<< ePub How To Build Your Own Climbing Wall - Illistrated Instructions And Plans For Indoor And Outdoor Walls
How To Build Your Own Climbing Wall - Illistrated Instructions And Plans For Indoor And Outdoor Walls
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 59.92 MB
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Post Description

If you want to get a total body work out, climbing is the way to do it, and building your own climbing wall allows you to train and have fun any time you want, rather than having to drive to a climbing gym during open hours. How to Build Your Own Climbing Wall provides the essential information you need to plan and construct your own indoor or outdoor climbing wall, including step by step instructions, equipment lists, information on how to make your own holds, and specific building plans and design ideas for making your climbing wall make maximum use of the space you have.

Wachtwoord: TTwsMz

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