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Gegroet beste mensen,
Voor de netwerk-beheerders c.q. liefhebbers van programma's als Wireshark, Nmap, BackTrack en dergelijke heb ik dit keer iets héél moois in petto, namelijk:
WildPackets OmniPeek Enterprise 6.5 (Network Analyzer) 
Wat je hier mee kunt doen is op z'n zachtst gezegt . . .
Kijk nou, ik heb er gewoonweg geen woorden voor.
Reden genoeg om dit mooie stukje software 'ns goed aan de tand te voelen. Enjoy! 
OmniPeek gives network engineers real-time visibility and Expert Analysis into every part of the network from a single interface, including Ethernet, Gigabit, 10 Gigabit, 802.11a/b/g/n wireless, VoIP, and Video to remote offices. Using OmniPeek?s intuitive user interface and "top-down" approach to visualizing network conditions, network engineers?even junior staff?can quickly analyze, drill down and fix performance bottlenecks across multiple network segments, maximizing uptime and user satisfaction.
OmniPeek Enterprise is WildPackets' flagship product. It combines all of the features of the OmniPeek product line in one product, including support for local captures from multiple interfaces and connections to an unlimited number of distributed Omnipliance network recorders. It supports data collection from any network topology, including 10 Gigabit and Gigabit networks, and local matrix switches. OmniPeek Enterprise also provides advanced Voice and Video over IP functionality including signaling and Media analyses of voice and video, VoIP playback, voice and video Expert Analysis, Visual Expert, and more. OmniPeek Enterprise is ideal for IT organizations responsible for network analysis and network service level agreements (SLAs) for the entire organization. A license of OmniPeek Enterprise should be considered for each location that will be supported by a network engineering professional.
- WPA2 AES/CCMP decryption
- SSL decryption
- GPS time synchronization using OmniAdapters
- Windows Server 2008 support
- New and enhanced decoders
- New filters
- Filter grouping by folders
- Improved real-time and post capture monitoring and statistics performance
- Graph accuracy enhancements
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