<< WIN Battlezone
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://uk.pc.ign.com/objects/003/003091.html
Sender Bombvis
Tag Bombvis        
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Post Description

This game is a successful, drop-dead gorgeous hybrid of real-time strategy, action, and lush sci-fi sim. The story takes you planet-hopping in pursuit of an alien culture and the destruction of The Other Side. The typical level requires establishing and defending a base, churning out a few offensive units (the game wisely limits them to ten), and kicking down an enemy base. A simple and very intuitive menu system is used to build and direct units from within the vehicle of your choice--you can use your mouse to select an onscreen object, or you can use number keys one through nine to order units you can't see to attack, defend objects, or to respond to a number of other commands.

General Features

Features classic arcade game, original graphics, original sounds, multiple difficulty levels for.

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