<< ePub Bladmuziek-Bluegrass Harmonica
Bladmuziek-Bluegrass Harmonica
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Date 1 decade, 3 years
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Bladmuziek-Bluegrass Harmonica by Mike Stevens (Book/CD Set)

Extraordinary harpist Mike Stevens has been named Central Canadian Bluegrass Entertainer of the Year five years in a row. In this book, he teaches all the techniques, tips and inside information you need to know to play bluegrass harmonica. He covers: holding the harp, lip pursing, tongue blocking, draw bending, vibrato, attacking the notes, wind chops, and a lot more. The CD features practice tunes for beginning, intermediate and advanced players, including two versions of some of the intermediate and advanced tunes: one at standard tempo, and one slowed down for easier learning.
Read more at http://ebookee.org/Mike-Stevens-Bluegrass-Harmonica_583368.html#evwcTGkf4bOolAqG.99
(64 pages)

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Enjoy, Sjembek.

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