck In a Moment
12. Intro Band
13. In A Little While
14. Angel of Harlem
15. Stay

CD 2:
01. All I Want Is You
02. Where the Streets Have No Name
03. Mysterious Ways
04. The Fly
05. Bullet the Blue Sky
06. With or Without You
07. Pride (In The Name of Love)
08. One
09. Walk On

This is an earpiece recording so the click clack noise is there! Hard in the quite songs and in the background of the louder songs.

Taken from The Edge"s or Adam"s earpiece (most likely Adam"s) a lot of drum and bass can be heard in this recording.
The Edge voice and guitar are most prominent. And this give sometimes strange results! Songs were you hear him sing normally the backing vocals, it sounds now like he"s singing the lead part and Bono is backing him! This can be heard very good New year"s day and Sunday bloody Sunday. There you hear what a beautiful voice The Edge has.

The minor result of the fact that The Edges guitar (and the other instruments of the band members) are prominent is that on some parts of the recording, the emotions and effects that Bono puts in the songs, are completely lost in the sound of the instruments. Sometimes you hear him barely. Songs like Kite and All I want is you, loose a lot of there impact.
But hearing the instruments loud en so clear in Walk on, really blow me away! What a song! And what an outstanding performance they did there!
(an other source, told me this song could be taken from Bono"s earpiece)

What happened?
The first major shake-up of the tour"s set list sees "Kite" make its debut. "Stay" shows up as the first "Zooropa" song ever performed on North American soil.
During his introductions Bono said "You"ve probably heard that singers are divas...no, I"d like to introduce you to my three bosses!" At which point he said that Adam"s main difficulty is interior decor, especially in the dressing room, and that The Edge derives sexual pleasure from putting together data. There The Edge whispered something in Bono"s ear, at which point bono said "Edge says my main difficulty is not having a stage, no doubt referring to my being vertically challenged."
A girl was brought onto stage to dance with Bono during "Mysterious Ways", and she really stole the spotlight with her moves. After dancing briefly with her, she did a twirl and began some hip-shaking, seductive moves on Bono, to which he smiled and backed away to give her the stage. Adam laugh as Bono asks, "Do all of you dance like that in the Bay Area?" She danced for awhile in a manner not unlike the belly dancer from Zoo TV, to which Bono referenced in the intro of the next song where he ad libbed a little lyric to the girl, something to the effect of "it"s been done before, but that"s okay, because you"re beautiful tonight."

Comments made by Willie Williams
"Its hard to know what to say about tonight"s show, other than that it was one of the great transcendental experiences. We changed the set list, including "Stay" for the first time on this tour and "Kite" for the first time ever, both of which were spectacularly successful. The whole night just flowed and it was all we could do to hang on. Afterwards Bono seriously claimed it was the best show of his entire career and much as we all know that Bono is not generally a man prone to understatement, I have never heard him say anything like that before. He told me it was the happiest he"d ever felt on stage. I was pretty damn happy too, being a home town gig and all (and Bono thanked me from the stage tonight, which was major Brownie points).
"What makes a show like tonight so great? Its hard to say, other than that the Eagle had landed, the Force was with us, Elvis was in the building.... The show in Atlanta was the first time we really sparked the fusion on this tour but what"s really odd is that practically every show since then has reached that same level of emotional/spiritual intensity. Something very tangible seems to be happening during these shows and its happening on a regular basis. Something "other", something greater than the sum of the parts arrives, creating some communal spirit, some energy feedback vortex, alpha rhythms on speed - I don"t know what it is, but we"ve been whipping it up in shed-fulls. Last night"s show was certainly on a par with anything else on the tour so far, but tonight"s show just eclipsed it... we were so high. Bono has long said that U2 shows are "drugs without drugs" - but if Zoo & Pop were LSD I think this
tour must be Ecstasy. And I"m not coming down."

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