<< MP3 Cosmic Hoffman - Shiva Connection(Cosmic Space)
Cosmic Hoffman - Shiva Connection(Cosmic Space)
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 6 months
Size 129.88 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Cosmic+Hoffman+-+Shiva+Connection%28Cosmic+Space%29
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Post Description

Cosmic Hoffman - Shiva Connection

Artist...............: Cosmic Hoffman
Album................: Shiva Connection
Genre................: New Age/Cosmic Space
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2000
Codec................: LAME 3.87
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Extreme, (avg. bitrate: 224kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz
Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3
Information..........: HEART and MIND

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Included.............: NFO, PLS, M3U
Covers...............: Front Back


01 - Shiva Connection (00:10:48)
02 - Interstellar Rollercoaster (00:20:16)
03 - Lightstar Rising (00:08:00)
04 - Space Arbour (00:12:48)
05 - A Few Miles Beyond Infinity (00:08:53)
06 - Hi-Flyin' Shiva (00:13:09)

Playing Time.........: 01:13:53
Total Size...........: 118.39 MB

The first Cosmic Hoffmann CD was something of a smash for us and was also a big favorite of mine so I was eagerly awaiting his second effort 'Shiva Connection'. Again Stephen Parsick (of Ramp) helps out. We open with the title track and it takes less than a minute for the first bass sequence to start to rumble forwards, getting louder and louder over a lovely thick cosmic backdrop. Three minutes in and the sequence is reaching something of earthquake proportions. A big smile is on my face as I realise that if anything this album is going to be even better than the first. The twenty minute 'Interstellar Roller-coaster sounds as if it is going to be something of a blast but initially we get metallic drones then a sort of electronic wailing.

Its all rather dark and sinister but then at two minutes a new sound is brought in and it is as if the sun has suddenly shone through a window and everything is transformed to a gentle tranquility. We float on the metallic pads for a further four minutes then a very fast sequence bursts forth becoming beefier with sonic splashes over the top. It then mutates into a slow drum pattern and another sequence builds underneath. Its all rather complex but mesmerizing. Things build and twist as a tidal wave of pulsating notes spew from the speakers. A rather Eastern lead line flashes over the top but even this becomes rather manic at times. Lovely Tron sounds swell in the background and become more dominant as the sequence fades to lower in the mix. The track hasn't stayed still for a minute as we career from one exciting twist to the next thrilling turn. Half way in things become rather tranquil but only for a little over a minute as a rhythm strikes up and again the foot goes full down on the accelerator. Oh boy I just know I haven't got enough of this CD in stock. This is amazing stuff!

Things change again as we go through a section that sounds rather Turkish to me but by know I wouldn't be surprised by anything. There are so many ideas here and they are all of genius proportions. Things now become rather distorted and cereal until we enter the final stage which is a beautiful section that could almost have come off TD's 'Alpha Centauri'. A lovely relaxed way to finish after the mayhem of before. After the opening blast provided by the first half hour of the album the next three numbers are much more atmospheric. 'Lightstar Rising' is a nice gentle track. It has a flutey introduction then we drift deep into the cosmos. Its one to just close your eyes and chill to. 'Space Arbour' initially continues in a similar fashion but then gets somewhat darker and powerful. At one point a celestial organ sound comes in and mixes with the cosmic backing to conjure up images of a celestial church. This is extremely vivid picture music.

'A few miles beyond infinity' is next. At three minutes in we get some TD 'Encore' type sounds but quickly move on into more cosmic regions again. With 'Hi-Flyin Shiva' the sequencer is re-introduced. Fantastic electronic shimmers abound out of which the sequence slowly emerges building all the time The feeling is one of restrained power, of calmness on the edge of chaos. So to sum up, this is all class stuff. The sequences on the first two and last tracks are all top notch and the sounds used throughout the entire album are retro heaven but with a bit of a hard edge to them at the same time. (DL)

Voor de liefhebbers/verzamelaars van space/synthesizer/ambient/chillout/(oldskool)electronic music.

Groet Nachtuil!!!

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