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Chocó is the first movie of Jhonny Hendrix Hinestroza, a young afroamerican borned in Chocó, a low-income state in the pacific coast of Colombia.
Chocó is also the name of the main female character, a young woman who is encharged of raising alone her children. She works in a gold mine while her husband gets drunk and spends their earnings.
Chocó shows well the culture of this region, where women seem to be considered less than men and suffer their abuse constantly. What is worst is that this society is comfortable with that situation. Nevertheless, the movie could go deeper in the story and explore better the features of each character. The end is premature and leaves the story in a superficial plane.
In the small town where the movie develops there is minimum access to basic public services, a complete absence of technology, scarce job opportunities and no authorities. A recreation of what has been historically an abandoned zone in Colombia.
During the movie we can hear some of the beautiful typical songs of the region, inheritance of the African culture. The characters are played by natural actors that give more reality to this true movie. There are amazing images and a nice edition.
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