<< WIN [Joomla] YOOtheme - Air
[Joomla] YOOtheme - Air
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://yootheme.com/demo/oct10/
Sender Zephyer
Tag Joomla        
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Post Description

Welcome YOOtheme?s latest template: Air! Its light design, flexible layout and large presentation area put your products and content right into perspective. The elegant menu bar looks great in combination with a wide screen background image in the header.

For Air we created a great variety of different colors, backgrounds and styles you never have seen before. You can combine 4 menu bar styles, 6 template colors, 8 background images that are individually optimized for every template color and 4 font-families to create a unique look. Of course you can also select out of our 12 presets to switch the design of your site very easily. Additionally we put a new date style for the ZOO Blog app and 2 new list styles into this template. Get Air and join the YOOtheme club today.
Feature list

* A variety of template color variations
* Lots of modules with color variations, endless combinations with icons and badges possible
* Built with the Warp5.5 template framework
* Utilizes different webfonts
* Compact size, using minified CSS/JS, gzip and data-URI?s
* Fully compatible with the latest Mootools Version 1.2
* Works with all YOOtools

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